< Isaiah 65 >

1 [This is what Yahweh said]: “I was ready to reply [to my people], but no one requested me [to help them]. I was ready to help [even] those who did not call out to me. I continued to say, ‘I am here [to help you]!’
Явлен бых не ищущым Мене, обретохся не вопрошающым о Мне, рекох: се, есмь: языку, иже не призваша имене Моего.
2 [It is as though] I have continually held out my arms [to show that I am ready to help] my people who rebel [against me], and who [continually] do the evil things that they want to do.
Прострох руце Мои весь день к людем не покаряющымся и противу глаголющым, иже не ходиша путем истинным, но вслед грехов своих.
3 They boldly continue to do things that cause me to be angry: They offer sacrifices [to their idols] in their gardens, and they burn incense [to them] on [altars made of] bricks.
Людие сии разгневляющии Мя пред лицем Моим присно: тии жертвы приносят в вертоградех и кадят во чрепех бесом, иже не суть,
4 They secretly remain awake at night in burial caves, [talking with the spirits of] ([dead people/their ancestors]). They eat the meat of pigs, and their pots are full of [other] meat that is [also] unacceptable to me.
и во гробех и во пещерах лежат соний ради, иже ядят мяса свиная и юху треб, осквернени сосуди их вси:
5 [Then] they say [to others], ‘Stay away from me; do not come near me, because I am very holy, [with the result that you should not touch me].’ People like that are [like] [MET] smoke in my nose [from] a fire that burns continually.
иже глаголют: отиди от мене, не прикоснися мне, яко чист есмь. Сей дым ярости Моея, огнь горит в нем вся дни.
6 I have written [a record of all the evil things that they have done]. And I will not do nothing about all those things; I will certainly punish them
Се, написася предо Мною: не умолчу, дондеже отдам в недра им грехи их и грехи отец их глаголет Господь:
7 for the sins that they and their ancestors have committed. They have mocked/insulted me by burning incense [to their idols] on the hilltops. So I will punish them like they deserve for doing those things.”
иже кадяху на горах и на хомех укориша Мя, отдам дела их в недра им.
8 This is [also] what Yahweh said: “When there is a cluster of nice grapes on a vine, people do not throw them away, because they know that there is good juice in those grapes. Similarly, because there are some people [in Judah] who faithfully serve/worship me, I will not get rid of all of them.
Тако глаголет Господь: имже образом обретается ягода на грезне, и рекут: не погуби его, яко благословение есть в нем: тако сотворю служащаго Ми ради, не имам всех погубити ради его:
9 I will spare some of the descendants of Jacob who are living on the hills of Judah. I have chosen them, and they will possess that land; they will worship/serve me, and they will live there.
и изведу из Иакова семя и из Иуды, и наследит гору святую Мою, и наследят избраннии Мои и раби Мои и вселятся тамо.
10 [Then all the land from the] Sharon [Plain near the Mediterranean Sea] and [as far east as] Achor Valley [near Jericho] will become pastureland where their cattle and sheep will rest.
И будут во дубраве ограды стадом, и юдоль Ахорская в покоище говядов людем Моим, иже взыскаша Мене.
11 But [it will be different] for you who have abandoned me, you who do not worship me on [Zion], my sacred hill, you who worship Gad and Meni, [the gods who you think will bring you] good luck and good fortune.
Вы же, оставившии Мя и забывающии гору святую Мою, и уготовлящии демону трапезу и исполняющии щастию растворение,
12 [It is I, not Meni, who will decide/say what will happen to you]; you will all [be slaughtered by] swords. [That will happen] because you did not answer when I called out to you. I spoke to you, but you did not pay attention. Instead, you did things that I said are evil; you chose to do things that do not please me.
Аз предам вас под мечь, вси закланием падете: яко звах вас и не послушасте, глаголах, и преслушасте и сотвористе лукавое предо Мною и яже не хотех избрасте.
