< James 5 >

1 Now [I have something to say to] the rich people [who do not believe in Christ and who] ([oppress you/cause you to suffer]). Listen [to me], you rich people! You should weep and wail [loudly] [DOU] because you will experience terrible troubles [PRS]!
Lino amwe babile, kamunyumfwani. Lilani ne kompolola cebo ca mapensho alesanga palinjamwe.
2 Your wealth [of various kinds] is [worthless] [MET], [as though it were] rotted. Your fine clothes are [worthless] [MET], [as though] termites had ruined them.
Buboni bwenu bulabolo, muswa ulali byakufwala byenu.
3 Your gold and silver are [worthless] [MET], [as though they were] corroded. [When God judges you], this worthless wealth [MTY] of yours will be evidence [PRS] that you are guilty [of being greedy], and as rust and fire [destroy] [MET, SYN] things, [God] will severely punish you [SIM]. You have ([in vain/uselessly]) (stored up/accumulated) [wealth] at a time when [God] is about to [judge you] [MTY].
Mali enu alaba ne ndala kayi yopeleyo ndala eshikabe kamboni, nikalye mibili yenu eti mulilo. Mulabunganya mali angi mumasuba ano akumapwililisho.
4 Think [about what you have done]. You have not paid wages to the workmen who have harvested your fields for you, [with the result that] [PRS] those reapers are crying out [to God for him to help them]. [And God], the all-powerful Lord, has heard their loud cries.
Muliya kubafolesha basebenshi basebensanga mumabala enu sobwe. Nyumfwani kutongauka kwabo! Kulila kwabo beshikubunganya bishango byenu kulashiki ku matwi a Lesa Mwami wangofu shonse.
5 You have lived luxuriously, just to have pleasure [here] on earth. [Just like cattle fatten themselves, not realizing that] they will be slaughtered [MET], you have [lived just for pleasure] [MTY], [not realizing that God will severely punish you].
Buyumi bwenu pano pacishi capanshi bwesula ne byakulya byaina. Mulansuku pabusuba bwakumushina.
6 You have [arranged for others/judges to] condemn innocent people. You have [arranged for others to kill] some people. [And even though] those people had not done anything wrong, they were not [able to] defend themselves against you. [My fellow believers, that is what I say to the rich people] ([who oppress you/cause you to suffer]).
Mulombolosho ne kushina muntu walulama, neye liya kukanapo sobwe.
7 So, my fellow believers, [although rich people cause you to suffer], be patient until the Lord [Jesus Christ] comes [back]. Remember that when farmers [plant a field], they wait for their valuable crops to grow. They must wait patiently for the rain [that comes] at the planting season and for more rain [that comes] just before the harvest season. They wait [for] the crops [to grow and mature before they can harvest them].
Lino mobansebame, pembelelani mpaka Mwami akese. Bonani ncakute kwinsa mulimi, ukute kupembelela kuloka kwa mfula yanshimalupya ne mfula yalondansoke kwambeti byalimwa bikome cena mulibala.
8 [Similarly], you also should [wait] patiently and trust the Lord [Jesus] firmly, because he is coming [back] soon [and will judge all people fairly].
Neco nenjamwe pembelelani kayi yumishani myoyo, pakwinga Mwami ulipepi kwisa.
9 My fellow believers, do not complain about each other, in order that you will not be condemned [and punished by the Lord Jesus] {in order that [the Lord Jesus] will not condemn you}. It is he who will judge us, and he is ready to appear.
Kamutatongaukanga pakati penu, kutineti Lesa ngaumombolosha. Bonani shikombolosha wemana kendi pacishinga.
10 My fellow believers, as an example [of how to be patient], (consider/think about) the prophets whom the Lord [God sent long ago] to speak his messages [MTY]. [Although people caused] the prophets to suffer a lot, they endured it patiently.
Mobansebame, anukani cilesho ca bashinshimi balikwamba mulina lya Mwami. Balacana mapensho, nsombi baliya kubwelela kunyuma.
