< Joshua 17 >

1 [This is a list of] the land that was allotted to the tribe of Manasseh. Manasseh’s oldest son was Makir and his grandson was Gilead. Makir’s descendants were great warriors, so the lands in the Gilead and Bashan regions were allotted to their clan.
Manase te premye pitit gason Jozèf. Se konsa yon pòsyon nan tè a vin pou moun fanmi Manase yo. Maki, papa Galarad, te premye pitit gason Manase. Se te yon vanyan sòlda. Se konsa yo te ba li peyi Galarad ak peyi Bazan.
2 Land was also allotted to the other clans of the tribe of Manasseh: The clans of Abiezer, Helek, Asriel, Shechem, Hepher, and Shemida.
Apre sa, yo bay fanmi lòt pitit Manase yo yon pòsyon nan tè a, dapre kantite moun yo te genyen: yon pòsyon pou pitit Abyezè yo, yon pòsyon pou pitit Elèk yo, yon pòsyon pou pitit Asriyèl yo, yon pòsyon pou pitit Sichèm yo, yon pòsyon pou pitit Efè yo, yon lòt pòsyon pou pitit Chemida yo. Se moun sa yo ki te branch fanmi pitit gason Manase, pitit Jozèf la.
3 Hepher’s son Zelophehad had no sons, but he had five daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.
Nan branch fanmi Manase a, te gen yon nonm yo te rele Zelochad. Se te pitit gason Efè. Efè sa a te pitit Galarad, Galarad te pitit Maki, Maki te pitit Manase. Zelochad pa t' gen pitit gason menm. Se fi ase li te fè. Men ki jan yo te rele: Mala, Noa, Ogla, Milka ak Tiza.
4 They went to Eleazar the Supreme Priest, and to Joshua and to the other Israeli leaders. They said, “[We want you to give us some land, because] Yahweh told Moses that he should give to us some land, just like you gave to the men.” So Eleazar did what Yahweh had commanded, and he allotted to them some land, just like he allotted to their uncles.
Yo vin jwenn Eleaza, prèt la, Jozye, pitit gason Noun lan, ak tout chèf yo. Yo di yo konsa: -Seyè a te bay Moyiz lòd pou l' te ban nou yon pòsyon nan tè a, tankou tout moun nan fanmi an. Se konsa, jan Seyè a te bay lòd la, yo ba yo yon pòsyon pou yo tankou tout moun nan fanmi papa yo.
5 So the tribe of Manasseh eventually had ten sections [of land west of the Jordan River] and [two sections, ] Gilead and Bashan, on the east side of the Jordan [River].
Konsa yo te rive bay moun Manase yo dis pòsyon tè, san konte peyi Galarad ak peyi Bazan ki lòt bò larivyè Jouden an,
6 So those female descendants of Manasseh also were allotted land [on the west side of the river] just like the men were allotted. The other parts of the Gilead area were allotted to the male descendants of Manasseh.
paske pitit fi Manase yo te resevwa yon pòsyon apa pou yo tankou pitit gason l' yo. Men, yo te bay peyi Galarad la pou lòt pitit Manase yo.
7 The land allotted to the tribe of Manasseh was between the land where the tribe of Asher lives and Michmethath [town], near Shechem [city]. The border extended south to the Tappuah Spring.
Men limit tè yo te bay moun Manase yo. Li konmanse bò tè moun Asè yo, li rive lavil Mikmetat, anfas Sichèm, sou bò solèy leve. Li vire desann bò sid nan direksyon Jamen nan peyi moun Antapwak yo.
8 The land near the Tappuah area belonged to the tribe of Manasseh, but the town of Tappuah, which was at the border of the land that was allotted to the tribe of Manasseh, was allotted to the tribe of Ephraim.
Tout peyi Tapwak la te pou moun Manase yo. Men, lavil Tapwak ki sou fwontyè a te pou moun Efrayim yo.
9 The border [of the land allotted to the tribe of Manasseh] extended south to Kanah Gorge. From there it extended [west] along the north side of the gorge and ended at the [Mediterranean] Sea.
Limit la desann nan ravin Kana a, li pase sou bò nò ravin lan epi l' al bout nan lanmè. Tout lavil ki te sou bò sid ravin lan, atout yo te nan mitan tè moun Manase yo, se pou moun Efrayim yo yo te ye.
