< Jeremiah 52 >

1 Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he became the King [of Judah]. He ruled in Jerusalem for eleven years. His mother was Hamutal, the daughter of [a man named] Jeremiah from Libnah [town].
Двадесет и једна година беше Седекији кад поче царовати, и царова једанаест година у Јерусалиму. Матери му беше име Амутала, кћи Јеремијина, из Ливне.
2 Zedekiah did [many] things that Yahweh says are evil, like [his father] Jehoiakim had done.
Он чињаше што је зло пред Господом сасвим како је чинио Јоаким.
3 [The events that are summarized here happened] because Yahweh was angry with [the people of] Jerusalem and [of other places in] Judah, and finally he (exiled them/forced them to go to other countries) [and said that he did not want to have anything to do with] them any more. Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon.
Јер од гнева Господњег зби се Јерусалиму и Јуди, те их одбаци испред себе. А Седекија се одметну од цара вавилонског.
4 [So, ] on January 15, when Zedekiah had been ruling for almost nine years, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon led his entire army to attack Jerusalem. They surrounded the city and built dirt ramps up to the top of the city walls [to enable them to attack the city].
И тако, девете године његова царовања, десетог дана дође Навуходоносор цар вавилонски са свом војском својом на Јерусалим; и стадоше у логор под њим, и начинише опкопе око њега.
5 They continued to surround Jerusalem until Zedekiah had been ruling for almost eleven years.
И град би опкољен до једанаесте године царовања Седекијиног.
6 When Zedekiah had been ruling for almost eleven years, by July 18 of that year, the (famine/lack of food) in the city had become very severe, and there was no [more] food for the people [to eat].
И деветог дана, четвртог месеца, наста велика глад у граду, те народ земаљски немаше хлеба.
7 Then [the soldiers of Babylonia] broke through [a section of] the city wall, and all the [Israeli] soldiers fled. But because the city was surrounded by soldiers from Babylonia, [Zedekiah and the Israeli] soldiers [waited until] it became dark. Then they left the city through the gate between the two walls behind the king’s garden. Then they ran towards the Jordan River Valley.
Тада град би проваљен, и војници сви побегоше и изиђоше из града ноћу на врата између два зида уз врт царев, а Халдејци беху свуда око града; и отидоше путем к пустињи.
8 But the soldiers of Babylonia pursued King Zedekiah, and they caught up with him on the plains near Jericho. [He was alone because] all his men had deserted him and had scattered.
Али војска халдејска потера цара, и стигоше Седекију у пољу јерихонском, а сва војска што беше с њим разбеже се од њега.
9 The soldiers of Babylonia took him to the king of Babylon, who was at Riblah in the Hamath [region]. There the king of Babylon told [his soldiers what] they should do to punish Zedekiah.
И ухватише цара и одведоше га к цару вавилонском у Ривлу у земљи ематској; и онде му суди.
10 They forced Zedekiah to watch while they killed his sons and all the officials from Judah.
И покла цар вавилонски синове Седекијине на његове очи, и све кнезове Јудине покла у Ривли.
11 [Then] they gouged out Zedekiah’s eyes. They fastened him with bronze chains and took him to Babylon. They put him in a prison, and he remained there until the day that he died.
И Седекији ископа очи, и свезав га у двоје вериге бронзане одведе га цар вавилонски у Вавилон и метну га у тамницу где оста до смрти своје.
12 On August 17 of that year, which was when King Nebuchadnezzar had been ruling for almost 19 years, Nebuzaradan, who was the captain of the king’s bodyguards and one of the king’s officials, arrived in Jerusalem.
А десетог дана петог месеца године деветнаесте царовања Навуходоносора цара вавилонског дође у Јерусалим Невузардан, заповедник стражарски, који служаше цару вавилонском.
13 He [commanded his soldiers to] burn down the temple of Yahweh, the king’s palace, and all the houses in Jerusalem. They [also] destroyed all the important buildings [in the city].
И попали дом Господњи и дом царски и све домове у јерусалиму; све велике куће попали огњем.
14 Then he supervised the soldiers from Babylonia while they tore down the walls on all sides of Jerusalem.
И све зидове јерусалимске у наоколо развали сва војска халдејска што беше са заповедником стражарским.
15 Then Nebuzaradan (forced to go/exiled) [to Babylon] some of the poorest people, those Israelis who had said they would support the king of Babylon, the rest of the craftsmen, and other people who had remained in Jerusalem.
А народ сиромашни и остатак народа што оста у граду, и пребеге што пребегоше к цару вавилонском, и остали прости народ, одведе Невузардан, заповедник стражарски.
16 But Nebuzaradan allowed some of the very poor people to remain [in Judah] to take care of the vineyards and fields.
Само од сиромашног народа у земљи остави Невузардан заповедник стражарски који ће бити виноградари и ратари.
17 The soldiers from Babylonia broke [into pieces] the [huge] bronze pillars that were in front of the temple, and the [large] bronze water tank, and the [ten bronze water] carts, and they took all the bronze to Babylon.
И ступове бронзане што беху у дому Господњем, и подножја и море бронзано које беше у дому Господњем, изломише Халдејци, и бронзу од њих однесоше у Вавилон.
