< Isaiah 8 >

1 Then Yahweh said to me, “Make a large signboard. And write clearly on it, ‘Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz’ [which means ‘quickly (plunder/take by force) and steal everything’].”
Le hoe t’Iehovà amako: Mandrambesa takelake bey vaho sokiro an-tsokitse lahi’e ty hoe: Malisa ty fikopake, masika ty tsindroke,
2 [So] I requested Uriah the [Supreme] Priest and Jeberekiah’s son Zechariah, men who were both honest/trustworthy witnesses, to watch me as I was doing that.
le ho rambeseko ho amako ty valolombelo matoe hamolily, i Orià mpisoroñe naho i Zekarià ana’ Ieberekiaho.
3 Then I had sex with [EUP] [my wife, who was] a prophetess, and she became pregnant and [then] gave birth to a son. Then Yahweh said to me, “Give him the name Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz (which means ‘suddenly attacked, quickly conquered’),
Aa le nimb’amy rakemba mpitokiy iraho; niaren-dre vaho nisamak’ ana-dahy. Le hoe t’Iehovà amako, Itokavo ty hoe Maher-salal-kas-baze,
4 because before he is old enough to say ‘papa’ or ‘mama’, the King of Assyria will [come with his army and] quickly take away all the valuable things in Damascus and in Samaria.”
amy te aolo’ ty aharendreha’ i ajajay ty hikoike ty hoe ‘Raeko’ naho ‘Reneko,’ le fa nasese’ i mpanjaka’ i Asorey añe ty vara’ i Damesèke naho ty fikopahañe i Somerone.
5 Yahweh spoke to me again and said, “[Tell the people of Judah, ]
Nitsara amako indraike t’Iehovà nanao ty hoe:
6 ‘[I have taken good care of] you people, but you have rejected that, [thinking that] my help was very little, like [MET] the little canal through which water flows from the Gihon Spring into Jerusalem. Instead, you have been happy [to request help from] King Rezin and King Pekah.
Kanao nitsambolitio’ondaty retiañe ty rano’ i Siloake mitsiri­tsioke moray, vaho mirebeke amy Retsine naho ty ana’ i Remaliaho;
7 Therefore, I will cause the people of Judah to be attacked by [the powerful army of] the King of Assyria, which will be [like] a great flood from the [Euphrates] River. Their soldiers will [be everywhere in your country, like] a river that overflows all its banks.
Inao arè te hampandipore’ i Talè am’iareo ty rano’ i Saka maozatse naho beiy: i mpanjaka’ i Asorey amy ze hene enge’e; hanginahina amo talaha’e iabio, hitoabotse ambone’ ze hene fitroara’e;
8 Those soldiers will go all over Judah— [like a river whose water] [MET] rises as high as a person’s neck. Their army will spread over the land [quickly], like an eagle, and they will cover your entire land! But I will be with you!’”
Hifaoke mb’e Iehodà re, handopatse vaho hiranga mb’eo, Eka ho takare’e ty fititia; hibànatse hañatseke i tane’oy ami’ty fivela’ o ela’eo, ry Imanoele.
9 Listen, all you [people in] distant countries! [You can] prepare to attack Judah. [You can] prepare [for battle, and shout your] war-cries, but your [armies will] be crushed/shattered!
Mijeñajeñafa ry ondaty; Midemoha! Manolora ravembia, ry an-tsietoitane añe; miteveha sadia f’ie ho demoheñe; misadia fe ho demoheñe;
10 [You can] prepare for what you will do [to attack Judah], but what you plan to do will not happen! You will not succeed, because God is with us!
Misafiria safiry, fe tsy hanjofake; mañotsohotso firefeañe, f’ie tsy hijadoñe fa ama’ay t’i Andrianañahare.
11 Yahweh strongly warned me [MTY] not to act like the [other] people in Judah did. He said to me,
Nametse amako t’Iehovà am-pità’e maozatse, nañeretse ahy tsy hanjotike ami’ ty lala’ ondaty retiañe, ami’ty hoe:
12 “Do not say that everything that people do is conspiring/rebelling [against the government], like [other] people say, and do not (be afraid of/worry about) the things that other people are afraid of.
