< Joshua 19 >

1 The second/next tribe that was allotted land was the tribe of Simeon. Each clan in that tribe was allotted some land that was inside the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Judah.
Toinen arpa tuli Simeonille, simeonilaisten sukukunnalle, heidän suvuillensa; ja heidän perintöosansa tuli olemaan keskellä Juudan jälkeläisten perintöosaa.
2 Their land included the towns of Beersheba ([which is also named] Sheba), Moladah,
Heidän perintöosakseen tuli: Beerseba, Seba, Moolada,
3 Hazar-Shual, Balah, Ezem,
Hasar-Suual, Baala, Esem,
4 Eltolad, Bethul, Hormah,
Eltolad, Betul, Horma,
5 Ziklag, Beth-Marcaboth. Hazar-Susah,
Siklag, Beet-Markabot, Hasar-Suusa,
6 Beth-Lebaoth, and Sharuhen. Altogether there were 13 towns and the surrounding villages.
Beet-Lebaot ja Saaruhen-kolmetoista kaupunkia kylineen;
7 The land allotted to them also included the four cities of Ain, Rimmon, Ether, and Ashan, and their surrounding villages.
Ain, Rimmon, Eeter ja Aasan-neljä kaupunkia kylineen;
8 They were also allotted some very small villages in an area that extended south to Baalath-Beer (which is [also named] Ramah, in the southern desert). That was the land allotted to the clans of the tribe of Simeon.
sitten kaikki ne kylät, jotka ovat näiden kaupunkien ympärillä, aina Baalat-Beeriin, Etelämaan Raamaan, saakka. Tämä on simeonilaisten sukukunnan, heidän sukujensa, perintöosa.
9 The tribe of Judah had been allotted much more land than they needed, so part of their land was given to the tribe of Simeon.
Juudan jälkeläisten osasta saivat simeonilaiset perintöosansa, sillä Juudan jälkeläisille oli heidän osuutensa liian suuri; niin simeonilaiset saivat perintöosansa heidän perintöosansa keskeltä.
10 The third/next tribe that was allotted land was the tribe of Zebulun. Each clan of that tribe was allotted some of the land. The southern border started at Sarid [city].
Kolmas arpa nousi sebulonilaisille, heidän suvuillensa, ja heidän perintöosansa alue tuli ulottumaan Saaridiin saakka.
11 It extended west to Maralah [city] and on to Dabbesheth [city], and on to the brook just north of Jokneam [city].
Länteen päin nousee heidän rajansa Maralaan, koskettaa Dabbesetia ja sitä puroa, joka on Jokneamin itäpuolella.
12 The border extended east from Sarid to the area near Kisloth-Tabor [city] and on to Daberath [town] and on to Japhia [town].
Itään päin, auringonnousuun päin, kääntyy raja Saaridista Kislot-Taaborin alueelle ja jatkuu Daberatiin ja nousee Jaafiaan.
13 From there it extended east to Gath-Hepher [city] and Eth-Kazin [town], and north to Rimmon [city]. From there the border extended [west] to Neah [town].
Sieltä se kulkee itään päin, auringonnousuun päin, Gat-Heeferiin ja Eet-Kasiniin ja jatkuu Rimmoniin, joka ulottuu Neegaan.
14 From Neah it extended south to Hannathon [city] and from there to Iphtah-El Valley.
Sitten raja kääntyy sen pohjoispuolitse Hannatoniin ja päättyy Jiftah-Eelin laaksoon.
15 Their area included the towns of Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Idalah, and Bethlehem. Altogether there were twelve towns and the surrounding villages.
Kattat, Nahalal, Simron, Jidala ja Beetlehem-kaksitoista kaupunkia kylineen.
16 That was the land that was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Zebulun.
Tämä on sebulonilaisten, heidän sukujensa, perintöosa, nämä kaupungit kylineen.
17 The fourth/next tribe that was allotted land was the tribe of Issachar. Each of the clans of that tribe was allotted some of the land.
Neljäs arpa tuli Isaskarille, isaskarilaisille, heidän suvuilleen.
