< Jeremiah 41 >

1 Ishmael was a member of the king’s family. He had been one of King Zedekiah’s important officials. In October of that year, he went to Mizpah with ten other men to [talk with] Gedaliah. While they were eating together,
Oubi fesu amo odega, Isama: iele (Nedanaia egefe amola Ilisiama ea aowa [Ilisiama da hina bagade ea fi dunu amola hina bagade ea eagene ouligisu dunu afae galu]) e da Misiba moilaiga Gedalaia gousa: musa: asi. Ilia huluane da gilisili ha: i nanoba,
2 Ishmael and the other ten men jumped up, and with their swords they killed Gedaliah—the man whom the king of Babylon had appointed to be their governor!
Isama: iele amola dunu nabuane ea sigi misi amo, ilia gegesu gobihei sedade duga: le gadole, Gedalaia medole legei.
3 Ishmael [and the other men] also killed all the Jews and the soldiers from Babylonia who were with Gedaliah at Mizpah.
Amola Isama: iele da Isala: ili dunu huluane Misiba amoga Gedalaia sigi esalu, amola Ba: bilone dadi gagui dunu amogawi esalu, amo huluane medole lelegei.
4 The next day, before anyone had found out that Gedaliah had been murdered,
Aya esoga, dunu huluane da Gedalaia ea medole lelegei amo hame nabi galu,
5 eighty men from Shechem, Shiloh, and Samaria [cities] came to worship at the temple of Yahweh [in Mizpah]. They had shaved off their beards and torn their clothes and cut themselves [to show that they were mourning]. And they had brought grain offerings and incense [to burn on the altar].
dunu 80agoane da Siegeme amola Siailou amola Samelia amoga misini, Misiba amoga doaga: i. Ilia da mayabo waga: ne, abula gadelale, ilisu da: i fa: ginisiwane misi. Ilia da gagoma amola gabusiga: manoma amo Debolo diasuga gobele salimusa: gaguli manebe ba: i.
6 Ishmael went out of the city to meet them, crying as he went. When he reached them, he said, “Come [and see what has happened to] Gedaliah!”
Amalalu, Isama: iele da Misiba amoga digini, ili gousa: musa: asi. E da ilima doaga: le, amane sia: i, “Sama misa! Gedalaia ba: musa: misa!”
7 But as soon as they had all entered the town, Ishmael and his men killed [most of] them and threw their corpses into a well.
Ilia da Misiba moilai amo ganodini golili sa: ili, Isama: iele amola ea fa: no bobogesu dunu da hedolowane ili medole lelegele, ilia bogoi da: i hodo amo hano uli dogoi ganodini sanasisi.
8 There were [only] ten of them whom they (spared/did not kill). They were not killed because they promised to Ishmael that [if he allowed them to remain alive, they would bring him] lots of wheat and barley and olive oil and honey that they had hidden.
Be amo gilisisu ganodini, dunu nabuane gala ilia da Isama: ielema ha: giwane edegei, “Nini mae medole legema! Ninia da widi, bali, olife susuligi amola agime hano, soge ganodini wamolegei diala.” Amaiba: le, e da amo dunu hame medole legei.
9 The well where Ishmael’s men had thrown the corpses of the men whom they had murdered was the deep well that King Asa’s [men] had dug [in order that they would have water in the city] if the army of King Baasha of Israel would surround the city. Ishmael’s men filled that well with corpses.
Hano uli dogoi amo ganodini Isama: iele da dunu e medole legei amo ilia da: i hodo ha: digi, amo da uli dogoi bagade. Musa: , Isala: ili hina bagade Ba: iasia da Yuda hina bagade A: isa ema doagala: beba: le, A:isa da amo uli dogoma: ne sia: i. Isama: iele da amo uli dogoi, bogoi dunu ilia da: i hodo ha: digi amola uli dogoi da nabai ba: i.
10 Then Ishmael [and his men] captured the king’s daughters and some of the other people who had been left in Mizpah by Nebuzaradan in order that Gedaliah would take care of them. Ishmael and his men took those people and started back toward the Ammon area.
Amalalu, e da hina bagade ea idiwi huluane amola Misiba dunu (amo Ba: bilone dadi gagui ouligisu Nebiusala: ida: ne da Gedalaia ema ouligima: ne sia: i) amo huluane afugili, ili udigili hawa: hamoma: ne, A:mone sogega hiouginana asi.
11 But Johanan and all the other leaders of the Israeli soldiers who had not surrendered to the army of Babylonia heard about what Ishmael [and his men] had done.
Youha: ina: ne amola Yuda dadi gagui ouligisu dunu ema sigi esalu, ilia da Isama: iele ea wadela: i hou amo nabi dagoi.
12 So they [immediately] went with all their men to stop them. They caught up with them at the large pool near Gibeon [city].
Amaiba: le, ilia da ilia fa: no bobogesu dunu gagadole, ema fa: no bobogele, hano wayabo Gibione moilai bai bagade gadenene amoga Isama: ielema doagala: i.
13 When all the people whom Ishmael and his men had captured saw Johanan and the soldiers who were with him, they [shouted] joyfully.
Dunu amo da Isama: iele da gagulaligi ilia da Youha: ina: ne amola ea dadi gagui ouligisu dunu ba: beba: le, hahawane bagade ba: i.
14 So all those who had been captured in Mizpah escaped, and they started to help Johanan.
Ilia da sinidigili, ilima hehenai.
15 But Ishmael and eight of his men escaped and fled to the Ammon area.
Be Isama: iele amola ea dunu godoane gala da Youha: ina: nema hobeale, A:mone sogega hobea: i.
16 Then Johanan and the men who were with him [gathered together] all the people whom they had rescued at Gibeon. They included soldiers and women and children and some of the king’s palace officials. They were all people whom Ishmael [and his men] had captured after they had killed Gedaliah.
Amalalu, Youha: ina: ne amola ea dadi gagui ouligisu dunu da dadi gagui dunu amola uda amola mano amola gulusu danai dunu amo Isama: iele da udigili hawa: hamomusa: lai, amo ouligi.
17 They took them all to Geruth-Kimham [village] near Bethlehem. And they all prepared to go to Egypt.
18 They were worried about what the soldiers of Babylonia [would do to them when they found out] that Ishmael had killed Gedaliah, who had been appointed by the King of Babylonia to be their governor.
Ilia da Ba: bilone fi ilima bagade beda: i galu. Bai Ba: bilone hina bagade da Gedalaia amo Yuda soge ouligima: ne ilegei dagoi, amola Isama: iele da Gedalaia amo medole legei dagoi. Amaiba: le, ilia da Ba: bilone dunu ilima hobeamusa: , Idibidi sogega masusa: asi. Logoga ahoanoba, ilia da Gimiha: me moilai, Bedeleheme gadenene, ouesalu.

< Jeremiah 41 >