< John 21 >

1 After that, Jesus showed himself to [us] disciples when we were at Tiberias Lake, [which is another name for Galilee Lake]. This is what happened:
Depois disso, Jesus apareceu novamente aos discípulos, junto ao mar da Galileia. Foi assim que aconteceu:
2 Simon Peter, Thomas who was called {whom [we] called} The Twin, Nathaniel from Cana [town] in Galilee, my older brother and I, and two other disciples were together.
Simão Pedro, Tomé, o Gêmeo, Natanael de Caná, na Galileia, os filhos de Zebedeu e outros dois discípulos estavam juntos.
3 Simon Peter said to us, “[I] am going to [try to] catch some fish.” We said, “We will go with you.” So we went down [to the lake] and got into the boat. But that night we caught nothing.
Simão Pedro lhes disse: “Eu vou pescar.” Eles responderam: “Nós iremos com você.” Então, eles saíram e entraram no barco, mas não pegaram um único peixe a noite toda.
4 Early the next morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but we did not know that it was Jesus.
Quando estava amanhecendo, Jesus estava na praia; mas os discípulos não sabiam que era ele.
5 He called out to us, “My friends, you have not [caught] any fish, have you?” We answered, “You are correct, [we have not caught any].”
Jesus os chamou: “Olá, meus amigos! Vocês pegaram alguma coisa?” Eles responderam: “Nada!”
6 He said to us, “Throw your net out from the right-hand side of the boat! Then you will find some!” We did that, and we caught so many fish [in the net] that we were unable to pull the net into [the boat]!
Ele lhes disse: “Joguem a rede do lado direito do barco e vocês encontrarão peixe.” Então, eles jogaram a rede, mas não conseguiram puxá-la de volta, porque havia muitos peixes dentro dela.
7 [But I knew that it was Jesus], [so] I said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” Peter had taken off his cloak [while he was working], but as soon as he heard [me say] “It is the Lord!” he wrapped his cloak around himself and jumped into the water [and swam to shore].
O discípulo a quem Jesus amava disse a Pedro: “É o Senhor Jesus!” Quando Pedro ouviu que era Jesus, ele se vestiu, pois havia tirado a roupa e pulou no mar.
8 The rest of us came [to the shore] in the boat, pulling the net full of fish. We were not far from shore, only about 100 yards/meters.
Os outros discípulos seguiram no barco, puxando a rede cheia de peixes, pois eles estavam apenas a uns cem metros da praia.
9 When [we] got to the shore, we saw that there was a fire of burning coals there, with a [large] fish on the fire, and [some] buns.
Assim que eles saíram do barco, viram uma fogueira, onde peixes estavam sendo assados e havia também pão.
10 Jesus said to us, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught!”
Jesus lhes disse: “Tragam um pouco dos peixes que pegaram.”
11 Simon Peter got in [the boat] and dragged the net to the shore. It was full of large fish. There were 153 of them! But in spite of there being so many fish, the net was not torn.
Simão Pedro subiu no barco e arrastou a rede para a terra. Havia cento e cinquenta e três peixes grandes e, mesmo assim, a rede não arrebentou.
12 Jesus said to us, “Come and eat some breakfast!” None of us dared to ask him, “Who are you?” because we knew that it was the Lord.
Jesus lhes disse; “Venham e tomem o café da manhã!” Nenhum dos discípulos teve coragem o bastante de perguntar: “Quem é você?” Eles sabiam que era o Senhor.
13 Jesus took the buns and gave them to us. He did the same with the fish.
Jesus pegou o pão e os peixes e os distribuiu entre eles.
14 That was the third time that Jesus appeared to [us] disciples after [God] caused him to become alive again after he died.
Essa foi a terceira vez que Jesus apareceu para os discípulos depois que ressuscitara.
15 When we had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “John’s [son] Simon, do you love me more than these [other disciples do]?” Peter said to him, “Yes, Lord, you know that you are dear to me (OR, that I love you).” Jesus said, “Give to [those who belong to] me [what they need spiritually, like] [MET] [a shepherd provides] food for his lambs.”