18 Their land included the cities of Jezreel, Kesulloth, Shunem,
Ja heidän alueellaan tuli olemaan Jisreel, Kesullot, Suunem,
19 Hapharaim, Shion, Anaharath,
Hafaraim, Siion, Anaharat,
20 Rabbith, Kishion, Ebez,
Rabbit, Kisjon, Ebes,
21 Remeth, En-Gannim, En-Haddah, and Beth-Pazzez.
Remet, Een-Gannim, Een-Hadda ja Beet-Passes;
22 The border of the area that was allotted to the tribe of Issachar was close to Tabor, Shahazumah, and Beth-Shemesh [cities], and ended [in the east] at the Jordan [River]. Altogether there were 16 cities and the surrounding villages.
ja raja koskettaa Taaboria, Sahasimia, Beet-Semestä, ja heidän rajansa päättyy Jordaniin-kuusitoista kaupunkia kylineen.
23 Those cities and villages were in the land allotted to the clans of the tribe of Issachar.
Tämä on isaskarilaisten sukukunnan, heidän sukujensa, perintöosa, kaupungit kylineen.
24 The fifth/next tribe that was allotted land was the tribe of Asher. Each of the clans in that tribe was allotted some of the land.
Viides arpa tuli asserilaisten sukukunnalle, heidän suvuillensa.
25 Their land included the towns of Helkath, Hali, Beten, Acshaph,
Ja heidän alueellaan tuli olemaan Helkat, Hali, Beten ja Aksaf,
26 Allammelech, Amad, and Mishal. The western border started at Carmel [Mountain] and Shihor-Libnath.
Alammelek, Amad ja Misal; ja lännessä raja koskettaa Karmelia ja Siihor-Libnatia,
27 From there it extended [southeast] to Beth-Dagon [town], and then to [the area that was allotted to the tribe of] Zebulun and Iphtah-El Valley. From there the border extended east and then north to Beth-Emek [town] and Neiel and Cabul [towns].
kääntyy sitten auringonnousuun päin Beet-Daagoniin ja koskettaa Sebulonia ja Jiftah-Eelin laaksoa pohjoisessa, Beet-Eemekiä ja Negieliä ja jatkuu Kaabulin pohjoispuolitse
28 From there it extended west to Abdon, Rehob, Hammon, and Kanah [cities], and continued to Sidon, which is a big city.
Ebroniin, Rehobiin, Hammoniin ja Kaanaan, aina suureen Siidoniin saakka.
29 From there the border extended south toward Ramah and to the big city of Tyre that had strong walls around it. From there the border extended [west] to Hosah [town] and ended at the [Mediterranean] Sea. Within their area were the towns of Aczib,
Sitten raja kääntyy Raamaan ja menee Tyyron varustettuun kaupunkiin saakka; sitten raja kääntyy Hoosaan ja päättyy mereen, Heebelistä Aksibiin.
30 Ummah, Aphek, and Rehob. Altogether there were 22 towns and their surrounding villages.
Umma, Afek ja Rehob-kaksikymmentä kaksi kaupunkia kylineen.
31 Those cities and villages were within the land that was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Asher.
Tämä on asserilaisten sukukunnan, heidän sukujensa, perintöosa, nämä kaupungit kylineen.
32 The sixth/next tribe that was allotted land was the tribe of Naphtali. Each of the clans in that tribe was allotted some of the land.
Kuudes arpa tuli naftalilaisille, naftalilaisten suvuille.
33 The border of their land started [in the west] at the [huge] oak tree at Zaanannim, near Heleph [town]. It extended [east] through Adami-Nekeb [city] and Jabneel, and then to Lakkum, and ended at the Jordan [River].
Ja heidän rajansa tuli kulkemaan Heelefistä, Saanannimin tammesta, Adami-Nekebin ja Jabneelin kautta Lakkumiin asti ja päättyy Jordaniin.
34 The western boundary extended through Aznoth-Tabor as far as Hukkok [city]. It extended to the borders of [the tribe of] Zebulun at the south, to [the border of the tribe of] Asher on the west, and the Jordan [River] at the east.
Ja raja kääntyy länteen päin Asnot-Taaboriin ja jatkuu sieltä Hukkokiin ja koskettaa etelässä Sebulonia, lännessä Asseria ja idässä Juudaa Jordanin luona.
