< John 19 >

1 Then Pilate took Jesus [inside and had soldiers] (scourge Jesus/strike Jesus with a whip that had pieces of metal or bone fastened to it).
Da nahm Pilatus Jesum und geißelte ihn.
2 The soldiers also took [some branches with] thorns and wove them to make [something like] a crown. Then they put it on his head. They also put a purple robe on him. [They did these things to ridicule him by pretending that he was a king].
Und die Kriegsknechte flochten eine Krone von Dornen und setzten sie auf sein Haupt und legten ihm ein Purpurkleid an
3 Then they kept coming to him and saying, “Hooray for the King of the Jews [IRO]!” and slapping him [on his face].
und sprachen: Sei gegrüßet, lieber Judenkönig! und gaben ihm Backenstreiche.
4 Once more Pilate came outside and said to the crowd, “Look! I am bringing him out to you so that you may know that I do not find that he has done anything for which we should punish him [any more].”
Da ging Pilatus wieder heraus und sprach zu ihnen: Sehet, ich führe ihn heraus zu euch, daß ihr erkennet, daß ich keine Schuld an ihm finde.
5 When Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Look at this [wretched] man!”
Also ging Jesus heraus und trug eine Dornenkrone und Purpurkleid. Und er spricht zu ihnen: Sehet, welch ein Mensch!
6 When the chief priests and Temple guards saw him, they shouted, “Command your soldiers to kill him by nailing him to a cross! Crucify him!” Pilate, [knowing that they could not legally do it themselves], said to them, “You yourselves take him and nail him to a cross! As for me, I do not find that he has done anything for which we should punish him.”
Da ihn die Hohenpriester und die Diener sahen, schrieen sie und sprachen: Kreuzige, kreuzige! Pilatus spricht zu ihnen: Nehmet ihr ihn hin und kreuziget; denn ich finde keine Schuld an ihm.
7 The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] replied, “[Our ancestor Moses gave us] the law that says we must kill anyone [who claims to be God]. This man claims that he is (the Son of/the man who is also) God, [so you must have him killed] {[command your soldiers to kill him]}.”
Die Juden antworteten ihm: Wir haben ein Gesetz, und nach dem Gesetz soll er sterben; denn er hat sich selbst zu Gottes Sohn gemacht.
8 When Pilate heard that, he was more afraid [of what would happen to himself if he commanded the soldiers to kill Jesus].
Da Pilatus das Wort hörete, fürchtete er sich noch mehr
9 So he [took Jesus] back inside the headquarters. He said to Jesus, “Where do you [really] come from?” But Jesus did not answer him.
und ging wieder hinein in das Richthaus und spricht zu Jesu: Von wannen bist du? Aber Jesus gab ihm keine Antwort.
10 So Pilate said to him, “Are you refusing to answer me? Do you not know that I have authority to release you, and I [also] have authority to [have] you crucified {command my soldiers to crucify you}?”
Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm: Redest du nicht mit mir? Weißt du nicht, daß ich Macht habe, dich zu kreuzigen, und Macht habe, dich loszugeben?
11 Jesus replied, “The only authority you have is what has been given to you by God [MTY] {what God [MTY] has given you}. The [high priest] put me into your hands. [He has done to me what he wanted to do, and you do not really want to do it]. So he is guilty of committing a greater sin than you are.”
Jesus antwortete: Du hättest keine Macht über mich, wenn sie dir nicht wäre von oben herab gegeben; darum, der mich dir überantwortet hat, der hat größere Sünde.
12 Because of that, Pilate kept trying to release Jesus. But the Jewish [leaders][SYN], [threatening to report to the Emperor that Pilate was not going to punish a man who claimed he was a king], continued to shout, “Anyone who claims that he is a king is opposing the Emperor! So if you release this man, [we will make sure that] the Emperor [learns about it, and then he will not consider you as] his friend!”
Von dem an trachtete Pilatus, wie er ihn losließe. Die Juden aber schrieen und sprachen: Lässest du diesen los, so bist du des Kaisers Freund nicht; denn wer sich zum Könige macht, der ist wider den Kaiser.
13 When Pilate heard that, he brought Jesus out again. He sat down at the place where he made decisions [about punishing people]. The place was called {People called it} The Stone Pavement. In the Aramaic language its name was Gabbatha.
Da Pilatus das Wort hörete, führete er Jesum heraus und setzte sich auf den Richterstuhl an der Stätte, die da heißt Hochpflaster, auf ebräisch aber Gabbatha.
14 It was almost noontime, on the day that they prepared [things for] the Passover [celebration] (OR, the day before the [Sabbath during] the Passover [celebration]). Pilate said to the Jewish [leaders] [SYN], [ridiculing them], “Look at your king!”
Es war aber der Rüsttag auf Ostern um die sechste Stunde. Und er spricht zu den Juden: Sehet, das ist euer König!
15 They shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! [Have] him crucified {Command your soldiers to nail him to a cross}!” Pilate said to them, “[He is] your king! Do you really want me to [tell my soldiers to] nail him to a cross?” The chief priests replied, “The Emperor is our king! We do not have any other king!”
