< James 2 >

1 My fellow believers, [because] you trust our Lord Jesus Christ, the one who is glorious/wonderful, stop honoring some people more than others.
Браћо моја! У вери Господа нашег славног Исуса Христа не гледајте ко је ко;
2 [For example], suppose that a person who wears gold rings and fine clothes enters your meeting place. Then suppose that a poor person who wears shabby/ragged clothes also comes in.
Јер ако дође у цркву вашу човек са златним прстеном и у светлој хаљини, а дође и сиромах у рђавој хаљини,
3 And [suppose] that you (show special attention to/treat better) the one who is dressed in fine clothes by saying, “Sit here in this good seat!” and you say to the poor one, “Stand there or sit on the floor [MTY]!”
И погледате на оног у светлој хаљини, и кажете му: Ти седи овде лепо, а сиромаху кажете: Ти стани тамо, или седи овде ниже подножја мог;
4 Then you have obviously [RHQ] caused divisions in the congregation (OR, you are clearly treating one better than the others, and you are using evil [motives/reasons] to ([evaluate people/decide whether people are important or not])).
И не расудисте у себи, него бисте судије злих помисли.
5 Listen [to me], my fellow believers whom I love: God has chosen [RHQ] poor people whom [unbelievers consider to] possess nothing of value, [so that he might bless them] greatly [because] they trust [in him], and in order that they will enter the place where [he] will rule [MET] [forever]. That is what he has promised to those who love him.
Чујте, љубазна браћо моја, не изабра ли Бог сиромахе овог света да буду богати вером, и наследници царства које обрече онима који њега љубе?
6 But you dishonor the poor people. Think about it! (It is rich people, [not poor people], who are causing you to suffer!/Isn’t it rich people, [not poor people], who are oppressing you?) [RHQ] (It is [the rich people] who forcibly take you to court [to accuse you in front of judges]!/Is it not [the rich people] who forcibly take you to court [to accuse you in front of judges]?) [RHQ]
А ви осрамотисте сиромаха. Нису ли то богати који вас муче и вуку вас на судове?
7 (And they are the ones who say evil things about Jesus Christ, the one who is worthy [of praise], to whom you belong!/Are they not the ones who say evil things about Jesus Christ, the one who is worthy [of praise], to whom you belong?) [RHQ]
Не хуле ли они на добро име ваше којим сте се назвали?
8 In the Scriptures [God has commanded] each of you to love other people like you love yourself. That commandment was [also given] by [Jesus our] King [MTY]. If you [are loving others], you are doing what is right.
Ако, дакле, закон царски извршујете по писму: Љуби ближњег као самог себе, добро чините;
9 But if you honor some people more than others, you are (doing wrong/sinning). And because you [do not do what God commanded us to do], he condemns you [PRS] because you disobey his laws.
Ако ли гледате ко је ко, грех чините, и бићете покарани од закона као преступници;
10 Do not forget that those who disobey only one of God’s laws, even if they obey all [his other] laws, [God considers them] to be [as guilty as anyone who has disobeyed] all [of] God’s [laws].
Јер који сав закон одржи а сагреши у једном, крив је за све,
11 For example, [God] said, “Do not commit adultery,” but he also said, “Do not murder anyone.” [So] if you [(sg)] do not commit adultery but you [(sg)] murder someone, you [(sg)] have become a person who disobeys [God’s] laws.
Јер Онај који је рекао: Не чини прељубе, рекао је и: Не убиј. Ако дакле не учиниш прељубе а убијеш, постао си преступник закона.
12 Continually speak and act [toward others] as people should who will be judged {whom [God] will judge} by the law that frees us [from being punished] {[God punishing us]} [for our sins].
Тако говорите и тако творите као они који ће законом слободе бити суђени;
13 [Speak and act like that], because when [God] judges us, he will not act mercifully toward those who do not act mercifully toward others. But when we [are] merciful [to others, we can rejoice], because [our being] merciful [shows] that [we are acting like people whom God] has mercifully saved from being judged (OR, [we can rejoice] because [God] will judge us mercifully).
Јер ће ономе бити суд без милости који не чини милости; и хвали се милост на суду.
