< Joshua 14 >

1 Eleazar the Supreme Priest, Joshua, and the leaders of the [twelve] tribes repeated what land would be allotted to each of the Israeli tribes in Canaan.
А ово је што добише наследство синови Израиљеви у земљи хананској, што разделише у наследство Елеазар свештеник и Исус син Навин и поглавари породица отачких по племенима синова Израиљевих,
2 Yahweh had told Moses many years previously in what way he wanted the division of the land to be decided. Moses had already declared that two and a half tribes would be allotted land on the east side of the Jordan [River]. Joseph had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. [Half of the tribe descended from Manasseh was allotted land on the east side of the Jordan, along with the tribes of Reuben and Gad]. The people belonging to the nine and a half other tribes [on the west side of the Jordan River] threw (lots/stones that had been marked) to decide which land each tribe would receive. The tribe of Levi was not allotted any land. They received only towns [that already existed], towns in which to live, and (pastures/fields of grass) for their animals.
Жребом делећи им наследство, као што заповеди Господ преко Мојсија, међу девет племена и половину племена.
Јер Мојсије даде наследство двема племенима и половини племена с ове стране Јордана, а Левитима не даде наследство међу њима.
Јер синова Јосифових беху два племена: Манасијино и Јефремово, и Левитима не даше део у земљи, осим градова у којима ће живети и подграђа њихових за стоку њихову и за благо њихово.
Како беше заповедио Господ Мојсију, тако учинише синови Израиљеви и поделише земљу.
6 One day some men from the tribe of Judah went to Joshua while he and all the Israelis were at Gilgal. Among those men was Jephunneh’s son Caleb. He said to Joshua, “[I am sure that] you remember what Yahweh said to the prophet Moses about you and me when we were at Kadesh-Barnea.
А синови Јудини дођоше к Исусу у Галгал, и рече му Халев син Јефонијин Кенезеј: Ти знаш шта је казао Господ Мојсију слузи Божјем за ме и за те у Кадис-Варнији.
7 I was 40 years old at that time. Moses sent me [and you and some other men] to explore this land. When we returned, I gave to Moses a true report [IDM] about what we had seen.
Било ми је четрдесет година кад ме посла Мојсије слуга Господњи из Кадис-Варније да уходим земљу, и јавих му ствар, како ми је било у срцу.
8 The other men who went with us [gave a report that] caused the people to be afraid [IDM]. But I fully/completely believed [that] Yahweh [would enable us to take the land from the people who lived there].
А браћа моја што иђоше са мном уплашише срце народу; али се ја једнако држах Господа Бога свог.
9 So on that day, Moses solemnly promised me, ‘[Some of] the land on which you walked will become yours. It will belong to your descendants forever. I am giving it to you because you fully trusted in Yahweh, my God.’
И закле се Мојсије онај дан говорећи: Заиста земља по којој си ходио ногама својим, допашће теби у наследство и синовима твојим довека; јер си се сасвим држао Господа Бога мог.
10 “Now Yahweh has done for me what he promised. Forty-five years have passed since Moses said that to me during the time that we were wandering around in the desert. And just like Yahweh promised, he has kept me alive and well all during that time. Now I am eighty-five years old.
А сада, ето, сачува ме Господ у животу, као што је рекао; има већ четрдесет и пет година како то рече Господ Мојсију, кад Израиљ иђаше по пустињи; и сад, ето, има ми данас осамдесет и пет година.
11 I am as strong today as I was on the day that Moses sent me [to explore this land]. I am as ready to fight now as I was then.
И данас сам јоште крепак, као што сам био кад ме је Мојсије слао; крепост ми је и сад онаква каква је била онда за бој и да одлазим и долазим.
12 So please give me the hilly area that Yahweh promised to give to me at that time long ago. At that time, you heard [me say] that the Amalek people-group lived there. You heard me say that their cities were large, and they had walls around them [to protect them from attacks by their enemies]. But now, Yahweh will help me, and as a result I will force them to leave, just like Yahweh said would happen.”
Зато дај ми сада ову гору, за коју је говорио Господ у онај дан; јер си чуо у онај дан да су онде Енакими и градови велики и тврди; да ако буде Господ са мном, те их истерам, као што је Господ казао.
13 So Joshua [asked God to] bless Caleb, and he gave to Caleb [the city of] Hebron.
И Исус га благослови, и даде Хеврон Халеву сину Јефонијином у наследство.
14 Previously that city was called Kiriath-Arba, because Arba was the greatest man among the Amalek people-group. Hebron still belongs to the descendants of Caleb, because Caleb completely/fully trusted in Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], and obeyed him. After that happened, there was (peace/no battles) in [Canaan] land [for many years].
Зато припаде Хеврон Халеву сину Јефонијином Кенезеју у наследство до данашњег дана, јер се једнако држао Господа Бога Израиљевог.
А име Хеврону беше пре Киријат-Арва, а Арва беше велик човек међу Енакимима. И земља почину од рата.

< Joshua 14 >