< Joshua 5 >

1 All the kings of the people-groups to the west of the Jordan River and all the kings of the groups who were descendants of Canaan and who lived close to the [Mediterranean] Sea heard about how Yahweh had dried up the water of the Jordan [River] until all we Israeli people had crossed over. So they became very dismayed. They no longer were courageous enough to fight us.
И бысть егда услышаша царие Аморрейстии, иже бяху об ону страну Иордана, и царие Финическии, иже бяху близ моря, яко изсуши Господь Бог Иордан реку пред сыны Израилевыми, внегда преходити им, и истаяша мысли их, и ужасошася, и не бяше в них смышления ни единаго от лица сынов Израилевых.
2 While [they were camped at Gilgal], Yahweh said to Joshua, “[The Israeli males who lived in Egypt were circumcised before they left there. Now] make knives from flint stones and circumcise all the Israeli males [who have been born since then].”
В сие же время рече Господь Иисусу: сотвори себе ножи каменны от камене остраго, и сед обрежи сыны Израилевы второе.
3 So Joshua [made knives and] circumcised the Israeli males at a place that is now called ‘Circumcision Hill’.
И сотвори Иисус себе ножи каменны остры и обреза сыны Израилевы на месте нареченнем Холм обрезания.
4 [The reason they did that is that all the men who left Egypt], those who were old enough to be soldiers, died in the desert after they left Egypt.
И тако обреза Иисус сыны Израилевы: елицы тогда родишася на пути, и елицы тогда не обрезани быша от изшедших из Египта, всех сих обреза Иисус: вси людие изшедшии из Египта мужеска полу, вси мужие ратнии измроша в пустыни на пути, внегда изыдоша из Египта:
5 They had been circumcised in Egypt, but the baby boys who had been born while their parents were camping in the desert after they left Egypt had not been circumcised.
яко обрезани быша вси людие изшедшии, вси же людие, иже родишася в пустыни на пути, егда изыдоша из Египта, не обрезани быша:
6 Our Israeli ancestors traveled around in the desert for 40 years, and all the men who were old enough to be soldiers had died. [The women had also died]. They had not obeyed Yahweh, so Yahweh said that they would not arrive at the land that he had promised to our ancestors that he would give to us, a land that was very fertile [MTY].
четыредесять бо и два лета хождаше Израиль в пустыни Мавдаритиде: сего ради не обрезани быша мнози от тех воинов изшедших из земли Египетския, не послушавшии заповедий Господних, имже и определи Господь не видети земли, еюже клятся Господь отцем их дати нам землю кипящую медом и млеком:
7 The sons of those who had disobeyed Yahweh were the ones whom Joshua circumcised at Gilgal. They were circumcised because they had not been circumcised [while they were traveling in the desert].
вместо же сих постави сыны их, ихже обреза Иисус, яко скончаныя плоти бяху им, яко родишася на пути не обрезани:
8 After all the Israeli males had been circumcised, they remained in the camp and rested until their wounds were healed.
обрезавшеся же покой имяху тамо седяще в полце, дондеже исцелишася.
9 Then Yahweh said to Joshua, “[Because your forefathers were slaves in Egypt], the Egyptians felt a revulsion toward you. But today I have removed the revulsion the Egyptians have had toward you.” Because of that, the people called the place ‘Gilgal’, [which sounds like the Hebrew word ‘removed’, ] and it still has that name.
И рече Господь Иисусу: в днешний день отях поношение Египетско от вас. И нарече имя месту тому Галгала, даже до сего дне.
10 In the evening of the fourteenth day of that month, while the Israeli people were camped at Gilgal, on the plain near Jericho [city], they celebrated the Passover [Festival].
И ополчишася сынове Израилевы в Галгалех и сотвориша Пасху в четвертыйнадесять день месяца от вечера на западе на поли Иерихонстем,
11 The next day, they found some barley grain in the fields in that area. So they took that and roasted it and ate it with bread that was made without yeast.
и ядоша от пшеницы земли оноя опресноки и новая:
12 The next day, [God] stopped [sending] manna for the Israeli people to eat. After that, they ate food that was grown in Canaan.
в той день преста манна, повнегда ядоша от пшеницы земли, и ктому не бысть сыном Израилевым манны: но ядоша от плодов земли Финическия в лето оное.
13 One day when Joshua came near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him. The man was holding a sword in his hand. Joshua approached him and asked him, “Are you [going to fight] for us or against us?”
И бысть егда бяше Иисус у Иерихона, и воззрев очима своима, виде человека стояща пред ним, и мечь его обнажен в руце его. И приступив Иисус, рече ему: наш ли еси, или от сопостат наших?
14 The man replied, “I am not [planning to fight with you] or [against you]. Instead, I am the commander of Yahweh’s army [in heaven], and I have come [down from there to assure you that Yahweh will help you].” Then Joshua bowed down with his face on the ground (to show his respect for/to worship) the man, and said to him, “Tell me what [you want me to do].”
Он же рече ему: аз архистратиг силы Господни, ныне приидох (семо). И Иисус паде лицем своим на землю и поклонися ему, и рече: господи, что повелеваеши рабу твоему?
15 The commander of Yahweh’s army replied, “Take off your sandals! [I am Yahweh, and] the ground on which you are standing is holy because I am here.” So Joshua took off his sandals.
И рече архистратиг Господень ко Иисусу: иззуй сапог с ногу твоею: место бо, на немже ты стоиши, свято есть. И сотвори Иисус тако.

< Joshua 5 >