< Lamentations 1 >

1 Jerusalem was [once] full of people, but now it is deserted. [Once] it was honored by people all over the world, but now it is [grieving/abandoned] like [SIM] a widow. [Once] it was [honored like] [MET] a princess [is honored] among the nations, but now [we who live here] have become slaves.
‌ʻOiau! ʻAe nofo lala pe ʻae kolo ʻaia naʻe pito ʻi he kakai! Kuo ne hoko ʻo hangē ko e fefine kuo mate hono ʻunoho! Ko ia, ʻaia naʻe lahi ʻi he ngaahi puleʻanga, pea hangē ko e ʻeiki fefine ki he ngaahi potu puleʻanga, kuo hoko ia ko e fai tukuhau!
2 We [PRS] weep bitterly [all] night long, with tears flowing down our cheeks. Among [the people in] all [the nations] that loved Jerusalem there are none that comfort us [now]. All [the rulers of those nations that were previously] our allies have betrayed us, and they are all now enemies [of the people of Jerusalem].
‌ʻOku ne tangi mamahi ʻi he pō, pea ʻoku ʻi hono kouʻahe ʻa hono loʻimata; ʻi heʻene ngaahi kaumeʻa kotoa pē, ʻoku ʻikai ha taha ke fakafiemālie ia: kuo fai kākā ʻa ʻene ngaahi kaumeʻa kotoa pē kiate ia, kuo nau hoko ko hono ngaahi fili.
3 [The people of] Judah have been (exiled/forced to go to other countries) and caused to suffer greatly as slaves. They live in [other] nations where they do not have peace/safety. Their enemies seized them, and there was no way for them to escape.
Kuo ʻalu ʻa Siuta ki he pōpula, koeʻuhi ko e mamahi pea koeʻuhi ko e ngāue lahi: ʻoku ne nofo mo e hiteni, ʻoku ʻikai te ne ʻilo ha fiemālie: naʻe maʻu ia ʻe he kau fakatanga kotoa pē ʻi he ngaahi potu lausiʻi.
4 The roads to Zion [Hill] are empty [PRS] because no one comes [here] to [celebrate] the sacred festivals. The city gates are deserted, and the priests groan. The young women [of Jerusalem] cry [because] they are suffering greatly.
‌ʻOku tangi ʻae ngaahi hala ʻo Saione, koeʻuhi ʻoku ʻikai ha niʻihi ke haʻu ki he ngaahi kātoanga mamafa: ʻoku lala hono ngaahi matapā kotoa pē: ʻoku mafulu ʻene kau taulaʻeiki, ʻoku mamahiʻia ʻene kau tāupoʻou, pea ʻoku ne ʻi he kona.
5 Our enemies have conquered the city, and [now] they prosper. Yahweh has punished [the people of] Jerusalem because of all the sins that they have committed. The children [of Jerusalem] have been captured and taken [to other countries].
‌ʻOku māʻolunga ʻa hono ngaahi fili, ʻoku tupu lelei hono ngaahi fili; he kuo fakamamahiʻi ia ʻe Sihova koeʻuhi ko e lahi ʻo ʻene ngaahi angahala: kuo ʻalu ʻene fānau ki he pōpula ʻi he ʻao ʻoe fili.
6 Jerusalem was a beautiful city, but it is not beautiful now. The leaders [of the city] are like [SIM] deer that are starving because of being unable to find any grass [to eat]. They are very weak, with the result that they are unable to run from their enemies.
Pea kuo mole ʻae hoihoifua kotoa pē mei he ʻofefine ʻo Saione: kuo hoko ʻa ʻene ngaahi houʻeiki ʻo hangē ko e fanga haʻate ʻoku ʻikai ke ʻilo ha potu ke kai, pea kuo nau hola taʻehamālohi ʻi he ʻao ʻo ia ʻoku tuli.
7 [The people of] Jerusalem are sad and scattered, and they think about the previous greatness of the city. [But now] our enemies have captured the city, and there is no one to help the people. Our enemies destroyed the city and laughed while they were doing that.
Naʻe manatu ʻe Selūsalema ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho ʻo ʻene mahaki mo ʻene ngaahi mamahi, ʻa ʻene meʻa mālie kotoa pē ʻaia naʻa ne maʻu ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho ʻi muʻa, ʻaia naʻe tō ʻa ʻene kakai ki he nima ʻoe fili, pea naʻe ʻikai ha tokoni kiate ia: naʻe mamata ʻae kau fili kiate ia pea nau taukae ki hono ngaahi ʻaho tapu.
