< Joshua 13 >

1 When Joshua was very old, Yahweh said to him, “Joshua, you are now an old man, but there is still a lot of land [for your army] to capture.
Josue was eld and of greet age; and the Lord seide to him, Thou hast woxe eld, and art of long tyme; and largeste lond is left, which is not yit departid bi lot;
2 Here is a list of the land that remains: The Geshur region and all the area where the Philistia people-group live;
that is, al Galile, Filistiym, and al Gessuri,
3 the area where the Canaan people-group live, from the Shihor River [in the south] at the [eastern] border of Egypt, to Ekron [city] in the north; the rulers of the five [cities] of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron; the area where the Avva people-group live,
fro the troblid flood that moistith Egipt, `til to the termes of Acaron ayenus the north; the lond of Chanaan, which is departid `in to fyue litle kyngis of Filistym, of Gaza, and of Azotus, of Ascolon, of Geth, and of Accaron.
4 which is south of the area where the Canaan people-group live;
Forsothe at the south ben Eueis, al the lond of Canaan, and Maara of Sidonyes, `til to Affetha, and to the termes of Amorrei, and the coostis of hym;
5 the area where the Gebal people-group live; and all the Lebanon area east of Baal-Gad [city] at the bottom of Hermon Mountain, as far as Lebo-Hamath.
and the cuntrei of Liban ayens the eest, fro Baalgath, vndur the hil of Hermon, til thou entrist into Emath,
6 All the people of the Sidon people-group live in the hilly area from Lebanon to Misrephoth-Maim, but I will force them to leave that area before you Israelis arrive there. Be sure to give that area to the Israeli people when you divide the land among them, like I told you to do.
of alle men that dwelliden in the hil, fro the Liban `til to the watris of Masserephoth, and alle men of Sidon; Y am, that schal do awei hem fro the face of the sones of Israel; therfor come it in to the part of eritage of Israel, as Y comaundide to thee.
7 Divide all that land among the nine Israeli tribes and half of the tribe of Manasseh, [the tribes that do not have land on the east side of the Jordan River].”
And thou now departe the lond in to possessioun to the nyne lynagis, and to the half lynage of Manasses,
8 Half of the tribe of Manasseh and the tribes of Reuben and Gad had already been told what land they would receive, because Moses, the man who served Yahweh [well], had already assigned to them the land on the east side of the Jordan [River].
with which lynage Ruben and Gad weldiden the lond, which lond Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to hem biyende the flowyngis of Jordan, at the eest coost;
9 Their land extended from Aroer [town] at the Arnon River gorge to the town in the middle of the gorge. It included the whole plain from Medeba [town south] to Dibon [town].
fro Aroer, which is set in the brynke of the stronde of Arnon, in the middis of the valei, and alle the feeldi places of Medaba,
10 All the towns ruled by King Sihon were in that area. The land extended to where the Ammon people-group lived.
`til to Dibon, and alle the citees of Seon, kyng of Amorreis, that regnyde in Esebon, `til to the termes of the sones of Amon,
11 The Gilead area was also there, and the regions where the people of the Geshur and Maacah people-groups lived, and all of Hermon Mountain and all the Bashan region [south] to Salecah.
and of Galaad, and to the termes of Gessuri, and of Machati, and al the hil of Hermon, and al Basan, `til to Salecha;
12 All the land ruled by Og, the king who ruled the Bashan [region], was in that land. Og was one of the last descendants of Repha; previously he had ruled in Ashtaroth and Edrei [cities], but [the armies of] Moses had defeated their armies and had taken their land from them.
al the rewme of Og in Basan, that regnede in Astoroth, and in Edraym; `he was of the relikis of Rafaym, `that is, of giauntis; and Moises smoot hem and dide awey hem.
13 But the Israelis did not force the people of the Geshur and Maacah [people-groups] to leave their land, so they still live among the Israeli people.
And the sones of Israel nolden destrye Gessurri and Machati; and thei dwelliden in the myddis of Israel, `til in to present dai.
14 The tribe of Levi was the only tribe that did not get any land. Instead, just like Yahweh promised, they continued to receive [food from] the sacrifices that were given to Yahweh, the God whom the Israelis [worship], the sacrifices that were burned [on the sacred altar].
Sotheli he yaf not possessioun to the lynage of Leuy, but sacrifices, and slayn sacrifices of the Lord God of Israel; that is `his eritage, as God spak to hym.
