< Jeremiah 30 >

1 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
Ko te kupu i puta mai ki a Heremaia, he mea na Ihowa; i mea ia,
2 “[I], Yahweh, the God whom the Israeli people [say they belong to], am telling you that you should write down everything that I have said to you.
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, a te Atua o Iharaira, e mea ana, Tuhituhia ki te pukapuka nga kupu katoa i korerotia e ahau ki a koe.
3 [I want you to know that] some day I will free my people, [the people of] Israel and Judah, from being slaves [in Babylon]. I will bring them back to this land that I gave to their ancestors, and this land will belong to them again. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.”
Tenei ake hoki nga ra, e ai ta Ihowa, e whakahokia mai ai e ahau taku iwi, a Iharaira raua ko Hura, i te whakarau, e ai ta Ihowa: a ka whakahokia mai ratou e ahau ki te whenua i hoatu e ahau ki o ratou matua, a ka riro a reira i a ratou.
4 Yahweh gave [to me] another message concerning [the people of] Israel and Judah.
A ko nga kupu enei i korerotia e Ihowa mo Iharaira raua ko Hura,
5 This is what he said: “I hear people screaming because they are terrified [DOU]; there is no peace [in the land].
Ko te kupu hoki tenei a Ihowa: Kua rongo tatou i te reo o te tuiri, o te wehi, ehara i te rongo mau.
6 But think about this: Men certainly do not [RHQ] give birth to babies. Therefore, why do strong men stand there, with their faces very white/pale, with their hands pressed against their stomachs, like women who are about to give birth to babies?
Tena ra, ui atu, kia kite ai koutou, he whanau tamariki ranei ta te tane: He aha ahau i kite ai i nga tangata katoa ko o ratou ringa kei o ratou hope, koia ano kei te wahine e whanau ana, kua puta ke ano nga kanohi katoa, kua koma?
7 [Terrible things will soon happen]; that will be a terrible day! There has never been such a time. It will be a time when [my] Israeli people will experience great trouble, but [finally] they will be saved [from their sufferings].”
Aue! he ra nui hoki taua ra, kahore he rite mona: ko te wa hoki ia o to Hakopa mamae; otiia ka whakaorangia ia i taua mamae.
8 The Commander of the armies of angels says this: “At that time [it will be as though] I will sever/cut the ropes [that are around my people], and I will free them from being (slaves/forced to do what the King of Babylon wants them to do) [MET]. People in other countries will no longer be their bosses.
Na i taua ra, e ai ta Ihowa o nga mano, ka wahia e ahau tana ioka i tou kaki, ka motuhia hoki ou here; e kore hoki ia e whakamahia e nga tangata ke i muri iho:
9 My people will [again] serve me, Yahweh, their God, and [they will serve a king who is a descendant of] King David; [they will serve the king] whom I will appoint for them.
Engari ka mahi ratou ki a Ihowa, ki to ratou Atua, ki a Rawiri hoki, ki to ratou kingi e whakaarahia ake e ahau mo ratou.
10 So, [you people of] Israel who serve me, do not be dismayed/worried [now], because [some day] I will bring you back from distant places; I will bring your descendants [back home] from the land to which they were exiled. [Then you] Israeli people will [again] live peacefully and safely, and there will not be any [nation] that will cause you to be terrified.
Na reira kaua e wehi, e taku pononga, e Hakopa, e ai ta Ihowa, kaua hoki e pawera, e Iharaira: nana, ka whakaora hoki ahau i a koe i tawhiti, i ou uri ano i te whenua i whakaraua atu ai ratou; a ka hoki mai a Hakopa, ka ata noho, ka whai tanga m anawa, te ai he kaiwhakawehi mona.
11 I, Yahweh, say that I will be with you and will rescue you; I will completely destroy the nations to which I have scattered you. But I will not completely destroy you. I will punish you [for your many sins], but I will punish you [only] as severely as you deserve: I would be doing wrong if I did not punish you at all.”
No te mea hei hoa ahau mou, e ai ta Ihowa, hei whakaora i a koe: ka poto rawa hoki i ahau nga iwi katoa kua whakamararatia atu na koe ki reira, otiia e kore koe e poto rawa i ahau; engari ka pakia koe e ahau, he mea whakarite marie atu, e kore a no hoki koe e tukua kia kahore rawa e whiua.
12 Yahweh [also] says this: “[You have (suffered very much/endured many disasters)]; [it is as though] you have a terrible wound that cannot be cured.
Ko te kupu hoki tenei a Ihowa, Ko tou pakaru e kore e mahu, he mamae rawa tou marutanga.
