< Lamentations 5 >

1 Yahweh, think about what has happened to us. See that we have been disgraced.
Kia mahara, e Ihowa, ki te mea kua pa nei ki a matou: tirohia mai, kia kite ai koe i to matou ingoa kino.
2 Foreigners have seized our property, [and now] they live in our homes.
Kua riro to matou wahi tupu i nga tangata ke, o matou whare i nga tautangata.
3 [Our enemies] have killed our fathers; they caused our mothers to become widows.
He pani matou, kahore he matua, ko o matou whaea ano he pouaru.
4 [Now] we are required to pay for water to drink, and we must pay [a lot of money] for firewood.
Na te moni i inu wai ai matou; ko a matou wahie he mea hoko.
5 [It is as though] those who pursue us are at our heels; we are exhausted, but they do not allow us to rest.
Kei runga kei o matou kaki o matou kaiwhai: e mauiui ana matou, kahore he tanga manawa mo matou.
6 In order to get enough food [to remain alive], we went to Egypt and Assyria and offered to work [for the people there].
Kua hoatu e matou te ringa ki nga Ihipiana, ki nga Ahiriana, kia makona ai matou i te taro.
7 Our ancestors sinned, and now they are dead, but we are being punished for the sins that they committed.
I hara o matou matua, a kua kore; a kua whakawaha e matou o ratou he.
8 [Officials from Babylon] who were [previously] slaves [now] rule over us, and there is no one who can rescue us from their power.
Ko nga pononga o matou rangatira: kahore he kaiwhakaora mo matou i o ratou ringa.
9 When we roam around in the desert searching for food, we are in danger of being killed, because people there kill strangers with their swords.
E tata mate matou ka whiwhi ai i te taro, i te hoari hoki o te koraha.
10 Our skin has become hot like [SIM] an oven, and we have a very high fever because we are extremely hungry.
Mangu ana o matou kiri ano he oumu, i te wera ngau kino o te hemokai.
11 [Our enemies] have raped the women in Jerusalem, [and they have done that to] the young women in [all] the towns of Judea.
Taea ana e ratou nga wahine o Hiona, nga wahine i nga pa o Hura.
12 [Our enemies] have hanged our leaders, and they do not respect our elders.
Ko nga rangatira, taronatia ake e to ratou ringa; kihai nga kanohi o nga kaumatua i whakahonoretia.
13 They force our young men to grind [flour] with millstones, and boys stagger while they [are forced to] carry [heavy] loads of firewood.
Ko nga taitama kei te waha i te huri, hinga ana nga tamariki i te pikaunga wahie.
14 [Our] elders no longer sit at the city gates [to make important decisions]; the young men no longer play their musical [instruments].
Ko nga kaumatua i nga kuwaha kua kore, me te waiata hoki a nga taitama.
15 We [SYN] are no longer joyful; instead of dancing [joyfully], we now mourn.
Kua mutu te koa o o matou ngakau, kua puta ke ta matou kanikani hei uhunga.
16 The wreaths [of flowers] have fallen off our heads. Terrible things have happened to us because of the sins that we committed.
Kua taka te karauna o to matou mahunga; aue, te mate mo matou! kua hara hoki matou.
17 We [SYN] are tired and discouraged [IDM], and we cannot see well because our eyes are [full of tears].
Na reira whakaruhi noa iho o matou ngakau; na enei mea pouriuri ana o matou kanohi.
18 Jerusalem is [completely] deserted, and jackals/wolves prowl around it.
Na te maunga hoki o Hiona kua ururuatia nei, e haereerea nei e nga pokiha.
19 But Yahweh, you rule forever! You continue to rule [MTY] from one generation to the next generation.
Pumau tonu koe, ake ake, e Ihowa; ko tou torona kei tera whakatupuranga, kei tera whakatupuranga.
20 [So] why [RHQ] have you forgotten us? Why [RHQ] have you abandoned us for a very long time?
He aha koe i wareware tonu ai ki a matou? he aha koe i whakarere ai i a matou, a roa noa iho nga ra?
21 [Please] enable us to return to you, and enable us to prosper [MTY] as we did previously.
Whakatahuritia atu matou ki a koe, e Ihowa, a ka tahuri matou: whakahoutia o matou ra, kia rite ki o mua.
22 Please do that, because we hope that [RHQ] you have not rejected us forever and that [RHQ] you do not continue to be extremely angry with us!
Otiia kua tino whakakahore rawa koe ki a matou, e tino nui ana tou riri ki a matou.

< Lamentations 5 >