18 They also took away the basins [for holding the ashes from the burned sacrifices], the shovels [for cleaning out the ashes], the tools for snuffing out the wicks of the lamps, the basins [for holding the blood of the sacrificed animals], the dishes [for incense], and all the [other] bronze items that were used when sacrifices were made at the temple.
И лонце и лопате и виљушке и котлиће и кадионице и све све судове бронзане којима служаху, узеше.
19 Nebuzaradan also [told his soldiers to] take away the small bowls, the dishes for burning incense, the basins, pots, lampstands, bowls [for incense], and the bowls used for pouring out the wine offerings. They took all the other items that were made of pure gold or silver.
И умиваонице и клешта с котлићима и лонцима и свећњацима и кадионицама и чашама, шта год беше златно и шта год беше сребрно, узе заповедник стражарски.
20 The bronze from the two pillars, the [large water] tank and the twelve statues of oxen that were beneath it, and the water carts, was more/heavier than they could weigh. Those things had been made for the temple during the time that Solomon was the king.
Два ступа, једно море, и дванаест волова бронзаних што беху под подножјима, што начини цар Соломун за дом Господњи, не беше мере бронзи од свих тих судова.
21 Each of the pillars was (27 feet/8 meters) tall and (18 feet/5.5 meters) around. They were hollow, and each had sides/walls that were (3 in./8 cm.) thick.
А ступови беху сваки од осамнаест лаката у висину, а у наоколо од дванаест лаката, а четири прста беше сваки дебео и шупаљ;
22 The bronze head on the top of each pillar was (7-1/2 feet/over 2 meters) high and was decorated all around with a bronze [network of figures that represented] pomegranates.
И озго на њему беше оглавље бронзано, и оглавље беше високо пет лаката, и плетеница и шипци око оглавља, све од бронзе; такав беше и други ступ са шипцима.
23 There was a total of 100 figures of pomegranates on the network at the top, 96 of which could be seen from the ground.
И беше деведесет и шест шипака са сваке стране; свега шипака на плетеници у наоколо беше сто.
24 When Nebuzaradan [returned to Babylon], he took [with him as prisoners] Seraiah the Supreme Priest, Zephaniah who was Seraiah’s deputy, and the three men who guarded the entrances [to the temple].
Узе заповедник стражарски и Серају, првог свештеника, и Софонију, другог свештеника, и три вратара.
25 He found [some other] people who were [hiding] in the city. [So] from them he took a commander of the army [of Judah], seven of the king’s advisors, the army commander’s chief secretary who was in charge of recruiting [soldiers for the army], and 60 [other] soldiers.
А из града узе једног дворанина, који беше над војницима, и седам људи који стајаху пред царем, који се нађоше у граду, и првог писара војничког, који пописиваше народ по земљи у војску, и шездесет људи из народа земаљског, који се нађоше у граду.
26 Nebuzaradan took them all to the king of Babylon, [who was still] at Riblah.
Узе их Невузардан заповедник стражарски и одведе к цару вавилонском у Ривлу.
27 There at Riblah in the Hamath region, the king of Babylon commanded that they [all] be executed. [Many of the people of] Judah were (forced to leave/exiled from) their own land.
А цар их вавилонски поби и погуби у Ривли у земљи ематској. Тако би пресељен Јуда из земље своје.
28 The number of people who were captured and sent to Babylon at that time, when Nebuchadnezzar had been ruling for almost seven years, was 3,023.
Ово је народ што га пресели Навуходоносор: седме године три хиљаде и двадесет и три Јудејца;
29 Then, when he had been ruling for almost 18 years, his [soldiers] took 832 [more Israeli people to Babylonia].
Године осамнаесте Навуходоносорове пресели из Јерусалима осам стотина и тридесет и две душе;
30 When he had been ruling almost 23 years, he sent Nebuzaradan [to Jerusalem again], and he brought back 745 [more Israelis to Babylonia]. That was a total of 4,600 Israelis [who were taken to Babylonia].
Године двадесет треће Навуходоносорове пресели Невузардан заповедник стражарски Јудејаца седам стотина и четрдесет и пет душа; свега четири хиљаде и шест стотина душа.
31 After King Jehoiachin of Judah had been in prison [in Babylon] for almost thirty-seven years, Evil-Merodach became the king of Babylon. He was kind to Jehoiachin and ordered that he be released from prison. That was on March 31 of the year that Evil-Merodach became king.
А тридесет седме године од како се зароби Јоахин цар Јудин, дванаестог месеца, двадесет петог дана, Евил-Меродах цар вавилонски исте године зацаривши се извади из тамнице Јоахина, цара Јудиног.
32 He [always] spoke kindly to Jehoiachin and gave him a position in which he was honored more than [all] the other kings [who had been exiled/taken to Babylon].
И лепо говори с њим, и намести му престо више престола других царева који беху код њега у Вавилону.
33 He [supplied new clothes] for Jehoiachin, to replace the clothes that he had been wearing in prison. [He also allowed] Jehoiachin to eat with him every day, all during the rest of his life.
И промени му хаљине тамничке, и он јеђаше свагда с њим свега века свог.
34 Every day, the King [of Babylon] gave him some money [to buy the things that he needed. That continued] until the day that Jehoiachin died.
И храна му се једнако даваше од цара вавилонског, сваки дан, свега века његовог до смрти његове.

< Jeremiah 52 >