Sie schrieen aber: Weg, weg mit dem, kreuzige ihn! Spricht Pilatus zu ihnen: Soll ich euren König kreuzigen? Die Hohenpriester antworteten: Wir haben keinen König denn den Kaiser.
16 Then [at last] Pilate agreed to do [what they wanted, and he told the soldiers] to crucify Jesus. John 19:16b-24 Then the soldiers took Jesus away.
Da überantwortete er ihn ihnen, daß er gekreuzigt würde. Sie nahmen aber Jesum und führeten ihn hin.
17 [As they left], he himself was carrying the cross [on which they were going to nail him]. They went to a place called The Place of a Skull. In the Aramaic language it is called {they call it} Golgotha.
Und er trug sein Kreuz und ging hinaus zur Stätte die da heißt Schädelstätte, welche heißt auf ebräisch Golgatha.
18 There, [after removing most of his clothes], the soldiers nailed him to the cross. They also [nailed] two other [criminals to crosses]. There was one on each side, and Jesus was in the middle.
Allda kreuzigten sie ihn und mit ihm zwei andere zu beiden Seiten, Jesum aber mitten inne.
19 Pilate also [had them] write [on a board] a notice [that stated why they were executing him], and fasten it to the cross. But all they wrote was ‘Jesus from Nazareth, the King of the Jews’.
Pilatus aber schrieb eine Überschrift und setzte sie auf das Kreuz; und war geschrieben: Jesus von Nazareth, der Juden König.
20 Many Jews were [able to] read this sign, because the place where Jesus was nailed {where they nailed Jesus} to the cross was very close to [Jerusalem, where many people had come for the celebration], and because it was written {they wrote it} in three languages: Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.
Diese Überschrift lasen viel Juden; denn die Stätte war nahe bei der Stadt, da Jesus gekreuziget ist. Und es war geschrieben auf ebräische, griechische und lateinische Sprache.
21 So the Jewish priests went back to Pilate and protested, saying to him, “Change what they have written from ‘The King of the Jews’ to ‘This man said that he is the King of the Jews’!”
Da sprachen die Hohenpriester der Juden zu Pilatus: Schreibe nicht: Der Juden König; sondern daß er gesagt habe: Ich bin der Juden König.
22 Pilate replied, “What I [told them to] write is what they have written, [and I] will not [change it].”
Pilatus antwortete: Was ich geschrieben habe, das hab' ich geschrieben.
23 After the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross, they took his clothes and divided them into four parts, one part for each soldier. But they kept his cloak [separate]. This cloak was without seam, woven [from top to bottom], one piece of cloth.
Die Kriegsknechte aber, da sie Jesum gekreuziget hatten, nahmen sie seine Kleider und machten vier Teile, einem jeglichen Kriegsknecht ein Teil, dazu auch den Rock. Der Rock aber war ungenähet, von oben an gewirket durch und durch.
24 So they said to each other, “Let’s not tear it. Instead, let’s [decide] ([by] throwing lots/[by] gambling) who will get it.” So that is what the soldiers did. As a result, these words were fulfilled {they fulfilled these words} that [the Psalmist had written] in Scripture, They divided [most of] my clothes among themselves. They cast lots for [one piece of] my clothing.
Da sprachen sie untereinander: Lasset uns den nicht zerteilen, sondern darum losen, wes er sein soll (auf daß erfüllet würde die Schrift, die da, sagt: Sie haben meine Kleider unter sich geteilet und haben über meinen Rock das Los geworfen). Solches taten die Kriegsknechte.
25 Near the cross where [they had nailed] Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the [wife] of Clopas, and [another] Mary, the woman from Magdala [village].
Es stund aber bei dem Kreuze Jesu seine Mutter und seiner Mutter Schwester Maria, des Kleophas Weib, und Maria Magdalena.
26 Jesus saw his mother standing there. He also saw me standing nearby. Then he said to his mother, “This man [will now be like] your son.”
Da nun Jesus seine Mutter sah und den Jünger dabeistehen, den er liebhatte spricht er zu seiner Mutter: Weib, siehe das ist dein Sohn!
27 And he said to me, “[Treat this] woman as [MET] your mother.” So from that time I took her to my home [and took care of her].
Danach spricht er zu dem Jünger siehe, das ist deine Mutter! Und von der Stunde an nahm sie der Jünger zu sich.
28 Later, Jesus knew that everything [that God sent him to do] had now been completed {that he had now completed everything [that God sent him to do]}, [but he knew that something else that was written in] the Scriptures [had] to be fulfilled {[that he had] to fulfill [something else that they had written in] the Scriptures}. So he said, “I am thirsty!”
Danach, als Jesus wußte, daß schon alles vollbracht war, daß die Schrift erfüllet würde, spricht er: Mich dürstet!
29 There was a jar of sour wine there. So [someone took] a stalk of [a plant called] hyssop and [fastened] a sponge [to it. Then] he dipped [the sponge into the wine and] lifted it up to Jesus’ lips.