8 [The people of] [PRS] Jerusalem have sinned very much; [it is as though] [MET] the city has become [like] a filthy [rag]. All those who [previously] honored the city [now] despise it, because they see that it has become very disgraced [MET]. Now [the people of] the city groan, and they cover their faces [because they are very ashamed].
Kuo fai kovi lahi ʻe Selūsalema ko ia kuo fetukutuku ai ia: ko kinautolu kotoa pē naʻe fakaʻapaʻapa kiate ia ʻoku nau manuki ki ai, koeʻuhi kuo nau mamata ki heʻene telefua: ʻio, ʻoku ne mafulu pea foki ki mui.
9 The city has become filthy because of [PRS] the sins that the people have committed; they did not think about what could happen to the city. [Now] the city has been destroyed, and there is no one to comfort [the people]. [The people cry out saying], “Yahweh, look at how we are suffering because our enemies have defeated us!”
‌ʻOku ʻi hono kapaʻi kofu ʻā ʻene ʻuli; ʻoku ʻikai ha manatu ʻiate ia ki hono ngataʻanga; ko ia naʻa ne tō hifo fakamanavahē: naʻe ʻikai ʻiate ia ha taha ke fakafiemālie. ʻE Sihova ke ke ʻafio ki heʻeku mamahi: he kuo fakahikihiki ʻe ia ia, ʻe he fili.
10 Our enemies have taken away all our treasures, all the valuable things that we owned. We have seen [soldiers from other] nations, [men who do not worship Yahweh], enter our sacred temple, [the place] where foreigners/non-Israelis were (forbidden/not allowed) to enter.
Kuo mafao ʻae fili ʻa hono nima ki heʻene ngaahi meʻa lelei kotoa pē: he kuo ne mamata naʻe hū ʻae hiteni ki hono potu tapu, ʻaia naʻa ke fekau, ke ʻoua naʻa nau hoko atu ki hoʻo kakai.
11 The people of the city groan while they search for food; they have given their treasures to get food [to eat] to remain alive. [They say], “Yahweh, look [at us], and see that we are despised!”
‌ʻOku mafulu ʻa ʻene kakai kotoa pē, ʻoku nau kumi mā, kuo nau foaki ʻenau ngaahi meʻa lelei ko e meʻakai, ke tokoni ʻae laumālie: “ʻE Sihova ke ke ʻafio pea vakai; he kuo u hoko ʻo fakalielia.”
12 You people who pass by, you do not [RHQ] seem to care at all [about what has happened to us]. Look around and see that there are no other [RHQ] people who are suffering like we are. Yahweh has caused us to suffer because he was extremely angry [with us].
“Ko ha meʻa noa pe eni kiate kimoutolu, ʻakimoutolu kotoa pē ʻoku ʻalu ange? Vakai, pea mamata, pe ʻoku ai ha mamahi ʻo hangē ko ʻeku mamahi, ʻaia ʻoku fai kiate au, ʻaia kuo fakamamahi ʻaki au ʻe Sihova ʻi he ʻaho ʻo hono houhau lahi.
13 [It is as though] he sent a fire from heaven [MTY] that burned in our bones; [it is as though] [MET] he has placed a trap for our feet, and has prevented us from walking any further. He has abandoned us; we are weak/miserable [every day], all day long.
“Kuo ne fakahifo mei ʻolunga ʻae afi ki hoku ngaahi hui, pea ʻoku ne mālohi ki ai: kuo ne fola ha kupenga ki hoku vaʻe; kuo ne fakatafokiʻi au ki mui: kuo ne ngaohi au ko e liʻaki mo e vaivai ʻi he ʻaho kotoa pē.
14 He caused the sins that we have committed to be [like] a heavy load for us to carry; [it is as though] [MET] he tied them around our necks. Previously we were strong, but he has caused us to become weak. He has allowed our enemies to capture us, and we were not able to do anything to resist them.
“Ko e noʻo ʻo ʻeku ngaahi angahala, kuo haʻi ʻaki hono nima: ʻoku nau fihi, pea ʻoku aʻu hake ki hoku kia: kuo ne pule ke hinga ʻa ʻeku mālohi, kuo tukuange au ʻe Sihova ki honau nima, pea ʻoku ʻikai te u mafai ke tuʻu hake.
15 Yahweh looked at our mighty soldiers and laughed at them. He has summoned a great army to [come and] crush our young soldiers. [It is as though] [MET] Yahweh has trampled on [us] people of Judah like [SIM] [people trample] on grapes in a pit [to make wine].