13 I, Yahweh the Lord, will give to those who worship and obey me things to eat and drink, and they will be happy; but [all] you evil people will be hungry and thirsty, and you will be [sad and] disgraced.
Сего ради тако глаголет Господь: се, работающии Ми ясти будут, вы же взалчете: се, работающии Ми пити будут, вы же возжаждете:
14 Those who worship and obey me will sing joyfully, but you [evil people] will wail loudly because you will be suffering in your inner beings.
се, работающии Ми возрадуются, вы же посрамитеся: се, работающии Ми возвеселятся в веселии сердца, вы же возопиете в болезни сердца вашего и от сокрушения духа восплачетеся.
15 Those whom I have chosen will use your names when they curse people; [I], Yahweh the Lord, will get rid of you. But I will give to those who worship and obey me a new name [that they will use when they bless people].
Оставите бо имя ваше в насыщение избранным Моим, вас же избиет Господь: работающым же Мне наречется имя новое,
16 The people in this land have had many troubles, but I will cause those troubles to occur no more. Therefore those who ask me to bless them and those who solemnly promise to do something should never forget that I am God, who faithfully [do what I promise to do].”
еже благословится на земли, благословят бо Бога истиннаго: и кленущиися на земли клятися будут Богом истинным, забудут бо печаль свою первую, и не взыдет им на сердце.
17 “Note this: [Some day] I will create a new heaven and a new earth. [They will be very wonderful, with the result that] you will no longer think about all [the troubles] you had previously.
Будет бо небо ново и земля нова, и не помянут прежних, ниже взыдут на сердце их,
18 Be glad and always rejoice because of what I will do: Jerusalem will be a place where [people] rejoice; the people who live there will always be happy.
но радость и веселие обрящут на ней, яко се, Аз творю веселие Иерусалиму и людем Моим радость.
19 I will rejoice about Jerusalem, and I will be delighted with my people. [People] will no longer weep or cry because of being distressed.
И возвеселюся о Иерусалиме и возрадуюся о людех Моих, и ксему не услышится в нем глас плача, ни глас вопля,
20 No child will die when it is still an infant; all people will live until they are very old. [People will consider that] anyone who is 100 years old is still young; [they will consider that] anyone who dies who is younger than that has been cursed.
ниже будет тамо младенец, ни старец, иже не исполнит лет своих: будет бо юный ста лет, умираяй же грешник ста лет и проклят будет.
21 My people will build houses and [then] live in them. They will plant vineyards and then eat grapes from those vineyards.
И созиждут домы и сами вселятся, и насадят винограды и сами снедят плоды их.
22 As for the houses that they build, no one will [take those houses away from them and] live in them. No one will take a vineyard away from its owner. My chosen people will live a long time, like trees do, and they will enjoy what they have accomplished— [the houses that they have built and the crops that they have planted].
Не созиждут, да инии вселятся, и не насадят, да инии снедят: якоже бо дние древа жизни, будут дние людий Моих: дела бо трудов их обетшают.
23 They will not work hard in vain, and their children will not die from some (calamity/terrible thing happening to them). I will [certainly] bless their children and their grandchildren.
Избраннии же мои не имут трудитися вотще, ниже породят чад на проклятие, яко семя благословено есть Богом, и внуцы их с ними будут.
24 Before they call to me [to help them], I will answer; I will answer their prayers while they are still praying [for me to do something for them].
И будет, прежде неже воззвати им, Аз услышу их, еще глаголющым им, реку: что есть?
25 No one will be harmed or injured anywhere on [Zion], my sacred hill: Wolves and lambs will eat grass together [peacefully]; lions will eat hay like oxen do, [and they will not attack people]. Snakes will [not hurt anyone; they will lie on the ground and] eat [only] dirt. [That is surely what it will be like because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
Тогда волцы и агнцы имут пастися вкупе, и лев яко вол снесть плевы, и змия землю яко хлеб: не повредят, ниже погубят на горе святей Моей, глаголет Господь.

< Isaiah 65 >