Ko ano ty hoe: ‘Kilily,’ o raha iaby atao’ ondaty retiañe ho fikililiañeo; ko hembañe’o ty fihembaña’ iareo, le ko ihebakebaha’o.
13 [I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, am the one you should consider to be holy. And I am the one you should fear, the one you should revere.
Hamasiño t’Iehovà’ i Màroy, ie ty ihembaña’ areo, ie ty añeveña’ areo.
14 I will protect you(sg). [But as for] the [other] people [MTY] in Israel and Judah, I will be [like] [MET] a stone that causes people to stumble, a rock that causes them to fall down. [And as for] the people of Jerusalem, I will be [like] [MET] a trap or a snare [DOU].
Ho fitsolohañe re, fe ho vato fikotroforañe naho lamilamy fitsikapiañe amy anjomba roe’ Israele rey; ho fandrike naho koboñe amo mpimoneñe e Ierosalaimeo.
15 Many [people] will stumble and fall down and never get up again. They will experience great troubles; they will be captured [by their enemies].”
Hitotohitse ty maro, hikorovoke ho sèrañe, ho ­fandriheñe vaho ho tsepake.
16 [So, I say to you who are my disciples], seal up this scroll on which I have written the messages that God has given to me, and give his instructions to [others] who have accompanied me.
Vahoro i fañinay, liteo ho a o mpiamakoo ty fañòha’e.
17 I will wait to see what Yahweh [will do]. He has rejected the descendants [MTY] of Jacob, but I will confidently expect him to help me.
Le handiñe Iehovà iraho, I mañeta-daharañe amy anjomba’ Iakobey: Ama’e ao ty fitamàko.
18 I and the children that Yahweh has given to me are [like] signs to warn [the people of] Israel; we are warnings from the Commander of the armies of angels the one who lives [in his temple] on Zion Hill [in Jerusalem].
Intoy iraho naho o anake natolo’ Iehovà ahikoo! Viloñe naho halatsañe e Israele atoy boak’ am’ Iehovà’ i Màroy, I mimoneñe am-Bohi-Tsioney.
19 Some people may urge you(pl) to (consult/go and talk with) those who talk with the spirits of dead people or with those who say that they receive messages from those spirits. They whisper and mutter [about what we should do in the future]. But God is [RHQ] the one whom we should ask to guide us! It is ridiculous [RHQ] for people who are alive to request spirits of dead people to tell us [what we should do]!
Ie sigihe’iereo ami’ty hoe: Ipaiao amo jinio naho amo doany miñeoñeoñe naho mitreontreoñeo; Aa tsy ho paiae’ ondatio hao t’i Andrianañahare’e? Hantsaka fañahin-dolo hao o veloñeo?
20 Pay attention to God’s instructions and teaching! If people do not say things that agree with what God teaches us, [what they say is worthless]. [It is as though] those people are in darkness.
Mb’an-Kàke naho i fañinay! Naho tsy milahatse ami’ty tsara toy ty enta’ iareo, le tsy nanjirihan’ andro.
21 They will wander through the land, worried/discouraged and hungry. And when they become [very] hungry, they will become very angry. They will look up [toward heaven] and curse God and [will also] curse their king.
Hiranga aze iereo, am-poheke naho hasalikoañe, aa ie milingoa, le ho boseke vaho hamatse i mpanjaka’ iareoy naho ty’ndrahare’ iareo. Aa ke hian­drandra iereo,
22 They will look around the land and see only trouble/distress and darkness and things that cause them to despair. And [then] they will be thrown into the very black darkness [of hell]. (questioned)
hera hitolike an-tane, le haronje am-paloviloviañe naho am-pigodoñañe, an-kamoromoroñañe naho an-kaferenaiñañe vaho añ’ ieñe ao.

< Isaiah 8 >