< John 13 >

1 When it was the evening before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that it was time for him to leave this world and [to return] to [his] Father [in heaven]. He loved us who [were his disciples]. He knew [we would continue to live here] in this world, so now he [showed us] how completely he loved us.
Agora, antes da festa da Páscoa, Jesus, sabendo que havia chegado a sua hora de partir deste mundo para o Pai, tendo amado os seus que estavam no mundo, amou-os até o fim.
2 We were eating [the Passover meal]. (The devil/Satan) had already suggested to Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]), the son of Simon, that he should (betray Jesus/enable Jesus’ enemies to seize him).
Durante o jantar, tendo o diabo já colocado no coração de Judas Iscariotes, filho de Simão, para traí-lo,
3 But Jesus knew that his Father had given to him complete authority [to control the situation]. He knew that he had come from God and would soon return to God.
Jesus, sabendo que o Pai tinha dado tudo em suas mãos, e que ele vinha de Deus e estava indo para Deus,
4 [But before he left us, he wanted to show us how we should love each other]. [So] he got up from where he was eating. He took off his [outer] cloak and wrapped a [long] towel around his waist, [as a slave would do].
arose do jantar, e colocou de lado suas vestes exteriores. Ele pegou uma toalha e enrolou uma toalha ao redor de sua cintura.
5 Then he poured some water in a basin. He began to wash our feet, and then dry them with the towel that he had wrapped around himself.
Então ele derramou água na bacia, e começou a lavar os pés dos discípulos e a limpá-los com a toalha que estava enrolada ao seu redor.
6 When he came to Simon Peter, Peter said to him, “Lord, it is not right for you [RHQ] to [humble yourself by] washing my feet!”
Depois ele veio a Simão Pedro. Ele lhe disse: “Senhor, você lava meus pés?”.
7 Jesus replied to him, “Now you do not understand [the meaning of] what I am doing, but you will understand later.”
Jesus lhe respondeu: “Você não sabe o que estou fazendo agora, mas entenderá mais tarde”.
8 Peter said, “I will never, ever, [allow you to] wash my feet!” Jesus replied to him, “If I do not wash you, you cannot continue (to be my [disciple/to belong to] me).” (aiōn g165)
Peter disse a ele: “Você nunca vai lavar meus pés”! Jesus respondeu-lhe: “Se eu não te lavar, não terás parte comigo”. (aiōn g165)
9 So Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, [in that case], do not wash only my feet. Wash my hands and my head, [too]!”
Simon Peter disse-lhe: “Senhor, não só meus pés, mas também minhas mãos e minha cabeça”!
10 [Then, to show him that after God had cleansed people from being guilty for sin, they needed only for God to forgive their daily sins] [MET], Jesus said to him, “Those who have recently bathed need only to have their feet washed, [because they get dirty very quickly on the dusty roads]. The [rest of their bodies are] clean. Similarly, I have made you [disciples] free/clean [from the guilt of your sins], although not all of you are free from guilt.”
Jesus lhe disse: “Alguém que tomou banho só precisa de lavar os pés, mas está completamente limpo”. Vocês estão limpos, mas não todos vocês”.
11 He knew which one [of us] was going to betray him. That is the reason he said, “Not all of you are free from guilt.”
Pois ele conhecia aquele que o trairia; por isso ele disse: “Vocês não estão todos limpos”.
12 After he finished washing our feet, he put his cloak back on. Then he sat down and said to us, “Do you understand what I have done for you?
Então, quando ele lavou os pés, voltou a vestir sua roupa exterior e sentou-se novamente, disse-lhes: “Sabem o que eu fiz a vocês?
13 You [show that you respect me by] calling me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’. You are right to say that, because I am your teacher and your Lord.
Você me chama de 'Professor' e 'Senhor'. Vocês o dizem corretamente, pois assim sou.
14 But if I, who am your teacher and your Lord, have washed your feet, you ought to [serve each other by doing things like] washing each other’s feet.
Se eu então, o Senhor e o Mestre, vos lavei os pés, vocês também deveriam lavar os pés um do outro.
15 I have made myself an example for you in order that you should [humbly serve each other] as I have done for you.
Pois eu lhes dei um exemplo, que vocês também deveriam fazer como eu fiz com vocês.
16 Listen to this carefully: A servant is not greater than his master. A messenger is not greater than the one who has sent him. [So, since you are not greater than I am, you should not be proud and unwilling to serve each other].
Certamente vos digo que um servo não é maior que seu senhor, nem aquele que é enviado é maior que aquele que o enviou.
17 Since you now know these things, [God will] be pleased with you if you do them.”
Se você sabe estas coisas, abençoado seja se você as fizer.
18 “I am not saying that [God will bless] all of you. I knew [what all of you were like when] I chose you. But [I also chose the one who will betray me], in order that what is written in Scripture might be fulfilled {to fulfill what someone/the psalmist wrote in Scripture}, ‘The one who is [acting like he is my friend by] eating with me has become my enemy [IDM].’
Eu não falo a respeito de todos vocês. Sei quem escolhi; mas para que se cumpra a Escritura: 'Aquele que come pão comigo levantou o calcanhar contra mim'.