14 My fellow believers, [there are some people who say], “I believe [in the Lord Jesus Christ],” but they do not do good things [for other people]. (Their saying that will certainly not do them any good!/What good will their saying that do for them?) [RHQ] [God] will certainly not save [people like that who say that they believe, but do not do good things]! [RHQ]
Каква је корист, браћо моја, ако ко рече да има веру а дела нема? Зар га може вера спасти?
15 [To illustrate], suppose that fellow believers, either men or women, don’t have enough clothing or food for each day.
Ако, на пример, брат и ли сестра голи буду, или немају шта да једу,
16 And suppose that one of you says to them, “May [God] bless you and supply the clothing and food that you need!” but you [(sg)] do not give them the things that they need. (That would be no help [to them]!/What help is that [to them]?) [RHQ]
И рече им који од вас: Идите с миром, грејте се, и наситите се, а не да им потребе телесне, шта помаже?
17 Similarly, [those who do] not do good things [to help others, what they have said about] their believing [in Christ] is [as useless] [MET] [as] a dead person [is useless]. They do not [really believe in Christ].
Тако и вера ако нема дела, мртва је по себи.
18 But someone may say [to me], “[God saves] some people only [because] they trust [in him], and [he saves] others [because] they do good deeds [to people].” [I would answer that person], “[You(sg) cannot] prove to me that people truly trust [in God if] they do not do good things [for others]. But by doing good things [for others] I will prove to you that I truly trust [in God”]
Но може ко рећи: Ти имаш веру, а ја имам дела. Покажи ми веру своју без дела својих, а ја ћу теби показати веру своју из дела својих.
19 [Think about it]! You believe that there is only one God, and you are right [to believe that]. But the demons also believe that, but they tremble [with fear because they know that God is going to punish them].
Ти верујеш да је један Бог; добро чиниш; и ђаволи верују, и дрхћу.
20 Also, you foolish person, I will [RHQ] prove to you [(sg)] that [if someone says], “I trust [in God],” but he does not do good things, [what that person says] will not benefit him.
Али хоћеш ли разумети, о човече сујетни! Да је вера без дела мртва?
21 (It was certainly [because of] what our [revered] ancestor Abraham did, when he [prepared to] sacrifice his son Isaac, that he was considered [by God] {that [God] considered him} to be a righteous, [obedient] person./Was it not [because of] what our [revered] ancestor Abraham did, when he [prepared to] sacrifice his son Isaac, that he was considered [by God] {that [God] considered him} to be a righteous, [obedient] person?) [RHQ]
Авраам отац наш не оправда ли се делима кад принесе Исака, сина свог, на олтар?
22 You [(sg)] can realize that he was not only trusting [in God], but he was also doing [what God told him to do], and [you(sg) can realize] that he was able to trust [in God more] completely because of having done [what God told him to do].
Видиш ли да вера поможе делима његовим, и кроз дела сврши се вера?
23 And [so it happened as it is written in the] Scriptures: “Because Abraham truly trusted in God, he was considered [by God] to be {[God] considered that he was} righteous.” And [God also] said [about Abraham], “He is my friend.”
И изврши се писмо које говори: Авраам верова Богу, и прими му се у правду, и пријатељ Божји назва се.
24 [From the example of Abraham], you can realize that it is because people do good things that [God] considers them to be righteous, and not only because they trust [in him].
Видите ли, дакле, да се делима правда човек, а не самом вером?
25 Similarly, it was certainly [RHQ] [because of] what Rahab did, that [God] considered her to be a righteous, [obedient] person. Rahab was [previously] a prostitute, but she cared for the Israelite men who came [to] ([spy out the land/see what that area was like]) and she [helped them to escape by] sending them home on a different road [from the one that they came on].
А тако и Раав курва не оправда ли се делима кад прими уходе, и изведе их другим путем?
26 Remember that when our spirits [permanently leave our] bodies, [our bodies] are dead [and useless]. Similarly [SIM], [if someone says], “I trust [in God],” but does not do [things to help others, what that person says about trusting in God] is useless.
Јер, као што је тело без духа мртво, тако је и вера без добрих дела мртва.

< James 2 >