< Jeremiah 34 >

1 King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came with the armies of all the kingdoms that he ruled, and they fought against Jerusalem and the other towns [in Judah]. At that time, Yahweh gave me this message:
Ko e folofola naʻe hoko meia Sihova kia Selemaia, ʻi he te u tau ki Selūsalema mo hono ngaahi kolo ʻo ia, ʻa Nepukanesa ko e tuʻi ʻo Papilone, mo ʻene kautau kotoa pē, mo e ngaahi puleʻanga kotoa pē ʻo māmani naʻa ne pule ki ai, pea mo e kakai kotoa pē, ʻo pehē,
2 “Go to Zedekiah the King of Judah, and say to him, ‘This is what Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], says: “I am about to enable the army of the King of Babylon to capture this city, and they will burn it down.
“ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova, ko e ʻOtua ʻo ʻIsileli; ‘ʻAlu ʻo lea kia Setikia ko e tuʻi ʻo Siuta, pea tala kiate ia, ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova; “Vakai, te u tukuange ʻae kolo ni ki he nima ʻoe tuʻi ʻo Papilone, pea te ne tutu ʻaki ia ʻae afi:
3 You will not escape from them; they will capture you and take you to the king of Babylon. And [then] they will take you to Babylon.”’
Pea ʻe ʻikai te ke hao koe mei hono nima, ka ʻe maʻu moʻoni koe, pea tukuange koe ki hono nima; pea ʻe mamata ʻe he fofonga ki he fofonga ʻoe tuʻi ʻo Papilone, pea te mo alea mo ia ko e ngutu ki he ngutu, pea te ke ʻalu ki Papilone.”’
4 But King Zedekiah, listen to this that Yahweh has promised: ‘You will not be killed in a battle [MTY];
“Ka ke fanongo ki he folofola ʻa Sihova, ʻE Setikia ko e tuʻi ʻo Siuta: ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova, kiate koe, ‘ʻE ʻikai te ke mate koe ʻi he heletā.
5 you will die peacefully. [When you die], people will burn incense to honor/remember you just as they did for your ancestors who were kings before you became king. They will mourn for you, crying, “We are very sad that our king is dead!” I, Yahweh, promise that will happen.’”
Ka te ke pekia ʻi he fiemālie: pea hangē ko e tutu [naʻe fai ]ki hoʻo ngaahi tamai ko e ngaahi ʻuluaki tuʻi naʻe muʻa ʻiate koe, ʻe pehē ʻenau tutu meʻa namu kakala kiate koe; pea te nau mamahi koeʻuhi ko koe, ʻo pehē, “ʻOiauē ʻeiki!” He kuo u fakahā ʻae lea,’ ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova.”
6 [So] I took that message to King Zedekiah.
Pea naʻe toki lea ʻaki ʻe Selemaia ko e palōfita ʻae ngaahi lea ni kotoa pē kia Setikia ko e tuʻi ʻo Siuta ʻi Selūsalema,
7 At that time the army of Babylonia had surrounded Jerusalem and Lachish and Azekah. Those [three] cities were the only cities in Judah that had high walls around them that still had not been captured.
‌ʻI he tau ʻoe kau tau ʻoe tuʻi ʻo Papilone ki Selūsalema, pea mo e kolo kotoa pē ʻo Siuta naʻe toe, ʻa Lakisi, mo ʻAseka: he naʻe toe ʻae ongo kolo tau ni ʻi Siuta.
8 King Zedekiah had decreed that the people must free their slaves.
Ko eni ʻae folofola naʻe hoko meia Sihova kia Selemaia, hili hono fai ʻae fuakava ʻe Setikia ko e tuʻi mo e kakai kotoa pē naʻe ʻi Selūsalema, ke fakahā kiate kinautolu ʻae tauʻatāina;
9 [He decreed that] the people must free their Hebrew slaves, [both the] men slaves and the women [slaves]. No one would be allowed to force a fellow Jew to [continue to] be his slave.
Koeʻuhi ke taki taha tukuange ʻe he tangata ʻa ʻene tamaioʻeiki, mo ʻene kaunanga, ke tauʻatāina, ʻo kapau ko e tangata Hepelū pe ko e fefine Hepelū; koeʻuhi ke ʻoua naʻa tamaioʻeiki ʻaki ʻe ha Siu ʻa hono tokoua.
10 The officials and the rest of the people had obeyed [what the king decreed],
Pea naʻe tokanga ʻae houʻeiki kotoa pē, pea mo e kakai kotoa pē, ʻakinautolu naʻe fai ʻae fuakava, ke taki taha tukuange ʻene tamaioʻeiki, mo ʻene kaunanga ke tauʻatāina, ke ʻoua naʻa pule ʻe ha taha kiate kinautolu, pea naʻa nau fai ia, ʻonau tuku ke nau ʻalu.
11 but later they changed their minds. They forced the men and women whom they had freed to become their slaves again.
Kae hili ia naʻa nau tafoki, pea pule ki he tamaioʻeiki mo e kaunanga, ko kinautolu kuo nau tukuange ke tauʻatāina, ke toe haʻu, pea toe pule kiate kinautolu ke nau tamaioʻeiki mo kaunanga.
12 [So] Yahweh gave me this message [to tell to them]:
Ko ia naʻe haʻu ʻae folofola ʻa Sihova kia Selemaia meia Sihova, ʻo pehē,
13 “I, Yahweh, the God whom you Israelis [say you belong to], (made an agreement with/gave this command to) your ancestors [long ago], when I rescued them from being slaves in Egypt.
“ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova, ko e ʻOtua ʻo ʻIsileli; ‘Naʻaku fai ʻae fuakava mo hoʻomou ngaahi tamai ʻi he ʻaho naʻaku ʻomi ai ʻakinautolu mei he fonua ko ʻIsipite, mei he fale fakapōpula, ʻo pehē,
14 I told them that they must free all their Hebrew slaves after the slaves had worked for them for six years. But your ancestors did not pay any attention to what I said.
‌ʻOka hili ʻae taʻu ʻe fitu te mou tukuange ʻae tangata taki taha hono tokoua ko e Hepelū, ʻaia kuo fakatau kiate koe, pea hili ʻene tauhi kiate koe ʻi he taʻu ʻe ono, ke ke tukuange ia ke ne tauʻatāina meiate koe: ka naʻe ʻikai fanongo kiate au ʻa hoʻomou ngaahi tamai, pe fakafanongo mai honau telinga.
15 Recently, you obeyed my command and stopped doing what was wrong and did what was right. You made a solemn agreement at my temple [that you would free your slaves], and [then] you freed them.
Pea naʻa mou tafoki eni, ʻo fai totonu ʻi hoku ʻao, ʻi hoʻomou taki taha fakatauʻatāinaʻi ʻa hono kaungāʻapi; pea naʻa mou fai ʻae fuakava ʻi hoku ʻao ʻi he fale kuo ui ʻaki hoku huafa:
16 But now you have disregarded what you solemnly promised, and you have shown contempt for what I [MTY] said by taking back the women and men whom you had freed and said they could live wherever they wanted to. [Now] you have forced them to be your slaves again.
Ka naʻa mou liliu ʻo fakaʻuliʻi hoku huafa, pea naʻe pule ʻe he tangata taki taha ki heʻene tamaioʻeiki, mo e tangata taki taha ki heʻene kaunanga, ko kinautolu naʻa ne fakatauʻatāinaʻi ke faʻiteliha pe, ke toe haʻu, pea fakamoʻulaloa ʻakinautolu, ke hoko ko e tamaioʻeiki mo e kaunanga kiate kimoutolu.’”
17 Therefore, this is what [I], Yahweh, say: ‘Because you have not obeyed me by freeing your fellow Israelis, I will free you to [be destroyed by] the swords [of your enemies] and by famines and diseases. All the nations of the earth will be horrified because of [what happens to] you.
Ko ia ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova; “Naʻe ʻikai te mou fanongo kiate au, ke fakahā ʻae tauʻatāina taki taha ki hono tokoua, mo e tangata taki taha ki hono kaungāʻapi: ko ia,” ʻoku pehē mai ʻa Sihova, “Vakai, Te u fakahā ʻae tauʻatāina kiate kimoutolu, ki he heletā, mo e mahaki fakaʻauha, pea mo e honge; pea te u pule ke fetuku ʻakimoutolu ki he ngaahi puleʻanga kotoa pē ʻo māmani.
18 Because you have disregarded what I said in my agreement with you, I will do to you just like you did to the calves that you cut in half to show that you would surely do what you solemnly promised that you would do. I will [enable your enemies to] cut you into pieces, you officials of Judah and you officials of Jerusalem, and you officials in the palace, and you priests and all you common people. I will do that because you have disregarded what you solemnly promised [about freeing your slaves].
Pea te u foaki ʻae kau tangata, ko kinautolu kuo maumauʻi ʻeku fuakava, ko kinautolu ʻoku teʻeki ai ke fakamoʻoni ʻae ngaahi lea ʻoe fuakava ʻaia naʻa nau fai ʻi hoku ʻao, ʻi heʻenau fahi ua ʻae ʻuhikiʻi pulu, pea ʻalu ʻi he vahaʻa ʻoe ongo fahi,
Ko e houʻeiki ʻo Siuta, mo e houʻeiki ʻo Selūsalema, ko e kau talifekau, mo e kau taulaʻeiki, pea mo e kakai kotoa pē ʻoe fonua, ko kinautolu naʻe ʻalu ʻi he vahaʻa ʻoe ongo fahi ʻoe ʻuhikiʻi pulu;
20 I will enable your enemies to capture you, and they will kill you. And your bodies will be food for vultures and wild animals.
Te u foaki ʻakinautolu ki he nima ʻo honau ngaahi fili, pea ki he nima ʻonautolu ʻoku kumi ki heʻenau moʻui: pea ʻe hoko honau ʻangaʻanga ko e meʻakai ki he fanga manupuna ʻoe langi, pea ki he fanga manu ʻoe fonua.
21 I will enable the army of the king of Babylon to capture King Zedekiah and his officials. Although the king of Babylon and his army have left Jerusalem [for a short time],
“Pea te u foaki ʻa Setikia ko e tuʻi ʻo Siuta mo hono houʻeiki ki he nima ʻo honau ngaahi fili, pea ki he nima ʻokinautolu ʻoku kumi ki heʻenau moʻui, pea ki he nima ʻoe kau tau ʻoe tuʻi ʻo Papilone, ʻakinautolu kuo ʻalu hake ʻiate kimoutolu.”
22 I will summon them back again. [This time], they will fight against this city and capture it and burn it down. I will make [sure] that all the towns in Judah are destroyed, [with the result that] no one will live there [any more].’”
‌ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova, “Vakai, te u fekau pea pule kiate kinautolu ke nau toe hau ki he kolo ni; pea te nau tauʻi ia, pea lavaʻi ia, pea tutu ia ʻaki ʻae afi pea te u ngaohi ʻae ngaahi kolo ʻo Siuta ke lala taʻehanokakai.”

< Jeremiah 34 >