< Job 31 >

1 “I solemnly promised myself that I would not look at a young woman with a desire [to have sex with her].
“Naʻa ku fai ʻae fuakava mo hoku mata; pea ka kuo pehē, ko e hā te u siofia ai ha taʻahine?
2 [If I did not do what I promised, ] what would God who is in heaven [MTY] do to me [RHQ]? Almighty [God] would certainly not [RHQ] give me any reward!
He ko e hā ʻae ʻinasi mei he ʻOtua ʻi ʻolunga? Pea mo e tufakanga mei he Māfimafi ʻi ʻolunga?
3 [Previously I thought that] surely [RHQ] it was unrighteous people who would experience calamities, and that it was those who do what is wrong who would experience disasters.
‌ʻIkai ʻoku ʻi he kau angahala ʻae malaʻia? Mo e fakaʻauha foʻou ki he kau fai kovi?
4 God certainly sees [RHQ] everything that I do, [so why is he causing me to suffer?] [It is as though] he counts every step that I take.
‌ʻIkai ʻoku ne ʻiloʻi hoku ngaahi hala, pea lau ʻeku ngaahi laka kotoa pē?
5 [“I solemnly declare that] I have never acted wickedly and have never tried to deceive people.
“He kapau naʻaku ʻalu ʻi he loi, pea kapau teu veʻe vave ki he kākā;
6 I request only that God judge me fairly [MET], and if he does that, he will know that I (am innocent/have not done what is wrong).
Tuku ke fakamamafa au ʻi he meʻa fakatatau totonu, koeʻuhi ke ʻilo ʻe he ʻOtua ʻa ʻeku angatonu.
7 If [it were true that] I have stopped living righteously, or [that] I [SYN] have desired the things that I look at [MTY], or [that] I am guilty of any other sin,
He kapau naʻaku laka hē mei he hala, pea muimui hoku loto ki hoku mata, pe piki ha ʻuli ki hoku nima;
8 then I hope/wish that when I plant [seeds], someone else will [harvest the crops and] eat [them] and that others will uproot the [fruit trees] that I planted.
Tuku ai ke u tūtuuʻi kae kai ʻe ha taha kehe; ʻio, ke taʻaki fuʻu hake ʻa hoku taʻu.
9 “If [it were true that] I [SYN] have been attracted by some other man’s wife, or [that] I have hidden myself and waited outside [the] door [to] her [house],
“Kapau naʻe kākaaʻi ʻa hoku loto ʻe ha fefine, pe te u toitoi ʻi he matapā ʻo hoku kaungāʻapi;
10 I hope/desire that my wife will become the servant/slave of another man and have sex [EUP] with him.
Pea tuku ke momosi ʻa hoku uaifi mo ha taha, pea mapelu ki ai ha niʻihi kehe.
11 [For me to do] that would be a terrible sin, and the judges would decide that I should be punished.
He ko e hia matea ia, ʻio, ko e angahala ke tautea ʻe he kau fakamaau.
12 My [committing adultery] would [produce in me a fire like] [MET] the fire that burns people in hell, and it would burn up everything that I own. (questioned)
He ko e afi ia ʻoku ne kai ʻo aʻu ki he fakaʻauha, pea ʻe ʻosiʻosingamālie ai ʻeku koloa.
13 “And, if [it were true that] I have ever refused to listen to one of my male or female servants when they complained to me about something,
“Kapau naʻaku lumaʻi ʻae meʻa ʻa ʻeku tamaioʻeiki pe ko ʻeku kaunanga, ʻi he ʻena fai mo au.
14 God would arise [and declare that he would punish me]; and when he would do that, what would I do? If he would ask me [about what I have done], (what would I answer?/I would not be able to answer.) [RHQ]
Ko e hā ai te u fai ʻoka tuʻu hake ʻae ʻOtua? Pea ʻoka ʻaʻahi ʻe ia, ko e hā te u tali ʻaki ia?
15 God, who created me, certainly also created my servants [RHQ]; surely he is the one who formed them and me in our mothers’ wombs [RHQ]; [so we all should behave toward each other equally].
He ʻikai naʻe ngaohi ia ʻe ia naʻa ne ngaohi au ʻi he manāva? Pea ʻikai naʻe fakatupu ʻakimaua ʻosi pe ʻi he manāva ʻe he tokotaha?
16 “I have guided orphans from the time that they were born; I have taken care of them since they were young. So, if [it were true that] I ate all my food myself and did not share some of it with orphans, or [that] I refused to give poor people the things that they wanted, or [that] I caused widows to live (in despair/without hope [that they would receive any help from anyone]),
“Kapau ne u taʻofi ʻae masiva mei heʻenau holi, pe fai ke vaivai ʻae mata ʻoe fefine kuo mate hono husepāniti;
Pea kuo u kai vale haʻaku meʻa siʻi, ʻo ʻikai te ma kai ia mo e tamai mate;
(He ʻoku talu ʻeku lahi hake mo ʻene ʻiate au, ʻo hangē ko haʻane tamai, pea talu ʻeku haʻu mei he manāva ʻo ʻeku faʻē mo ʻeku fakahinohino ia; )
19 or [that] I had seen people die [from cold] because they had no clothes, or [that] I had seen poor people who did not have clothes [to keep them warm],
Kapau kuo u mamata ki ha taha ʻoku mate koeʻuhi ko e telefua, pe ha masiva taʻehakofu;
20 and they were not able to become warm [from clothes made] from the wool of my sheep with the result that they thanked me for [giving them clothes, ]
Kapau naʻe ʻikai tāpuaki au ʻe hono noʻotanga vala, pea ʻikai māfana ia ʻi he fulufulu ʻo ʻeku fanga sipi;
21 or if [it were true that] I threatened to strike any orphan because I knew that the elders at the city gates would (decide in my favor);
Kapau kuo u hiki hoku nima ki he tamai mate, ʻi heʻeku ʻilo ʻoku ou mālohi ʻi he matapā:
22 [if those things were true about me], I hope/desire that my shoulder blade would be torn out and my arm be torn from my shoulder.
