< Isaiah 7 >

1 Ahaz was the son of Jotham and grandson of Uzziah. During the time that Ahaz was the king of Judah, King Rezin of Syria and King Pekah of Israel marched [with their armies] to attack Jerusalem. But they could not conquer it.
У време Ахаза сина Јотама сина Озије цара Јудиног дође Ресин цар сирски и Факеј син Ремалијин цар Израиљев на Јерусалим да га бију, али га не могоше узети.
2 [But before they attacked], everyone in the palace heard a report that the armies of Syria and Israel were [now] (allies/joined [to attack Jerusalem)]. So Ahaz and the people over whom he ruled were extremely afraid; they were shaking from fear like trees shake in a windstorm.
И дође глас дому Давидовом и рекоше: Сирија се сложи с Јефремом. А срце Ахазово и срце народа његовог устрепта као дрвеће у шуми од ветра.
3 Then Yahweh said to me, “Take your son Shear-Jashub, and go to talk with [King] Ahaz. He is at the end of the (aqueduct/water channel) that brings water into the upper reservoir, near the road to the place where women wash clothes.
Тада рече Господ Исаији: Изађи на сусрет Ахазу, ти и Сеар-јасув, син твој, накрај јаза горњег језера, на пут код поља бељаревог.
4 Tell Ahaz to stop worrying [DOU]. Tell him that he does not need to be afraid of those two kings, Rezin and Pekah. They are very angry [with Judah], but they are [unable to harm his country any more than] completely burned-out coals [can harm him].
И реци му: Чувај се и буди миран, не бој се и срце твоје нека се не плаши од два краја ових главњи што се пуше, од распаљеног гнева Ресиновог и сирског и сина Ремалијиног.
5 Yes, they are planning to attack this land and saying,
Што се Сирци и Јефрем и син Ремалијин договорише на твоје зло говорећи:
6 ‘We will attack Judah and conquer it. Then we will appoint Tabeel’s son to be the king of Judah.’
Хајдемо на јудејску да јој досадимо и да је освојимо и да поставимо у њој царем сина Тавеиловог.
7 But this is what Yahweh, the Lord, says: ‘It will not happen; they will not [conquer Jerusalem]!
Зато овако вели Господ Бог: Неће се то учинити, неће бити.
8 The capital of Syria is Damascus, but Damascus is ruled [only] by its [unimportant/insignificant] king king Rezin. And as for Israel, within 65 years it will be conquered and completely destroyed.
Јер је глава Сирији Дамаск, а Дамаску је глава Ресин; и до шездесет и пет година сатрће се Јефрем тако да више неће бити народ.
9 Israel’s capital is Samaria, and Samaria is ruled only by its [insignificant/unimportant] king king Pekah. [So you do not need to be afraid of those two countries]! [But you must trust me, because] if you do not trust me fully, you will be defeated.’”
И глава је Јефрему Самарија, а Самарији је глава син Ремалијин. Ако не верујете, нећете се одржати.
10 [Later], Yahweh gave [me another message to tell to] King Ahaz.
И још рече Господ Ахазу говорећи:
11 [He said to tell him], “Request me, Yahweh your God, to do something that will enable you to be sure [that I will help/protect you]. What you request can be [from a place that is] as high as the sky or as low as the place where the dead people are.” (Sheol h7585)
Ишти знак од Господа Бога свог, ишти оздо из дубине или озго с висине. (Sheol h7585)
12 But [when I told that to the king, he refused]. He said, “[No], I will not request Yahweh to do something to prove [that he will help/protect us]!”
А Ахаз рече: Нећу искати, нити ћу кушати Господа.
13 Then I said [to him], “You people who are descendants of King David, listen! You are causing me to be tired of being patient. Are you also going to cause my God to stop being patient with you [RHQ]?
Тада рече Исаија: Слушајте сада, доме Давидов; мало ли вам је што досађујете људима, него досађујете и Богу мом?
14 Yahweh himself will do something for you [to prove that he will help/protect you]. Listen to this: A young woman will become pregnant and give birth to a son. She will name him Immanuel, [which means ‘God is with us’].
Зато ће вам сам Господ дати знак; ето девојка ће затруднети и родиће Сина, и наденуће Му име Емануило.
15 And by the time that child is old enough to eat curds/yogurt and honey, he will be able to reject what is evil and choose what is good.
Масло и мед јешће, док не научи одбацити зло а изабрати добро.
16 And before that child is old enough to do that, the lands of the two kings that you(sg) are very (afraid of/worried about) will be deserted.
Јер пре него научи дете одбацити зло а изабрати добро, оставиће земљу, на коју се гадиш, два цара њена.
17 [But then] Yahweh will cause you and your family and your entire nation to experience [terrible disasters]. Those disasters will be worse than any disasters that have occurred since the country of Israel separated from Judah. Yahweh will cause [the army of] the king of Assyria to attack you!”
Господ ће пустити на те и на народ твој и на дом оца твог дане, каквих није било откад се Јефрем одвоји од Јуде, преко цара асирског.
18 At that time, [it will be as though] Yahweh will whistle to summon the army from the south of Egypt as well as the army of Assyria. They will [come and surround your country like] [MET] flies and bees.
И тада ће Господ зазвиждати мувама које су накрај река мисирских, и пчелама које су у земљи асирској;
19 They will all come and settle/live [everywhere]—in the narrow valleys and caves in the rock cliffs, on land where there are thornbushes as well as on the fertile land.
И доћи ће и попадаће све у пусте долине и у камене раселине и на све честе и на свако дрвце.
20 At that time Yahweh will hire the king of Assyria to come [with his army] from east of the [Euphrates] River. [They will get rid of everything in your land—the crops and the people. They will destroy everything thoroughly]; it will be like [MET] a barber shaving not only a man’s hair but his beard and the hair on his legs.
Тада ће Господ обријати бритвом закупљеном испреко реке, царем асирским, главу и длаке по ногама, и браду сву.
21 When that happens, a farmer will be able to have only one cow and two goats/sheep.
И тада ко сачува кравицу и две овце,
22 [However], those animals will give plenty of milk, with the result that the farmer will have curds/yogurt to eat. And [because there will not be many people left] in the land, all the people who remain there will have plenty of milk and honey.
Од мноштва млека што ће давати јешће масло; јер масло и мед јешће ко год остане у земљи.
23 Now there are many areas where there are vineyards that are worth 1,000 pieces of silver, but at that time there will be only briers and thorns [DOU] in those fields.
И тада ће свако место где има хиљаду чокота за хиљаду сребрњака зарасти у чкаљ и трње.
24 There will be only briers and thorns in the entire land, [and wild animals], with the result that men will take their bows and arrows and go there [to hunt and kill animals].
Са стрелама и с луком ићи ће се онамо, јер ће сва земља бити чкаљ и трње.
25 No one will go to where there previously were gardens on fertile hillsides, because briers and thorns will cover those hillsides. They will be areas where [only a few] cattle and sheep and goats wander around [searching for something to eat].
А на све горе које су се копале мотиком, на њих неће доћи страх од чкаља и трња, него ће бити испуст воловима и газиће их овце.

< Isaiah 7 >