11 And we know that [God] (approves of/is pleased with) those who endure [suffering for him]. You have also heard about Job. You know that [although he suffered much], the Lord [God] finally caused things to turn out well [for Job because] he endured [that suffering] (OR, because he continued [to trust God]). [And from that we know] that the Lord is very compassionate and kind.
Bantu mbotukute kwambeti bakute colwe nibantu balikuba balimbikila. Mwalanyumfwa sha Yobu ncalalimbikila, kayi mucishi Lesa ncalamwinshila pamapwililisho pakwinga Lesa niwankumbo kayi waina moyo.
12 Also, my fellow believers, [I want to say] something important [about how you talk]. [If you say that you will do something], do not say, “If I do not do it, may [God in] heaven [MTY] punish me.” Do not even say, “If I do not do it, may [someone here on] earth [MTY] punish me.” Do not say anything like that. Instead, if you say “Yes,” then [do what you said that you would do]. If you say “No,” then do not [do it]. Otherwise, [God] will condemn you.
Nomba kupita byonse, kamutalumbilanga mwalayananga, kamutalumbilangeti, kwilu nambi cishi capanshi, nambi cintu ciliconse. Amwe mwasuminishanga kamwambangoweti, “Ee” Mwakananga kamwambangoweti, “Sobwe” Kutineti Lesa ngaumucana nemulandu wakumombolosha.
13 Whoever among you is experiencing trouble [RHQ] should pray [that God would help him. Whoever] is cheerful/happy [RHQ] should sing songs of praise [to God].
Sena pali muntu uli mumapensho? Kapailani. Sena pali wakondwa? Aimbile nyimbo sha kulumbanya Lesa.
14 Whoever among you is sick [RHQ] should call the leaders of the congregation [to come to pray for him]. They should put [olive] oil on him and, with the Lord’s authority [MTY] (OR, calling on the Lord [to heal him]), pray.
Sena pali muntu lakolwanga? Kakuwani bamakulene bamubungano, bese bamupailileko nekumunanika mafuta mu lina lya Mwami.
15 And if they truly trust [in the Lord] when they pray [PRS], the sick person will be healed. The Lord will heal him. And if that person has sinned ([in a way that caused him to be/and because of that he became]) [sick, if he] ([confesses what he did/says that he did what is wrong]), he will be forgiven {[the Lord] will forgive him}.
Mupailo walushomo lulico nukamupulushe mulwashi, Mwami nakamubweshele ngofu, kayi bwipishi mbwalensa nibukalekelelwe.
16 So, [because the Lord is able to heal the sick and to forgive sins], tell each other the sinful things that you have done, and pray for each other in order that you may be healed {that [God] may heal you} [physically and spiritually]. If righteous people [pray and] ask fervently [for God to do something, God] will certainly do it in a powerful way.
Neco kamuyubululananga bwipishi ne kupaililana kwambeti mubenga ne buyumi bwaina. Pakwinga mupailo wa muntu walulama ukute ngofu, kayi nkaukute kuba wabulyo sobwe.
17 [Although the prophet] Elijah was (an ordinary person/just a human being) like us, he earnestly prayed that it would not rain. [As a result], it did not rain for three and a half years.
Eliya walikuba muntu ulyeti afwe, mpwalapaileti mfula kaitaloka, cakubinga mfula iliya kuloka kwa byaka bitatu ne myenshi isanu ne umo.
18 Then he prayed again, [asking God to send rain], and [as a result God] [MTY] sent rain, and plants [grew and] produced crops [again].
Nomba kayi mpwalapaila imfula yalaloka ne kumenesha mbuto.
19 My fellow believers, if anyone of you stops obeying the true message [from God], someone from among you should persuade that person to once again do [what God has told us to do]. [If he stops doing what is wrong],
Mobansebame, na umbi utaika nekushiya cancinencine, munendi amubweshe,
20 the one [who persuaded him] should realize that [because] he has enabled the person who was sinning to stop doing what is wrong, [God] will save that person from ([spiritual] death/being separated from him forever), and will forgive [his] many sins.
ishibani kwambeti uliyense labweshe mwipishi kuleka nshila yaipa, lapulushu buyumi bwa muntuyo ku lufu, kayi bwipishi bwingi nibukalekelelwe.

< James 5 >