“Kuo malaki hifo ʻe Sihova ʻa ʻeku kau tangata mālohi kotoa pē, ʻi hoku haoʻanga: kuo ne ui ha fakataha kiate au ke taʻomia ʻeku kau talavou: kuo molomoloki ʻe Sihova ʻae tāupoʻou, ko e ʻofefine ʻo Siuta, ʻo hangē ʻi ha tataʻoʻanga uaine.
16 I weep because of [all] those things; my eyes are filled with tears. There is no one to comfort me; those who could encourage me are far away. Our enemies have conquered [us], so our children have nothing good to (hope for/expect to happen).
“Koeʻuhi ko e ngaahi meʻa ni ʻoku ou tangi; ko hoku mata, ko hoku mata ʻoku tafe hifo ʻi he vai, koeʻuhi ʻoku mamaʻo meiate au ʻae fakafiemālie naʻe totonu ke tokoni hoku laumālie: ʻoku liʻaki pe ʻeku fānau, koeʻuhi naʻe mālohi mai ʻae fili.”
17 [We people of] [PRS] Jerusalem reach out our hands [to get help], but there is no one to comfort us. Yahweh has decided concerning [us descendants of] Jacob that the people in nearby nations will become our enemies; so they consider that Jerusalem has become [like] [MET] a filthy rag.
“ʻOku mafao atu ʻe Saione ʻa hono nima, pea ʻoku ʻikai ha niʻihi ke fakafiemālie kiate ia: kuo fekau ʻe Sihova kia Sēkope, ke takatakai ia ʻe hono ngaahi fili: ʻoku hangē ha fefine mahaki ʻa Selūsalema ʻiate kinautolu.
18 But what Yahweh has done [to us] is fair, because we have rebelled against obeying the commands that he gave [us]. You people everywhere, listen [to us]; [look and] see that we are suffering [greatly]. We had [many] sons and daughters, but they have been captured and forced to go to distant countries.
“ʻOku māʻoniʻoni ʻa Sihova; he kuo u fai talangataʻa ki heʻene fekau; ʻoku ou kole kiate kimoutolu ʻae kakai kotoa pē fanongo, pea mou vakai ki heʻeku mamahi: kuo ʻalu ʻeku kau tāupoʻou mo ʻeku kau talavou ki he pōpula.
19 We pleaded with our allies [to help us], but they [all] refused. Our priests and our leaders have died [from hunger] in the city while they were searching for food [to eat] to remain alive.
“Ne u ui ki heʻeku kau mamana, ka naʻa nau kākaaʻi au: ko ʻeku kau taulaʻeiki mo ʻeku kau mātuʻa naʻa nau tukuange ʻa honau laumālie ʻi he kolo, ʻi heʻenau kei kumi meʻakai ke fakafiemālie honau laumālie.
20 Yahweh, see that we are suffering very much. [It is as though] our inner beings are tormented. We are sad [SYN] because we have rebelled [against you]. Our enemies kill people in the streets with their swords; people are dying [because they have no food to eat].
“ʻAfio mai ʻe Sihova, he ʻoku ou mamahi: ʻoku ngaue mamahi hoku fatu; kuo liliu hoku loto ʻiate au; he kuo u fai talangataʻa ʻaupito; ʻituʻa a ʻoku fakamasiva ʻe he heletā, pea ʻoku ʻi he loto fale ʻae mate.
21 People have heard us while we groaned, but no one [came to] comfort us. [Yahweh, ] you caused us to experience this [disaster], and our enemies are happy to see what you have done [to us]. But cause it soon to be the time that you have promised, when our enemies will suffer like we have suffered!
“Kuo nau fanongo ʻoku ou mafulu: ʻoku ʻikai ha taha ke fakafiemālie kiate au, kuo fanongo ʻa hoku ngaahi fili kotoa pē ki heʻeku mamahi; ʻoku nau fiefia koeʻuhi kuo ke fai ia: he te ke fakahokosia ʻae ʻaho kuo ke tuʻutuʻuni, pea te nau hoko pe ʻo hangē ko au.
22 [Yahweh, ] see all the evil things that they have done and punish them! [Punish them] like you have punished us for all the sins that we committed! [We say this to you] because we suffer and groan very much, and we (faint/are very sad).
“Tuku ke hoko ki ho ʻao ʻa ʻenau ngaahi angahala kotoa pē; pea ke fai kiate kinautolu, ʻo hangē ko ia kuo ke fai kiate au, koeʻuhi ko ʻeku ngaahi angahala kotoa pē: he ʻoku lahi ʻeku mafulu, pea ʻoku vaivai hoku loto.”

< Lamentations 1 >