13 There is no one to help you, no one to put a bandage on your wound. There is no [medicine that will] heal you.
Kahore he tangata hei tohe i tau, kia takaia ai koe: kahore ou rongoa whakamahu.
14 All your allies [MET] have deserted you and they do not want to help you [any more]. [It is true that] I have punished you severely, [like your] enemies would wound you, because you have committed many sins and you are very guilty.
Ko te hunga katoa i aroha ki a koe kua wareware ki a koe; kahore ratou e rapu i a koe; no te mea i patua koe e ahau ki te patu a te hoariri, ki te whiu hoki a te tangata nanakia; he nui hoki no tou kino, he maha no ou hara.
15 [Because that is true], why do you protest about my punishing you, [as though I had caused] a wound that could not be cured [RHQ]? It was necessary for me to punish you, because you had committed many sins and you were very guilty.
He aha koe i tangi ai ki tou pakaru? e kore tou mamae e taea te rongoa: mo te nui hoki o tou kino, he maha no ou hara, i meinga ai e ahau enei mea ki a koe.
16 But [some day] all those who [are trying to] destroy you will be destroyed; all your enemies will be exiled [to other nations]. All those who have stolen things from you will have their [valuable] possessions stolen, and all those who attack you will be attacked.
Na reira ko te hunga katoa e kai ana i a koe, ka kainga ratou; ko ou hoariri katoa, ko ratou katoa, ka riro ki te whakarau; ko te hunga e pahua ana i a koe ka pahuatia ratou, a ka tukua e ahau hei taonga parau te hunga katoa e muru ana i a koe.
17 [Everyone] says that you are (outcasts/people that they no longer associate with), and that [you live in] Jerusalem, a city that no one cares about.” But Yahweh says, “I will heal your injuries/wounds and cause you to be healthy again.”
Ka whakahokia atu hoki e ahau te ora ki a koe, ka rongoatia e ahau ou marutanga, e ai ta Ihowa; no te mea kua kiia koe e ratou, he peinga, kua mea, Ko Hiona tenei e kore nei e rapua e te tangata.
18 This is what Yahweh says: “I will bring the people of Israel back from the lands to which they were taken and enable them to possess their land and their houses again. [When that happens], Jerusalem will be rebuilt on top of its ruins, and the [king’s] palace will be rebuilt to be like it was before.
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa: Nana, ka whakahokia mai e ahau i te whakarau nga teneti o Hakopa, ka aroha ki ona nohoanga; a ka hanga te pa ki runga ki tona puranga ano, ka whakapumautia ano nga tikanga o te whare kingi.
19 People will [again] sing joyfully to thank [me], and I will cause there to be more people [in Jerusalem], not fewer; I will cause them to be honored, not despised.
Ka puta mai ano i reira te whakamoemiti, me te reo o te hunga e kata ana: a ka whakanuia ratou e ahau, e kore ratou e torutoru: ka whakakororiatia hoki ratou e ahau, a e kore ratou e iti.
20 Their children will [prosper] like they did before. I will cause them to be a group of people [who worship] me, and I will punish any [nation] that oppresses them.
A ka rite a ratou tamariki ki o mua; ka whakapumautia hoki to ratou whakaminenga ki toku aroaro, a ka whiua e ahau te hunga katoa e tukino ana i a ratou.
21 One of their own people will be their king, and I will invite him to come close to me [to worship me], because no one [RHQ] would (dare/have courage) to come close to me [if I did not invite him].
A ko to ratou metararahi ko tetahi ano o ratou, ka puta ake hoki to ratou kawana i roto i a ratou; a ka meinga ia e ahau kia whakatata mai, a ka haere mai ia ki ahau: ko wai oti tenei kua toa nei ki te haere mai ki ahau? e ai ta Ihowa.
22 You [Israeli people] will be my people, and I will be your God.”
A hei iwi koutou maku, ko ahau hoki hei Atua mo koutou.
23 Yahweh will punish [MTY] [your enemies]; [it will be like a great] storm; it will come down [like] a whirlwind, swirling around the heads of wicked people.
Nana, ko te tukauati a Ihowa, ara ko tona riri mura tonu, te paoho atu na, he tukauati e tahi ana: tera e aki ki runga ki te mahunga o te hunga kino.
24 He will not stop being angry until he completely accomplishes [all] that he has planned. In the future, you will understand [all] of this [clearly].
E kore e tahuri atu te riri kino o Ihowa, kia oti ra ano i a ia, kia whakapumautia ra ano e ia nga whakaaro o tona ngakau: i nga ra whakamutunga ka matau koutou.

< Jeremiah 30 >