< John 17 >

1 After Jesus said those things, he looked [up] toward heaven. Then he prayed, “[My] Father, it is now the time [MTY] [for me to suffer and die]. Honor me [as I do that], in order that I may honor you.
Jesus disse estas coisas, depois levantando seus olhos para o céu, ele disse: “Pai, chegou a hora. Glorifica teu Filho, para que teu Filho também te glorifique;
2 You gave me authority over all people, in order that I might enable all those whom you chose [to come] to me to live eternally. (aiōnios g166)
assim como tu lhe deste autoridade sobre toda a carne, assim ele dará a vida eterna a todos aqueles a quem tu lhe deste. (aiōnios g166)
3 [The way for people] to live eternally is for them to know that you are the only true God, and to know that [I], Jesus, am the Messiah, the one you have sent. (aiōnios g166)
Esta é a vida eterna, que eles conheçam a ti, o único Deus verdadeiro, e àquele que tu enviaste, Jesus Cristo. (aiōnios g166)
4 I have honored you here on this earth by completing all the work that you gave me to do.
Eu te glorifiquei na terra. Realizei o trabalho que me deste para fazer.
5 [My] Father, now honor me when I am with you [again], by causing me to have the greatness I had when I was with you before the world began.”
Agora, Pai, glorifica-me com teu próprio eu com a glória que eu tinha contigo antes que o mundo existisse.
6 “I have revealed [what] you [are like] to the people whom you brought to me from among those who do not belong to you [MTY]. Those [who came to me] belonged to you, and you brought them to me. Now they have obeyed your message.
“Eu revelei seu nome às pessoas que você me deu fora do mundo”. Elas eram suas e você as deu a mim”. Eles mantiveram sua palavra.
7 Now they know that everything you have given me, [your message and your work], comes from you.
Agora eles sabem que todas as coisas que você me deu são de você,
8 I gave them the message that you gave me, and they have accepted it. They now know for certain that I came from you. They now believe that you sent me.
pelas palavras que você me deu eu as dei a eles; e eles as receberam, e sabiam com certeza que eu vinha de você. Eles acreditaram que você me enviou.
9 I am praying for them. I am not praying for those [who do not belong to you] [MTY]. Instead, [I am praying] for those whom you have brought to me, because they belong to you.
Eu rezo por eles. Eu não rezo pelo mundo, mas por aqueles que vocês me deram, pois eles são seus.
10 All [the disciples] that I have belong to you, and all those who belong to you also belong to me. They have shown how great I am.
Todas as coisas que são minhas são suas, e as suas são minhas, e eu sou glorificado nelas.
11 I will not be [staying] in the world any longer. I will be coming back to you. They, however, will be [here] in the world [among those who are opposed to you]. [My] Holy Father, protect them from spiritual harm by your power [MTY], the power that you gave me, in order that they may be united as we are united.
Eu não estou mais no mundo, mas estas estão no mundo, e eu estou indo até você. Santo Padre, guarde-as através do seu nome que me deu, para que sejam uma só, assim como nós somos.
12 While I have been with them, I have [completely] protected them by the power [MTY] that you gave me. As a result, only one of them will be eternally separated from you. He is the one who was doomed to be eternally separated from you. [That has happened] to fulfill [what a prophet wrote] in the Scriptures [would happen].
Enquanto estive com eles no mundo, guardei-os em seu nome. Guardei aqueles que o Senhor me deu. Nenhum deles está perdido, exceto o filho da destruição, para que a Escritura possa ser cumprida.
13 [Father], now I am about to return to you. I have said these things while I am still [here] in the world in order that my [disciples] may fully experience being joyful, as I have been joyful.
Mas agora venho até você, e digo estas coisas no mundo, para que elas possam ter minha alegria plena em si mesmas.
14 I have given them your message. As a result, those who are opposed to you [MTY] have hated them, because [my disciples] do not belong to those who oppose you [MTY], just like I do not belong to those who oppose you [MTY].
Eu lhes dei sua palavra. O mundo os odiou porque eles não são do mundo, assim como eu não sou do mundo.
15 I am asking you, not that you take them out of this world, but instead that you protect them from [Satan], the evil one.
Rezo não para que vocês os levem do mundo, mas para que os afastem do maligno.
16 They do not belong to those who are opposed to you [MTY], just like I also do not belong to them.
Eles não são do mundo, assim como eu não sou do mundo.
17 Set [my disciples] apart so that they may (completely belong to/serve) you, by [enabling them to live in accordance with] what is true. Your message is true.
Santifica-os em sua verdade. Sua palavra é verdade.
18 Just like you sent me here into this world, now I surely will be sending them [to other places] in [MTY] the world.
Como você me enviou ao mundo, mesmo assim, eu os enviei ao mundo.
19 I dedicate myself to completely belong to you, in order that they also may truly be dedicated {dedicate themselves} completely to you.”
Para o bem deles eu me santifiquei, para que eles mesmos também sejam santificados na verdade.
20 “I am praying not only for these [eleven disciples]. I am praying also for those who [will] believe in me as a result of [hearing] their message.
“Não somente por estes, mas também por aqueles que acreditarão em mim através de sua palavra,
21 [My] Father, [I want] all of them to be united, just like I am united with you because of my relationship with you, and as you are united with me because of your relationship with me. I also want them to be united with us. [I want that to happen] so that those who do not know you [MTY] may know that you sent me.
para que todos sejam um; assim como tu, Pai, estás em mim, e eu em ti, para que eles também sejam um em nós; para que o mundo acredite que tu me enviaste.
22 I have honored my disciples just like you honored me, in order that they may be united, as we are united.
A glória que Vós me destes, eu lhes dei, para que eles sejam um, como nós somos um,
23 I want them to be united just like they are united with me and as you are united with me. May they be completely united, in order that those who do not belong to you [MTY] may know that you sent me and that you have loved them just like you have loved me.
Eu neles, e Vós em mim, para que eles sejam perfeitos em um, para que o mundo saiba que Vós me enviastes e os amastes, assim como Vós me amastes.
24 [My] Father, I want [the disciples] you have brought to me to [some day] be with me [in heaven], where I will be. I want them to see my greatness. I want them to see the greatness you gave me because you loved me. You gave me that greatness before you created the world.
Pai, desejo que também aqueles que Tu me deste estejam comigo onde estou, para que vejam minha glória que Tu me deste, pois Tu me amaste antes da fundação do mundo.
25 [My] righteous Father, although the people who do not belong to you [MTY] do not know what you [are like], I know what you [are like], and my disciples know that you sent me.
Pai justo, o mundo não te conheceu, mas eu te conheci; e estes sabiam que tu me enviaste.
26 I have revealed to them [what] you [are like], and I will continue to reveal to them [what] you [are like]. I will do that in order that they may love [others] just like you love me, and in order that I may be in them [by my Spirit].”
Eu lhes dei a conhecer teu nome, e o farei conhecer; para que o amor com que me amaste esteja neles, e eu neles”.

< John 17 >