‌ʻOfa ke homo hoku uma mei hoku hui fohe, pea fesiʻi hoku nima ʻi he hokotanga hui.
23 I always feared that God would cause me to experience a great disaster [if I did any of those evil things], and I would not have been able to endure the powerful [things that he would do to punish me].
He ko e fakaʻauha mei he ʻOtua ko e meʻa fakailifia kiate au, pea ko e meʻa ʻi heʻene ngeia naʻe ʻikai te u faʻa kātakiʻi.
24 “If [it were true that] I trusted in my gold/money [DOU],
“He kapau naʻaku ʻamanaki ki he koula, pe te u pehē ki he koula lelei, ‘Ko hoku falalaʻanga koe;’
25 or that I rejoiced because I had acquired many things and had become very rich,
Kapau naʻaku fiefia ʻi he tupu ʻo lahi ʻeku koloa, pea koeʻuhi kuo maʻu lahi ʻe hoku nima;
26 or that I looked at the sun when it was shining or looked at the beautiful moon
Kapau naʻaku siofia ʻae laʻā ʻi heʻene ulo, pe ko e māhina ʻoku hāʻele ʻi he ngingila;
27 and I [SYN] had been tempted [to worship them] by kissing my hand to revere them,
Pea kuo fasiaʻi fufū pe hoku loto, pe ʻuma hoku ngutu ki hoku nima:
28 those things also would be sins for which the judges would say that I must be punished, because I would have been rejecting God [by doing those things].
Ko e angahala foki ia ke fakamaauʻi he ka ne pehē, ko ʻeku liʻaki ia ʻae ʻOtua ʻoku ʻi ʻolunga.
29 “[It is not true that] I [SYN] sinned by requesting God to curse people who hated me with the result that God would cause them to die. It is also not true that I was glad when they were ruined or that I rejoiced when they experienced disasters [DOU].
He kapau naʻaku fiefia ʻi he ʻauha ʻo ia naʻe fehiʻa kiate au, pe te u angahiki ki ai ʻoka moʻua ia ʻe he kovi:
Ka naʻe ʻikai te u tuku ke angahala ai ʻa hoku ngutu, ʻi he fakaʻamu ke tō ha malaʻia ki hono laumālie.
31 [It is also not true that] I never welcomed travelers to stay in my tent or that I did not open my doors to them, but [forced them to] sleep in the streets. [All] the men who work for me certainly know that [RHQ]!
‌ʻIkai ʻoku faʻa pehē ʻe heʻeku kau nofoʻanga, Naʻe holi ʻe hai ki haʻane meʻakai pea ʻikai mākona ai?
Naʻe ʻikai mohe ʻae muli ʻi he hala: ka ne u fakaava hoku matapā ke talia ʻae fononga.
33 Some people try to hide their sins, but I have never done that;
He naʻaku fufū koā ʻeku angahala ʻo hangē ko ʻAtama, ʻo fakalilolilo ʻeku hia ʻi hoku fatafata?
34 and I never remained silent and refused to go outside of my home because I was very (afraid of/worried about) what people would say [about me], and that they would hate/scorn me.
Pea te u manavahē ki he fuʻu tokolahi? Pe fakailifiaʻi au ʻe he manuki ʻae ngaahi fānau, ke u longo ai, ʻo taʻehū atu ʻi he matapā?
35 “I wish/desire that there was someone who would hear what I am saying! I solemnly declare [that all that I have said is true]. I wish that those who oppose me would write down [on a scroll] the evil things that they say that I did.
Taumaiā kuo ʻi ai ha tokotaha ʻe fie fanongo kiate au! Vakai, ko hoku loto ke talia au ʻe he Māfimafi, pea ke fai ha tohi ʻe hoku fili.
36 [If they did that, ] I would wear that scroll on my shoulder, or wear it on top of my head, [in order that everyone could see it].
Ko e moʻoni te u hili ia ki hoku uma, ʻo nonoʻo ia kiate au ʻo hangē ha pale.
37 I would tell [God] everything that I have done, and I would approach him [confidently], like a ruler would.
Te u ʻaʻau atu kiate ia ʻae lau ʻo ʻeku ngaahi laka; te u ʻalu atu ʻo hangē ha ʻeiki ke ofi kiate ia.
38 If [it were true that] I have stolen land, with the result that [it was as though] its furrows cried out to accuse me of stealing;
He kapau kuo tangi ʻe hoku fonua kiate au, pe lāunga ʻa hono ngaahi keliʻanga;
39 or [if it were true that] I have eaten the crops that grew in someone else’s fields without paying [for those crops], with the result that those farmers who grew those crops died [from hunger];
Pea kapau kuo u kai taʻetotongi ʻa hono ngaahi fua, pe te u fakamamahiʻi ʻae laumālie ʻokinautolu naʻe tauhi ki ai:
40 then I wish/desire that thorns would grow [in my fields] instead of wheat. May bad weeds grow instead of barley!” That is the end of what Job said [to his three friends].
‌ʻOfa ke tupu ai ʻae talatalaʻāmoa ko e fetongi ʻoe uite, mo e ʻakau taʻeʻaonga ko e fetongi ʻoe paʻale.” Kuo ngata ʻae fakamatala ʻa Siope.

< Job 31 >