< Jonah 1 >

1 [One day] Yahweh said to [the prophet] Jonah, the son of Amittai,
I stalo se slovo Hospodinovo k Jonášovi synu Amaty, řkoucí:
2 “I have [seen] how wicked [the people of] [MTY] the great city of Nineveh are. Therefore go there and warn the people that [I am planning to] destroy their city [because of their sins].”
Vstaň, jdi do Ninive města toho velikého, a volej proti němu; neboť jest vstoupila nešlechetnost jejich před oblíčej můj.
3 But [instead of going to Nineveh], Jonah [went in the direction] opposite to where Yahweh [told him to go]. He went down to Joppa [city]. There he bought a ticket to travel on a ship that was going to Tarshish [city], in order to avoid [doing what] Yahweh [told him to do]. [He got on the ship, ] and [then went down] to a lower deck, [lay down, and went to sleep].
Ale Jonáš vstal, aby utekl do Tarsu od tváři Hospodinovy. A přišed do Joppe, našel lodí, ana jde do Tarsu, a zaplativ od ní, vstoupil na ni, aby se plavil s nimi do Tarsu od tváři Hospodinovy.
4 Then Yahweh caused a very strong wind to blow, and there was such a violent storm that [the sailors thought] the ship would break apart.
Ale Hospodin vzbudil vítr veliký na moři. I stala se bouře veliká na moři, až se domnívali, že se lodí ztroskoce.
5 The sailors were very frightened. Because of that, they each [started to] pray to their own gods [to save them]. Then they threw the cargo into the sea to make the ship lighter [in order that it would not sink easily].
A bojíce se plavci, volali jeden každý k bohu svému, a vyhazovali to, což měli na lodí, do moře, aby sobě tím polehčili. Jonáš pak byl sešel k bokům lodí, a položiv se, spal tvrdě.
6 Then the captain went [down] to where Jonah was sleeping soundly. [He awoke him] and said [to him], “(How can you sleep [during a storm like this]?/You should not be sleeping [during a storm like this]) [RHQ]! Get up and pray to your god! Perhaps he will pity us and save us, in order that we will not drown!” [But Jonah refused to do that].
Tedy přišed k němu správce lodí, řekl jemu: Což ty děláš, ospalče? Vstaň, volej k Bohu svému. Snad ten Bůh rozpomene se na nás, abychom nezahynuli.
7 Then the sailors said to each other, “We need to (cast lots/shake from a container small objects that we have all marked), to determine who has caused [all] this trouble!” So they did that, and [the object with] Jonah’s mark fell out [of the container].
I řekli jeden druhému: Poďte, vrzme losy, abychom zvěděli, pro koho to zlé přišlo na nás. Tedy metali losy, a padl los na Jonáše.
8 So [various ones of] them asked him, “Are you the one who has caused us all this trouble?” “What work do you do?” “Where are you [coming] from?” “What country and what people-group do you belong to?”
I řekli jemu: Pověz nám medle, pro koho toto zlé na nás? Jaký jest obchod tvůj, a odkud jdeš? Z které jsi země a z kterého národu?
9 Jonah replied, “I am a Hebrew. I worship Yahweh God, who [lives in] heaven. He is the one who made the sea and the land. I am trying to escape from [doing what] Yahweh [told me to do].”
I řekl jim: Hebrejský jsem, a Hospodina Boha nebes, kterýž učinil moře i zemi, já ctím.
10 After the sailors heard that, they were terrified. So they asked him, “Do you realize what [trouble] you have caused?”
Pročež báli se ti muži bázní velikou, a dověděvše se muži ti, že od tváři Hospodinovy utíká, (nebo jim byl oznámil), řekli jemu: Což jsi to učinil?
11 The [storm kept getting worse and] the waves kept getting bigger. So [one of] the sailors asked Jonah, “What should we do in order to make the sea become calm?”
Řekli ještě k němu: Což máme učiniti s tebou, aby se moře spokojilo? (Nebo moře vždy více a více bouřilo se.)
12 He replied, “Pick me up and throw me into the sea. [If you do that], it will become calm. I know that this terrible storm is the result of my [not doing what Yahweh told me to do].”
Jimžto řekl: Vezměte mne, a uvrzte mne do moře, a utichne moře před vámi; nebo já vím, že příčinou mou bouře tato veliká jest proti vám.
13 But the sailors did [not want to do that]. [Instead], they tried hard to row the ship back to the land. But they could not [do that], because the storm continued to get worse.
Ale muži ti statečně táhli, chtíce k břehu přistati, však nemohli; nebo moře vždy více a více se bouřilo proti nim.
14 Therefore they prayed to Yahweh, and [one of them] prayed, “O Yahweh, please do not let us drown because of our causing this man to die. O Yahweh, you have done what you wanted to do. [We do not know if this man has sinned. If] he has not sinned, do not consider that we are guilty of sinning when we cause him to die!”
I zvolali k Hospodinu, řkouce: Prosímeť, ó Hospodine, abychom nezahynuli pro smrt člověka tohoto, aniž na nás vyhledávej krve nevinné; nebo ty, ó Hospodine, jakž chceš, tak činíš.
15 Then they picked Jonah up and threw him into the sea. Then the sea became calm.
Tedy vzavše Jonáše, uvrhli ho do moře. I přestalo moře bouřiti se.
16 [When that happened], the sailors became greatly awed at Yahweh’s [power]. So they offered a sacrifice to Yahweh, and they strongly promised [him that they would do things that would please him].
Pročež báli se muži ti bázní velikou Hospodina, a obětovali obět Hospodinu, a sliby činili.
17 [While they were doing that, ] Yahweh sent a huge fish that swallowed Jonah. Then Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights.
Nastrojil pak byl Hospodin rybu velikou, aby požřela Jonáše. I byl Jonáš v střevách té ryby tři dni a tři noci.

< Jonah 1 >