Depois do café da manhã, Jesus perguntou a Simão Pedro: “Simão, filho de João, você me ama mais do que estes?” Pedro respondeu: “Sim, Senhor! Você sabe que eu o amo!”
16 Jesus said to him again, “John’s [son] Simon, do you love me?” He replied, “Yes, Lord, you know that you are dear to me (OR, that I love you).” Jesus said to him, “Take care of [those who belong to] me, [like] [MET] a [shepherd takes care of his] sheep.”
Jesus lhe disse: “Cuide das minhas ovelhas!” Jesus perguntou novamente: “Simão, filho de João, você me ama?” Ele respondeu: “Sim, Senhor! Você sabe que eu o amo!”
17 Jesus said to him a third time, “John’s son Simon, am I really dear to you (OR, do you really love me)?” Peter was grieved because Jesus asked him this three times, [and because the third time he changed the question]. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that you are dear to me (OR, that I love you).” Jesus said, “Give to [those who belong to] me [what they need spiritually, as] [MET] [a shepherd provides] food for [his] sheep.
Jesus lhe disse: “Cuide das minhas ovelhas!” E perguntou uma terceira vez: “Simão, filho de João, você me ama?” Pedro ficou triste por Jesus lhe perguntar uma terceira vez se ele o amava. E respondeu para Jesus: “O Senhor sabe tudo. O Senhor sabe que eu o amo!” Jesus disse: “Cuide das minhas ovelhas!”
18 Now listen to this carefully: When you were young, you put your clothes on by yourself, and you went wherever you wanted to go. But when you are old, you will stretch out your arms, and someone will fasten them [with a rope] and will lead you to a place where you do not want to [go].”
Jesus disse: “Eu lhe digo que isto é verdade: quando você era jovem, você se vestia e ia para onde queria. Mas, quando for velho, você estenderá as suas mãos e alguém o irá vestir e o levará para onde você não quer ir.”
19 Jesus said this to indicate how Peter would die ([violently/on a cross]) in order to honor God. Then Jesus said to him, “Keep being my faithful disciple [until you die].”
Jesus disse isso para explicar o tipo de morte que Pedro teria e que, assim, ele iria glorificar a Deus. Então, ele disse a Pedro: “Siga-me!”
20 Peter turned around and saw that I was following them. I was the one who leaned close to Jesus during the [Passover] meal and said, “Lord, who is going to enable your enemies to seize you?”
Quando Pedro se virou para trás, ele viu o discípulo a quem Jesus amava, seguindo-os. Foi esse o discípulo que havia chegado mais próximo de Jesus durante a refeição da Páscoa e perguntado: “Senhor, quem irá traí-lo?”
21 When Peter saw me, he asked, “Lord, what [is going to happen] to him?”
Pedro perguntou a Jesus: “E a respeito deste aqui, Senhor?”
22 Jesus said to him, “If I want him to remain [alive] until I return, (that is not your concern!/what is that to you?) [RHQ] You be my [faithful] disciple!”
Jesus lhe respondeu: “Se eu quiser que ele fique vivo até que eu volte, o que você tem a ver com isso? Quanto a você, siga-me!”
23 Some of the other believers heard [a report of] what Jesus had said about me, and [they thought that Jesus meant] that I would not die. But Jesus did not say that I would not die. He said only, “If I want him to remain [alive] until I return, (that is not your concern!/what is that to you?) [RHQ]”
E foi assim que se espalhou a notícia entre os seguidores de Jesus de que aquele discípulo não morreria. Mas, Jesus não disse isso. Ele apenas disse: “Se eu quiser que ele fique vivo até que eu volte, o que você tem a ver com isso?”
24 [I, John], am the disciple who has seen all these things and I have written them down. My [fellow apostles] and I know that what [I have written] is true.
Este é o discípulo que confirma essas coisas e que escreveu a respeito delas. E nós sabemos que o que ele diz é verdade.
25 Jesus did many other things. If they would [all] be written {If people would write them [all]} down [in detail], I suppose that the whole world would not have enough space [HYP] to contain the books that would be written {that they would write} [about what he did].
Jesus fez muitas outras coisas também e, se tudo o que ele fez fosse registrado, eu acho que não haveria espaço no mundo todo para guardar os livros que seriam escritos.

< John 21 >