< John 3 >

1 There was a man named Nicodemus, who was a member of the Jewish religious council. He belonged to the Pharisee [religious sect].
Беше пак човек међу фарисејима, по имену Никодим, кнез јеврејски.
2 He went to see Jesus at night, [to talk to him about God’s kingdom]. He said to Jesus, “Teacher, [we believe that] you are a teacher who has come from God. [We believe this because] we know that someone could perform the miracles you are doing only if God were helping him.”
Овај дође к Исусу ноћу и рече Му: Рави! Знамо да си ти учитељ од Бога дошао; јер нико не може чудеса ових чинити која ти чиниш ако није Бог с њим.
3 Jesus replied to him, “Listen to this carefully: Unless people are born again and [have a new life from God], they cannot even see the place where God rules [MET]!”
Одговори Исус и рече му: Заиста, заиста ти кажем: ако се ко наново не роди, не може видети царство Божије.
4 Then Nicodemus said to him, “(No one can be born when he is old!/How can anyone be born when he is old?) [RHQ] (There is no way he can enter his mother’s womb and be born a second time!/How can he enter his mother’s womb and be born a second time?) [RHQ]”
Рече Никодим Њему: Како се може човек родити кад је стар? Еда ли може по други пут ући у утробу матере своје и родити се?
5 Jesus answered, “Note this: Being born naturally is not [enough]; people need to also be born [spiritually] by God’s Spirit. If that does not happen, they cannot experience God ruling [MET] [their lives].
Одговори Исус: Заиста, заиста ти кажем: ако се ко не роди водом и Духом, не може ући у царство Божије.
6 Humans give birth to humans. But those who are born [again] as a result of what [God’s] Spirit [does receive a new] spiritual [nature from God].
Шта је рођено од тела, тело је; а шта је рођено од Духа, дух је.
7 Do not be surprised about my telling you that you must be born again [and have a new life from God].
Не чуди се што ти рекох; ваља вам се наново родити.
8 [Let me illustrate]: The wind blows wherever it wants to blow. You hear its sound, but you do not know where the wind comes from or where it is going. Similarly, those [who do not know God cannot understand/control/predict] how people are born again as a result of what God’s spirit [does].”
Дух дише где хоће, и глас његов чујеш, а не знаш откуда долази и куда иде; тако је сваки човек који је рођен од Духа.
9 Nicodemus replied to him, “How can that happen?”
Одговори Никодим и рече Му: Како може то бити?
10 Jesus replied to him, “You [(sg)] are a [well-known] teacher among [us] Israelite people, so (I am surprised that you do not understand these things!/how is it that you do not understand these things?) [RHQ]
Исус одговори и рече му: Ти си учитељ Израиљев, и то ли не знаш?
11 Listen to this carefully: (My disciples and I/I) tell you [(pl)] about the things that my disciples and I have seen and know [are true], but you [(pl)] do not admit that what my disciples and I are saying [is true].
Заиста, заиста ти кажем да ми говоримо шта знамо, и сведочимо шта видесмо, и сведочанство наше не примате.
12 I have told you about the things [that happen here] on earth that are true, but you [(pl)] do not believe me. So if I tell you [(sg)] about things [that happen] in heaven, (you certainly will not believe me!/how will you believe me?) [RHQ]
Кад вам казах земаљско па не верујете, како ћете веровати ако вам кажем небеско?
13 I am the only one who has gone up to heaven; no one else has gone up there. I am also the one who came down from heaven. [So I know what happens there].
И нико се не попе на небо осим који сиђе с неба, Син човечији који је на небу.
14 [Long ago when the Israelite people rebelled against God] in the desolate area, [God sent poisonous snakes to bite them]. But when Moses lifted up [on a pole] the [model of a] poisonous snake, [everyone who looked at that model was healed from their snake bites]. Similarly, [even though I] am the one who came from heaven, [some day people] will lift me up [on a cross to kill me].
И као што Мојсије подиже змију у пустињи, тако треба Син човечији да се подигне.
15 As a result, everyone who believes/trusts in me will have eternal life.” (aiōnios g166)
Да ниједан који Га верује не погине, него да има живот вечни: (aiōnios g166)
16 God loved us people [MTY] in the world so much that he gave his only Son [as a sacrifice for us], in order that everyone who believes in him would not be separated from God forever. Instead, they would have eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
Јер Богу тако омиле свет да је и Сина свог Јединородног дао, да ниједан који Га верује не погине, него да има живот вечни. (aiōnios g166)
17 When God sent his Son into the world, his purpose was not to punish the [people in] [MTY] the world for their sins. Instead, he sent him in order that they might be saved by him {he might save them} [from being] ([guilty/punished]) [for their sins].
Јер Бог не посла Сина свог на свет да суди свету, него да се свет спасе кроза Њ.