35 [Within their land were] several cities with strong walls around them. They were Ziddim, Zer, Hammath, Rakkath, Kinnereth,
Varustettuja kaupunkeja ovat: Siddim, Seer, Hammat, Rakkat, Kinneret,
36 Adamah, Ramah, Hazor,
Adama, Raama, Haasor,
37 Kedesh, Edrei, En-Hazor,
Kedes, Edrei, Een-Haasor,
38 Iron, Migdal-El, Horem, Beth-Anath, and Beth-Shemesh. Altogether there were 19 cities and the surrounding villages.
Jireon, Migdal-Eel, Horem, Beet-Anat ja Beet-Semes-yhdeksäntoista kaupunkia kylineen.
39 Those cities and surrounding villages were in the land that was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Naphtali.
Tämä on naftalilaisten sukukunnan, heidän sukujensa, perintöosa, kaupungit kylineen.
40 The seventh/last tribe that was allotted land was the tribe of Dan. Each of the clans in that tribe was allotted some of the land.
Seitsemäs arpa tuli daanilaisten sukukunnalle, heidän suvuilleen.
41 Their land included the towns of Zorah, Eshtaol, Ir-Shemesh,
Heidän perintöosansa alueella tuli olemaan Sora, Estaol, Iir-Semes,
42 Shaalabbin, Aijalon, Ithlah,
Saalabbin, Aijalon, Jitla,
43 Elon, Timnah, Ekron,
Eelon, Timna, Ekron,
44 Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Baalath,
Elteke, Gibbeton, Baalat,
45 Jehud, Bene-Berak, Gath-Rimmon,
Jehud, Bene-Berak, Gat-Rimmon,
46 Me-Jarkon, Rakkon, and the area near Joppa.
Mee-Jarkon ja Rakkon, ynnä Jaafoon päin oleva alue.
47 But the people of the tribe of Dan were unable to take control of the land that had been allotted to them. So they went [northeast] and fought against the people in Leshem [city]. They defeated and killed all the people who lived there. Then they began to live in Leshem, and changed the name of the city to Dan, the man from whom their tribe descended.
Mutta daanilaisten alue joutui heiltä pois. Niin daanilaiset lähtivät ja taistelivat Lesemiä vastaan ja valloittivat sen ja surmasivat miekan terällä sen asukkaat ja ottivat sen omaksensa ja asettuivat sinne. Ja he antoivat Lesemille nimen Daan, isänsä Daanin mukaan.
48 All of those towns and surrounding villages were in the land that was allotted to the clans in the tribe of Dan.
Tämä on daanilaisten sukukunnan, heidän sukujensa, perintöosa, nämä kaupungit kylineen.
49 After the Israeli leaders divided the land among the tribes, they allotted some land to Joshua.
Kun israelilaiset olivat saaneet jaetuksi maan sen rajoja myöten, antoivat he Joosualle, Nuunin pojalle, perintöosan keskuudessaan.
50 They allotted to him Timnath-Serah. Yahweh had said that he could have whatever city he wanted, and that was the city that he chose. It was in the hilly region which was allotted to the tribe of Ephraim. Joshua rebuilt the city and lived there.
Herran käskyn mukaisesti he antoivat hänelle sen kaupungin, jota hän pyysi, Timnat-Serahin Efraimin vuoristossa. Ja hän rakensi uudestaan kaupungin ja asettui sinne.
51 Those were the areas that were allotted to the various tribes of Israel. Eleazar the Supreme Priest and Joshua and the leaders of each tribe divided up the land while they were all at Shiloh, by (casting lots/throwing marked stones) [to decide which area each tribe would receive]. They did that while Yahweh was watching, at the entrance of the Sacred Tent. In that way they completed dividing up the land.
Nämä ovat ne perintöosat, jotka pappi Eleasar ja Joosua, Nuunin poika, ja israelilaisten sukukuntien perhekunta-päämiehet jakoivat arvalla Siilossa Herran edessä, ilmestysmajan ovella. Niin he lopettivat maan jakamisen.

< Joshua 19 >