19 I am telling you [about someone betraying me] before it happens, in order that when it happens, you may continue to believe that I am ([the Messiah/who I say I am]).
De agora em diante, eu lhes digo antes que aconteça, que quando acontecer, vocês poderão acreditar que eu sou ele.
20 Listen to this carefully: Those who accept any one of you whom I am sending out, [God will consider that] they are accepting me. And those who accept me, [God will consider that] they are accepting [my Father], who sent me.”
Certamente eu lhes digo, aquele que recebe quem eu enviar, me recebe; e aquele que me recebe, recebe aquele que me enviou”.
21 After Jesus said this, he was very troubled. He solemnly declared, “Listen to this carefully: One of you is going to enable [my enemies] to seize me.”
Quando Jesus disse isto, ficou perturbado no espírito, e testemunhou: “Certamente eu vos digo que um de vós me trairá”.
22 We looked at each other. We had no way [to know] whom he was talking about.
Os discípulos se olhavam, perplexos sobre quem ele falava.
23 [I], the [man other people call] ‘the one Jesus loved’, was sitting very close to Jesus.
Um de seus discípulos, a quem Jesus amava, estava à mesa, encostado ao peito de Jesus.
24 Simon Peter motioned to me to indicate that I should ask Jesus whom he was talking about.
Simão Pedro, portanto, acenou para ele e disse-lhe: “Diz-nos de quem é que ele fala”.
25 So I leaned close to Jesus and asked him, “Lord, who is it?”
Ele, inclinando-se para trás, como estava, sobre o peito de Jesus, perguntou-lhe: “Senhor, quem é?
26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread after I dip it [in the sauce in the dish].” Then, [to show us that he knew who would enable his enemies to seize him], after he dipped the bread [in the sauce], he gave it to Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]).
Jesus, portanto, respondeu: “É a ele que eu darei este pedaço de pão quando o tiver mergulhado”. Então, quando ele mergulhou o pedaço de pão, deu-o a Judas, o filho de Simão Iscariotes.
27 As soon as [Judas ate] the bread, Satan took control of him. Then Jesus said to him, “What you are going to do, do quickly.”
Após o pedaço de pão, então Satanás entrou nele. Então Jesus disse a ele: “O que você faz, faça rapidamente”.
28 But none of the rest of us who were sitting there knew why Jesus said that to him.
Agora ninguém na mesa sabia porque ele lhe disse isto.
29 Since Judas took care of the money [people gave us to help us], some thought Jesus was telling him to [go and] buy some things we needed for the [Passover] celebration. [Some thought he was telling him] to give some money to poor people.
Para algum pensamento, porque Judas tinha a caixa de dinheiro, que Jesus lhe disse: “Comprem as coisas que precisamos para a festa”, ou que ele deveria dar algo aos pobres.
30 As soon as Judas had eaten the bread, he left. It was dark [outside], and it was dark [MET] [in his soul, too].
Portanto, tendo recebido aquele pedaço, ele saiu imediatamente. Era noite.
31 After Judas left, Jesus said, “Now it will be shown {[my Father] will show} how wonderful I, the one who came from heaven, am. And by what I do it will be seen {people will see} how great God is.
Quando ele saiu, Jesus disse: “Agora o Filho do Homem foi glorificado, e Deus foi glorificado nele”.
32 Since by what I do people will see how awesome God is, God himself will show people how awesome I am. And he will do that very soon.
Se Deus foi glorificado nele, Deus também o glorificará em si mesmo, e ele o glorificará imediatamente”.
33 [You whom I love as though you were] my children, I will continue with you only a short time longer. Then you will look for me, but I will not be here. Just like I told the Jewish [leaders] [SYN], I am telling you now, that where I am going, you cannot come [yet].
Filhinhos, estarei com vocês por um pouco mais de tempo. Vocês me buscarão, e como eu disse aos judeus: “Para onde eu vou, vocês não podem vir”, então agora eu lhes digo.
34 Now I am giving you a new commandment: You must love each other. You must love each other in the way that I have loved you.
Um novo mandamento que vos dou, que vos ameis uns aos outros. Assim como eu vos amei, vós também vos amais uns aos outros.
35 If you keep loving each other, everyone [who is aware of that] [HYP] will know that you are my disciples.”
Por isto todos saberão que vocês são meus discípulos, se tiverem amor uns pelos outros”.
36 Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus replied, “The place where I am going, you cannot come with me now, but you will come there later.”
Simon Peter disse a ele: “Senhor, aonde você vai?” Jesus respondeu: “Para onde eu vou, vocês não podem seguir agora, mas seguirão depois”.
37 Peter said, “Lord, why can I not come with you now? I [am ready] to die for you!”
Peter disse-lhe: “Senhor, por que não posso segui-lo agora? Eu darei minha vida por ti”.
38 Jesus answered, “[You say] [RHQ] that you [are ready] to die for me. But the truth is that before the rooster crows [early tomorrow morning], you will say three times that you do not [know] me!”
Jesus respondeu-lhe: “Darias a tua vida por mim? Certamente eu lhe digo, o galo não cantará até que você me tenha negado três vezes.

< John 13 >