Da stund ein Gefäß voll Essigs. Sie aber fülleten einen Schwamm mit Essig und legten ihn um einen Ysop und hielten es ihm dar zum Munde.
30 When Jesus tasted the sour wine, he shouted, “[I] have finished [all that I came to do]!” Then he bowed his head and (died/handed over his spirit [to God]).
Da nun Jesus den Essig genommen hatte, sprach er: Es ist vollbracht! Und neigete das Haupt und verschied.
31 That was the day that they prepared [everything for their] ([Sabbath/day of rest]). The next day was a special day of rest, [because it was the day of rest during the Passover celebration]. The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] did not want the bodies [of the three men] to remain on the cross during their (Sabbath/day of rest) [because leaving bodies hanging overnight would be contrary to their Jewish laws]. So they went to Pilate and asked him [to command that] the legs [of the three men on the crosses] be broken {the [soldiers] to break the legs [of the three men on the crosses]}, [so that they would die quickly]. Then their [bodies] could be taken down [and buried] {someone could take down their bodies [and bury them]}.
Die Juden aber; dieweil es der Rüsttag war daß nicht die Leichname am Kreuz blieben den Sabbat über (denn desselbigen Sabbats Tag war groß), baten sie Pilatus; daß ihre Beine gebrochen, und sie abgenommen würden.
32 So, [after Pilate agreed], the soldiers went and broke the legs of the first man whom they had nailed on a cross near Jesus. Then they broke the legs of the second man.
Da kamen die Kriegsknechte und brachen dem ersten die Beine und dem andern, der mit ihm gekreuziget war.
33 But when they came to Jesus, they saw that he was dead already. So they did not break his legs.
Als sie aber zu Jesu kamen, da sie sahen, daß er schon gestorben war, brachen sie ihm die Beine nicht,
34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear [to make sure that Jesus was dead]. Immediately blood [clots] and [other] liquid flowed out, [which showed that Jesus was really dead].
sondern der Kriegsknechte einer öffnete seine Seite mit einem Speer; und alsbald ging Blut und Wasser heraus.
35 I, [John], saw this myself, and what I am writing is true. I [know that] I am telling the truth, and I am saying this in order that you may believe [in] (OR, [my testimony about]) [Jesus].
Und der das gesehen hat, der hat es bezeuget, und sein Zeugnis ist wahr, und derselbige weiß, daß er die Wahrheit saget, auf daß auch ihr glaubet.
36 These things happened in order that these words would be fulfilled {to fulfill these words} [that are written in] Scripture: “Not one of his bones will be broken {No one will break any of his bones}.”
Denn solches ist geschehen, daß die Schrift erfüllet würde: Ihr sollt ihm kein Bein zerbrechen.
37 And [they fulfilled] another Scripture passage [that has these words]: ‘They will look on the one whom they have pierced’.
Und abermal spricht eine andere Schrift: Sie werden sehen, in welchen sie gestochen haben.
38 Later, Joseph, from Arimathea [town, went to Pilate and] asked Pilate [to allow him] to take Jesus’ body [down from the cross]. Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but he did not tell anyone that, because he was afraid of the [other] Jewish [leaders] [SYN]. Pilate permitted him to take Jesus’ body, so he went, along [with others], and they took Jesus’ body [down from the cross].
Danach bat Pilatus Joseph von Arimathia, der ein Jünger Jesu war, doch heimlich, aus Furcht vor den Juden, daß er möchte abnehmen den Leichnam Jesu. Und Pilatus erlaubte es. Da kam er und nahm den Leichnam Jesu herab.
39 Nicodemus was one of them. He was the man who previously went to visit Jesus at night. Nicodemus bought an [expensive] mixture of myrrh and aloe [spices to put on the body]. It weighed about (75 pounds/35 kilograms).
Es kam aber auch Nikodemus, der vormals bei der Nacht zu Jesu kommen war, und brachte Myrrhen und Aloen untereinander bei hundert Pfunden.
40 They took the body of Jesus and wrapped strips of linen cloth around it, putting the spices in with the strips of cloth. They did this according to the Jewish customs [about burying bodies in tombs].
Da nahmen sie den Leichnam Jesu und banden ihn in leinene Tücher mit Spezereien, wie die Juden pflegen zu begraben.
41 Close to the place where Jesus was crucified {where they nailed Jesus to the cross} there was a grove [of trees], and [at the edge of] that grove was a new burial cave. Nobody had ever been put in that cave [previously].
Es war aber an der Stätte, da er gekreuziget ward, ein Garten und im Garten ein neu Grab, in welches niemand je gelegt war.
42 The Jewish day of rest would start [at sunset, and they had to finish burying his body before then]. So, since that cave was nearby, they laid Jesus’ body there [and rolled a huge stone in front of the entrance].
Daselbst hin legten sie Jesum um des Rüsttages willen der Juden, dieweil das Grab nahe war.

< John 19 >