15 Moses had allotted land to each clan in the tribe of Reuben.
Therfor Moises yaf possessioun to the lynage of the sones of Ruben, bi her kynredis;
16 Their land extended from Aroer [town] near the Arnon River gorge to Medeba [town]. That included all of the plain [that is near Medeba] and the town in the middle of the gorge.
and `the term of hem was fro Aroer, which is set in the brenke of the stronde of Arnon, and in the myddil valei of the same stronde, al the pleyn that ledith to Medaba,
17 It also included Heshbon [city] and all the nearby towns on the plain—Dibon, Bamioth-Baal, Beth-Baal-Meon,
and Esebon, and alle the townes of tho, that ben in the feeldi places; and Dibon, and Baal Bamoth, and the citee of Baal Meon,
18 Jahaz, Kedemoth, Mephaath,
and Gesa, and Sedymoth, and Mephe,
19 Kiriathaim, Sibmah, Zereth-Shahar on the hill overlooking the valley,
and Cariathaym, and Sabana, and Sarathaphar, in the hil of the valey of Betheroeth,
20 Beth-Peor, the hills in the Pisgah area, and Beth-Jeshimoth.
and of Asedoch, Phasca, and Bethaissymoth;
21 That land included all the towns on the plain and all the area that King Sihon had previously ruled. But [the army of] Moses had defeated him and the rulers of the Midian people-group: Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba. The armies of all those rulers fought battles along with the army of Sihon, and they lived in that country.
alle the feeldi citees, and alle the rewmes of Seon, kyng of Amorrey, that regnede in Esebon, whom Moyses smoot, with hise princes, Madian, Euey and Recten, and Sur, and Hur, and Rebee, duykis of Seon, enhabiters of the lond.
22 The Israeli army killed many people during those battles, including Balaam, [the prophet] from Beor, who tried to use magic to predict/tell what would happen in the future.
And the sones of Israel killiden bi swerd Balaam, the fals diuynour, the sone of Beor, with othere men slayn.
23 The [western] boundary of the land that was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Reuben was the Jordan [River].
And the terme of the sones of Ruben was maad the flood of Jordan; this is the possessioun of Rubenytis bi her kynredis of citees and of townes.
24 Moses also allotted some land to each clan in the tribe of Gad.
And Moises yaf to the lynage of Gad, and to the sones therof, bi her kynredis, possessioun, of which this is departyng;
25 Their land included the Jazer [area] and all the towns of the Gilead [area]; half of the land where the Ammon people-group lived, as far as Aroer [town which is] near Rabbah [town];
he yaf the termes of Jazer, and alle the citees of Galaad, and the half part of the lond of the sones of Amon, `til to Aroer which is ayens Tabba;
26 the area from Heshbon [city] to Ramath-Mizpah and Betonim [towns; the area] from Mahanaim [town] to the Debir region;
and fro Esebon `til to Ramoth of Masphe, and Bethamyn, and Manayn, `til to the termes of Dabir;
27 Beth-Haram, Beth-Nimrah, Succoth, and Zaphon [cities] in the valley; and the other area that King Sihon had ruled on the east side of the Jordan River. That area extended [north] to the southern end of Galilee Lake.
and in the valei he yaf Betharan, and Bethneuar, and Socoth, and Saphan, the tother part of the rewme of Seon, kyng of Esebon; and the ende of this is Jordan, `til to the laste part of the see of Cenereth ouer Jordan, at the eest coost.
28 All this land, including the towns and villages, was allotted to the tribe of Gad.
This is the possessioun of the sones of Gad, bi her meynees, the citees and townes of tho.
29 Moses also had allotted some of the land [on the east side of the Jordan River] to half of the tribe of Manasseh.
He yaf also possessioun to the half lynage of Manasses, and to hise sones, bi her kynredis,
30 Their land extended [north] from Mahanaim [city]. It included all the Bashan region, all the land that King Og had ruled, and all the towns in the Jair area in Bashan. Altogether that area included 60 towns.
of which possessioun this is the bigynnyng; he yaf Ammaym, and al Basan, and alle the rewmes of Og, kyng of Basan, and alle the townes of Jair, that ben in Basan, sixti citees;
31 Their area also included half of the Gilead region, and the cities of Ashtaroth and Edrei where King Og had ruled. All that area was allotted to the clans descended from Manasseh’s son Makir.
and half the part of Galaad, and Astoroth, and Edray, the citees of the rewme of Og, kyng of Basan; to the sones of Machir, sones of Manasses, and to half the part of the sones of Machir, bi her kynredis.
32 Moses had allotted to those tribes the land that was on the plain of the Moab [region], on the east side of the Jordan [River], across from Jericho.
Moises departide this possessioun in the feeldi placis of Moab ouer Jordan, ayens Jericho, at the eest coost.
33 But Moses did not allot any land to the tribe of Levi because Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis worship, promised that he himself would always provide for them.
Forsothe he yaf not possessioun to the lynage of Leuy; for the Lord God himself of Israel is the possessioun of Leuy, as the Lord spak to hym.

< Joshua 13 >