< Job 28 >

1 “It is true that there are places where men dig to find silver, and there are places where people refine/purify gold [that they have dug].
Gen mi n anba tè kote yo jwenn ajan. Gen kote se la yo netwaye lò.
2 People dig iron [ore] out of the ground, and they (smelt copper ore/heat copper ore to get the copper from it).
Yo fouye tè pou jwenn fè. Yo fonn wòch pou jwenn kwiv.
3 Men use lamps while they work far down under the ground to search for the ore inside the mines where it is very dark.
Yo desann ak limyè anba tè, kote ki fè nwa anpil, yo fouye byen fon nan vant latè, mezi yo kapab. Y' al chache wòch ki kache kote ki fè nwa anpil la.
4 They dig (shafts/narrow holes very deep down into the ground) in places that are far from where people live, where travelers do not go. They work far away from [other] people, swinging back and forth on ropes [as they descend into the mine shafts].
Byen lwen, kote moun pa ka rete, kote moun pa janm mete pye yo, moun ap fouye gwo koridò anba tè. Y'ap travay pou kont yo, ak yon kòd pase nan ren yo, y'ap balanse nan twou yo.
5 Food grows on the surface of the ground, but down under the ground, [where there is no food, ] the miners make fires to break apart the rocks.
Manje soti nan tè. Men, nan zantray latè a dife fin debòde.
6 The stones [that are dug from under the ground] contain (sapphires/very valuable blue stones), and the dirt contains bits of gold.
Wòch latè a gen bèl pyè safi ladan l'. Nan pousyè a yo jwenn ti grenn lò.
7 [Some birds have very good eyes, ] but even hawks do not know [where the mines are], and falcons/vultures have not seen those places.
Koukou pa janm konnen chemen pou ale la. Karanklou pa janm wè kote sa a ak je l'.
8 Lions or [other] proud wild animals have not walked on the roads near those mines.
Ni lyon, ni ankenn lòt bèt nan bwa, pa janm mete pye yo la.
9 Miners tear apart [MTY] very hard rock; [it is as though] they turn the mountains upside down [to get the ore].
Yo fouye nan wòch dife. Yo fè gwo twou byen fon nan pye mòn yo.
10 They cut tunnels through the rocks, and they find (precious/very valuable) things.
Yo fè gwo koridò byen long nan wòch yo. Yo jwenn tout kalite bèl pyè bijou ki koute chè.
11 They dam up small streams in order that water does not flow, and they bring up into the light valuable things that are hidden [in the ground and in the streams].
Yo fouye nan sous tèt dlo yo tou. Yo mete deyò tou sa ki te kache.
12 “But wisdom: Where can people find that? Where can we find out how to truly understand things?
Men, kote nou ka jwenn konesans lan? Kote bon konprann lan ye menm?
13 Humans do not know where to find it; no one can find it [here on this earth] where they are living.
Lèzòm pa konnen sa pou yo fè pou yo mete men sou li. Yo pa jwenn li ankenn kote sou latè.
14 [It is as though] water that is deep [inside the earth] and [water that is in] the seas say [PRS], ‘Wisdom is not here!’
Fon lanmè a deklare li pa gen bagay konsa. Lanmè a deklare bon konprann pa lakay li.
15 [People] cannot buy wisdom by paying for it with silver or gold.
Ou te mèt gen lò, ou pa ka achte l'. Ou pa ka bay lajan pou ou genyen l'.
16 Wisdom is worth much more than fine gold from Ophir [land] or other very valuable stones.
Li gen plis valè pase lò peyi Ofi a. Bèl pyè oniks ak safi pa ka parèt la.
17 It is worth much more than gold or beautiful glass, worth more than vases made from fine gold.
Yo pa ka konpare l' ni ak lò ni ak bèl kristal. Yo pa ka boukante l' pou yon bèl veso fèt an lò.
18 Wisdom is worth more than coral or crystal/pure quartz; the price of wisdom is higher/more than the price of pearls.
Pou grenn koray ak wòch kristal menm, yo pa ka parèt la. Pito ou al dèyè bon konprann pase ou ale dèyè bèl pyè lanbi.
19 The prices of (topaz/very valuable yellow stones) from Ethiopia and of pure gold are lower/less than the price of wisdom.
Topaz peyi Letiopi pa vo anyen devan l'. Pi bon lò a pa ka konpare ak bon konprann.
20 “So, where does wisdom come from? Where can we find out how to truly understand things?
Men, kote nou ka jwenn konesans lan? Kote bon konprann lan ye menm?
21 No living humans can see it [MTY]; and birds cannot see it while they are flying [MTY].
Pa gen moun, pa gen bèt ki ka wè l', pa menm zwazo k'ap vole nan syèl la.
22 [It is as though] the places where people go after they die say [PRS], ‘We have only heard rumors about [where to find wisdom].’
Ata lanmò ak simityè di se tande yo tande nonmen non l'.
23 God [is the only one who] knows how to find wisdom; he knows where it is,
Se Bondye ase ki konn chemen an. Se li ase ki konnen kote li rete.
24 because he can see things even in the most remote/distant places on the earth; he can see everything that is below the sky.
Paske Bondye wè dènye bout latè. Li voye je l', li gade tou sa ki anba syèl la.
25 When he decided how strongly the winds should blow, and how much rain would be in the clouds,
Lè Bondye t'ap bay van yo pèz yo, lè li t'ap bay dlo lanmè a mezi kote pou l' rive a,
26 and when he decided where rain [should fall], and what path lightning should take [from the clouds down to the ground],
lè li t'ap bay lòd kote pou lapli tonbe ak chemen pou loraj yo pran lè y'ap gwonde,
27 at that time he saw wisdom and decided that it is extremely valuable. He examined it and (approved it/said that it was very good).
se lè sa a li te wè bon konprann, li wè sa li vo. Li egzaminen l' byen egzaminen, li sonde l' byen sonde.
28 And [then] he said to humans, ‘Listen! To have an awesome respect for me is [what will enable you to become] wise; and to truly understand everything, you must first turn away from doing what is evil.’”
Apre sa, Bondye di moun konsa: -Gen krentif pou Bondye, se sa ki rele bon konprann. Vire do bay sa ki mal, men sa ki rele gen lespri.

< Job 28 >