10 The land on the south side of the gorge belonged to the tribe of Ephraim, and the land on the north side belonged to the tribe of Manasseh. The western border of the land allotted to the tribe of Manasseh was the [Mediterranean] Sea. To the north, the border of their land extended from the land allotted to the tribe of Asher [at the northwest] to the land allotted to the tribe of Issachar [at the northeast.]
Moun Efrayim yo te anba sou bò sid, moun Manase yo te anwo sou bò nò, avèk lanmè Mediterane a sou bò solèy kouche. Pòsyon tè yo a te rive sou lizyè tè moun Asè yo sou bò nò ak lizyè tè moun Isaka yo sou bò lès.
11 But there are cities inside the area allotted to the tribes of Issachar and Asher. Those cities, along with their surrounding villages, were allotted to people from the tribe of Manasseh. These cities are Beth-Shan, Ibleam, Dor (which is also named Naphoth-Dor, ) Endor, Taanach, and Megiddo.
Nan mitan pòsyon tè ki te vin pou moun Isaka yo ak moun Asè yo, yo te bay moun Manase yo lavil Bèt-Chean ak tout ti bouk ki sou lòd li yo, moun ki rete lavil Ibleyam, lavil Dò ki bò lanmè a, lavil Andò, lavil Tanak, lavil Megido ak tout ti bouk ki te sou lòd yo.
12 The men of the tribe of Manasseh were not able to force the people who lived in those cities to leave, so the people of the Canaan people-group continued to live in those cities.
Men, moun fanmi Manase yo pa t' kapab mete moun ki t'ap viv nan lavil sa yo deyò. Se konsa moun Kanaran yo te rive rete nan peyi a.
13 But [years later] when the Israelis became better [warriors], they forced the Canaan people-group to work for them as slaves, although they did not force them to leave the land.
Men, lè moun Izrayèl yo vin pi fò, yo pa mete yo deyò nan peyi a, yo sèlman fòse yo fè kòve pou yo.
14 The people of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh said to Joshua, “You allotted to us only one area of land, but there are a lot of us. Yahweh has blessed us very much [with the result that our tribe has grown very large]. So why did you give us only a small part of the land [RHQ]?”
Moun fanmi Jozèf yo di Jozye konsa: -Poukisa se yon sèl pòsyon ou ban nou nan tè a pou rele nou pa nou? Nou anpil wi. Seyè a pa manke beni nou.
15 Joshua replied to them, “[I agree that] you do not have enough land in the hilly area of the tribe of Ephraim. So, since you have a lot of people, I will allot more land to you, in the hilly region. But you will have to [cut down the trees] in the forest [and] make a place for yourselves in the land where the Periz and Repha people-groups live.”
Jozye reponn yo: -Si nou anpil, si mòn nan peyi Efrayim yo pa ase pou nou, se pou n' moute nan gwo rakbwa ki nan peyi moun Ferezi yo ak moun refrayim yo, n'a koupe bwa fè plas pou nou.
16 The people of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh replied, “It is true that the land in the hilly area is not big enough for us, but the Canaan people-group who live in the lowlands, in Beth-Shan and the surrounding villages in that area, and in the Jezreel Valley, have iron chariots, [so we will not be able to defeat them]!”
Moun fanmi Jozèf yo di l' ankò: -Mòn lan pa kont pou nou. Lèfini, moun Kanaran ki rete nan plenn yo gen cha an fè pou fè lagè. Moun Kanaran ki rete Bèt Chean ak nan ti bouk ki sou lòd yo, ansanm ak sa ki rete nan plenn Jizreyèl yo gen menm kalite cha a tou.
17 Joshua replied to them, “Your tribe is very numerous and very powerful. So I will allot more land for you in the hilly area,
Jozye di moun Jozèf yo, ki vle di moun Efrayim yo ak moun Manase yo: -Nou anpil vre. Nou gen anpil fòs. Nou pa ka rete ak yon sèl pòsyon tè.
18 but you will have to cut down the trees in order to make a place for you to live. [It is true that] the Canaan people-group are strong and have iron chariots, but you will be able to force them to leave that valley.”
Tout mòn yo ap pou nou. Malgre se yon gwo rakbwa yo ye. N'a koupe bwa yo, epi n'a pran tout zòn lan nèt pou nou. Pou moun Kanaran yo menm, atout nou wè yo gen cha ki fèt an fè, atout yo fò a, rive yon lè, n'a mete yo deyò.

< Joshua 17 >