18 Everyone who trusts in his Son, [God says that they] will not be punished {that he will not punish them}. But God has already [said that] everyone who does not trust in his Son will be punished {that he will punish everyone who does not trust in his Son}, because they have not trusted in what his only Son [has done for them].
Који Њега верује не суди му се, а који не верује већ је осуђен, јер не верова у име Јединородног Сина Божијег.
19 The [one who was like a] light [MET] [to reveal God’s truth to us] came into the world. But people loved doing what was [evil, like] darkness [MET] [is evil], instead of loving the [one who was like a] light. That is the reason [God will] judge people [and condemn them].
А суд је овај што видело дође на свет, и људима омиле већма тама неголи видело; јер њихова дела беху зла.
20 Everyone who does what is evil hates the [one who is like a] light, and they will not come to the [one who is like a] light, because it would be shown {[the one who is like a light] would show} that their deeds [are evil, and he would rebuke them].
Јер сваки који зло чини мрзи на на видело и не иде к виделу да не покарају дела његова, јер су зла.
21 But those who live according to [God’s] truth come to the [one who is like a] light, in order that it may be seen clearly {that people may see clearly} that the things they have done, they did them because [they have depended] on God.
А ко истину чини иде к виделу, да се виде дела његова, јер су у Богу учињена.
22 Some time later Jesus and we disciples went to Judea district. He stayed with us there and [directed us as we] baptized people.
А потом дође Исус и ученици Његови у јудејску земљу, и онде живљаше с њима и крштаваше.
23 John [the Baptizer] was also baptizing people. He was doing that at Aenon [village] near Salim [town in Samaria district], because there were many springs in that area. [Many] people kept coming [to John] and were being baptized {he was baptizing them}.
А Јован крштаваше у Енону близу Салима, јер онде беше много воде; и долажаху те их крштаваше.
24 That happened before John was put {they put John} in prison.
Јер још не беше Јован бачен у тамницу.
25 Then some of John’s disciples and a certain Jew started arguing about the Jewish rituals of washing things [to make them acceptable to God].
Тада постаде распра међу ученицима Јовановим и Јеврејима око чишћења.
26 Then those disciples went to John and said to him, “Teacher, [do you remember] the man who was with you when you were baptizing people on the other side of the Jordan River? He is the one you were telling us about. Well, now he is baptizing people, and many people are going to him [instead of coming to us]!”
И дођоше к Јовану и рекоше му: Рави! Онај што беше с тобом преко Јордана, за кога си ти сведочио, ево он крштава, и сви иду к њему.
27 John replied, “A person can become [important] only if God [MTY] permits it. [So] we [should not be jealous about Jesus being popular]!
Јован одговори и рече: Не може човек ништа примити ако му не буде дано с неба.
28 You yourselves can verify what I said. I told you that I am not (the Messiah/God’s promised king). Instead, I [told you that] I was sent {that [God] sent me} to prepare the way for him.
Ви сами мени сведочите да рекох: Ја нисам Христос, него сам послан пред Њим.
29 [Let me illustrate] [MET]: [He is like a] ([bridegroom/man who is being married]), [and I am like his friend]. The friend of the bridegroom stands there and waits [for him to come]. That friend is very happy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice [when he arrives]. Similarly, I am very happy [about what you have told me].
Ко има невесту женик је, а пријатељ жеников стоји и слуша га, и радошћу радује се гласу жениковом. Ова дакле радост моја испуни се.
30 It is necessary for Jesus to become more important [by making more disciples than I have], and for me to become less [important].”
Онај треба да расте, а ја да се умањујем.
31 [Jesus] came from heaven. He is more important than anyone else. Those who are born from [parents here] on earth [MTY] are just humans, and they speak about things [that happen here] on the earth. But since Jesus came from heaven, his [words are] more important than anyone else’s.
Који одозго долази над свима је; који је са земље од земље је, и говори од земље; који долази с неба над свима је.
32 He tells people what he has seen and what he heard [in heaven], but very few people [HYP] listen to what he says.
И шта виде и чу оно сведочи; и сведочанство Његово нико не прима.
33 Those who have accepted what he has said verify that what God has said is true.
Који прими Његово сведочанство, потврди да је Бог истинит.
34 [We know it is true] because [Jesus], the one God sent, speaks the message of God. [That is also true] because God causes his Spirit to live [in Jesus] to completely [direct everything he says and does].
Јер кога Бог посла, онај речи Божије говори: јер Бог Духа не даје на меру.
35 God loves his Son, and has caused him to have control/power over everything.
Јер Отац љуби Сина, и све даде у руке Његове.
36 Those who trust in [God’s] Son have eternal life. But those who reject God’s Son will never have [eternal] life. Instead, God is angry with them [and he will surely punish them]. (aiōnios g166)
Ко верује Сина, има живот вечни; а ко не верује Сина, неће видети живот, него гнев Божји остаје на њему. (aiōnios g166)

< John 3 >