< Joshua 12 >

1 The Israelis took control of the land that was east of the Jordan River, from the Arnon River gorge [in the south] to Hermon Mountain [in the north], including all the land on the eastern side of the Jordan [River] Valley. That land previously belonged to the two kings whose armies the Israelis defeated.
Now estes são os reis da terra, que os filhos de Israel atacaram, e possuíram suas terras além do Jordão em direção ao nascer do sol, do vale do Arnon ao Monte Hermon, e todo o Arabah para o leste:
2 One of them was Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group. He lived in Heshbon [city] and ruled over the area from Aroer [town] along the Arnon River Gorge, north to the Jabbok River. His land started in the middle of the gorge, which was the border between his land and the land of the Ammon people-group. Sihon also ruled over [the southern] half of the Gilead region,
Sihon rei dos amorreus, que viviam em Heshbon, e governavam desde Aroer, que fica na margem do vale do Arnon, e no meio do vale, e meio Gilead, até o rio Jabbok, a fronteira dos filhos de Ammon;
3 and over the land on the eastern side of the Jordan [River] Valley, from Galilee Lake [south] to the Dead Sea. He also ruled over the land [east of the Dead Sea] from Beth-Jeshimoth south to the side of Pisgah Mountain.
e o Arabah até o mar de Chinneroth, a leste, e até o mar do Arabah, até o Mar Salgado, a leste, o caminho para Beth Jeshimoth; e ao sul, sob as encostas de Pisgah:
4 The other king whom the Israeli army defeated was Og, the king of the Bashan [region]. He was the last of the descendants of [the giant] Rapha. He ruled that land, living alternately in Ashtaroth and Edrei [cities].
e a fronteira de Og, rei de Basã, do remanescente do Rephaim, que viveu em Ashtaroth e em Edrei,
5 He ruled over the area from Hermon Mountain and Salecah [in the north], and over all the Bashan area in the east, and to the borders of the kingdoms of Geshur and Maacah to the west. Og ruled [the northern] half of the Gilead region, as far as the border of the land ruled by King Sihon.
e governou no Monte Hermon, e em Salecah, e em todo Bashan, até a fronteira dos geshuritas e dos maacatitas, e metade de Gilead, a fronteira de Sihon, rei de Heshbon.
6 Moses, the man who served Yahweh [well], and all the Israeli army defeated the armies of those kings. Then Moses gave that land to the tribes of Reuben and Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh.
Moisés, servo de Yahweh, e os filhos de Israel os atingiram. Moisés, o servo de Iavé, deu-o por posse aos rubenitas, e aos gaditas, e à meia tribo de Manassés.
7 Joshua and the Israeli army also defeated kings who ruled over the land on the west side of the Jordan [River]. He gave that land to the Israeli people, dividing it among the other tribes. That land was between Baal-Gad [city] in the Lebanon Valley [in the far north all the way south] to Halak Mountain, which is near the land of the Edom people-group.
Estes são os reis da terra que Josué e as crianças de Israel atacaram além da Jordânia para o oeste, de Baal Gad no vale do Líbano até o Monte Halak, que vai até Seir. Josué a deu às tribos de Israel por uma possessão de acordo com suas divisões;
8 That land included the mountains, the western hilly area, the Jordan [River] Valley, the [western] slopes of the mountains, the desert [in Judea], and the Negev [desert in the south]. That whole area was the land where the Heth, Amor, Canaan, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus people-groups lived. The Israeli army defeated the armies of the kings of each of these cities:
na região montanhosa, e na planície, e na Arabá, e nas encostas, e no deserto, e no sul; o hitita, o amorreu, e o cananeu, o perizeu, o hivita, e o jebuseu:
9 Jericho, Ai (which was near Bethel),
o rei de Jericó, um; o rei de Ai, que está ao lado de Betel, um;
10 Jerusalem, Hebron,
o rei de Jerusalém, um; o rei de Hebron, um;
11 Jarmuth, Lachish,
the rei de Jarmuth, um; o rei de Laquis, um;
12 Eglon, Gezer,
the rei de Eglon, um; o rei de Gezer, um;
13 Debir, Geder,
the rei de Debir, um; o rei de Geder, um;
14 Hormah, Arad,
the rei de Hormah, um; o rei de Arad, um;
15 Libnah, Adullam,
the rei de Libnah, um; o rei de Adullam, um;
16 Makkedah, Bethel,
the rei de Makkedah, um; o rei de Betel, um;
17 Tappuah, Hepher,
o rei de Tappuah, um; o rei de Hepher, um;
18 Aphek, Lasharon,
the rei de Afek, um; o rei de Lassharon, um;
19 Madon, Hazor,
the rei de Madon, um; o rei de Hazor, um;
20 Shimron Meron, Acshaph,
the rei de Shimron Meron, um; o rei de Achshaph, um;
21 Taanach, Megiddo,
the rei de Taanach, um; o rei de Megiddo, um;
22 Kedesh, Jokneam in the Carmel area,
the rei de Kedesh, um; o rei de Jokneam no Carmelo, um;
23 Dor in the Naphoth-Dor area, Goyim in the Gilgal area,
o rei de Dor na altura de Dor, um; o rei de Goiim em Gilgal, um;
24 and Tirzah. There was a total of 31 kings [that the Israeli army defeated].
o rei de Tirzah, um: todos os reis trinta e um.

< Joshua 12 >