< Jonah 1 >

1 [One day] Yahweh said to [the prophet] Jonah, the son of Amittai,
2 “I have [seen] how wicked [the people of] [MTY] the great city of Nineveh are. Therefore go there and warn the people that [I am planning to] destroy their city [because of their sins].”
起てかの大なる邑ニネベに往きこれを呼はり責よ そは其惡わが前に上り來ればなりと
3 But [instead of going to Nineveh], Jonah [went in the direction] opposite to where Yahweh [told him to go]. He went down to Joppa [city]. There he bought a ticket to travel on a ship that was going to Tarshish [city], in order to avoid [doing what] Yahweh [told him to do]. [He got on the ship, ] and [then went down] to a lower deck, [lay down, and went to sleep].
4 Then Yahweh caused a very strong wind to blow, and there was such a violent storm that [the sailors thought] the ship would break apart.
5 The sailors were very frightened. Because of that, they each [started to] pray to their own gods [to save them]. Then they threw the cargo into the sea to make the ship lighter [in order that it would not sink easily].
かかりしかば船夫恐れて各おのれの神を呼び又舟を輕くせんとてその中なる載荷を海に投すてたり 然るにヨナは舟の奧に下りゐて臥て酣睡せり
6 Then the captain went [down] to where Jonah was sleeping soundly. [He awoke him] and said [to him], “(How can you sleep [during a storm like this]?/You should not be sleeping [during a storm like this]) [RHQ]! Get up and pray to your god! Perhaps he will pity us and save us, in order that we will not drown!” [But Jonah refused to do that].
7 Then the sailors said to each other, “We need to (cast lots/shake from a container small objects that we have all marked), to determine who has caused [all] this trouble!” So they did that, and [the object with] Jonah’s mark fell out [of the container].
かくて人衆互に云けるは此災の我儕にのぞめるは誰の故なるかを知んがため去來鬮を掣んと やがて鬮をひきしに鬮ヨナに當りければ
8 So [various ones of] them asked him, “Are you the one who has caused us all this trouble?” “What work do you do?” “Where are you [coming] from?” “What country and what people-group do you belong to?”
みな彼に云けるはこの災禍なにゆゑに我らにのぞめるか請ふ告げよ 汝の業は何なるや 何處より來れるや 汝の國は何處ぞや 何處の民なるや
9 Jonah replied, “I am a Hebrew. I worship Yahweh God, who [lives in] heaven. He is the one who made the sea and the land. I am trying to escape from [doing what] Yahweh [told me to do].”
10 After the sailors heard that, they were terrified. So they asked him, “Do you realize what [trouble] you have caused?”
是に於て船夫甚だしく懼れて彼に云けるは汝なんぞ其事をなせしやと その人々は彼がヱホバの面をさけて逃れしなるを知れり 其はさきにヨナ彼等に告げたればなり
11 The [storm kept getting worse and] the waves kept getting bigger. So [one of] the sailors asked Jonah, “What should we do in order to make the sea become calm?”
遂に船夫彼にいひけるは我儕のために海を靜かにせんには汝に如何がなすべきや 其は海いよいよ甚だしく狂蕩たればなり
12 He replied, “Pick me up and throw me into the sea. [If you do that], it will become calm. I know that this terrible storm is the result of my [not doing what Yahweh told me to do].”
ヨナ彼等に曰けるはわれを取りて海に投いれよ さらば海は汝等の爲に靜かにならん そはこの大なる颺風の汝等にのぞめるはわが故なるを知ればなり
13 But the sailors did [not want to do that]. [Instead], they tried hard to row the ship back to the land. But they could not [do that], because the storm continued to get worse.
されど船夫は陸に漕もどさんとつとめたりしが終にあたはざりき 其は海かれらにむかひていよいよ烈しく蕩たればなり
14 Therefore they prayed to Yahweh, and [one of them] prayed, “O Yahweh, please do not let us drown because of our causing this man to die. O Yahweh, you have done what you wanted to do. [We do not know if this man has sinned. If] he has not sinned, do not consider that we are guilty of sinning when we cause him to die!”
ここにおいて彼等ヱホバに呼はりて曰けるはヱホバよこひねがはくは此人の命の爲に我儕を滅亡したまふ勿れ 又罪なきの血をわれらに歸したまふなかれ そはヱホバよ汝 聖意にかなふところを爲し給へるなればなりと
15 Then they picked Jonah up and threw him into the sea. Then the sea became calm.
すなわちヨナを取りて海に投入たり しかして海のあるることやみぬ
16 [When that happened], the sailors became greatly awed at Yahweh’s [power]. So they offered a sacrifice to Yahweh, and they strongly promised [him that they would do things that would please him].
17 [While they were doing that, ] Yahweh sent a huge fish that swallowed Jonah. Then Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights.
さてヱホバすでに大なる魚を備へおきてヨナを呑しめ給へり ヨナは三日三夜魚の腹の中にありき

< Jonah 1 >