< Isaiah 61 >

1 The Spirit of Yahweh [our] Lord is on me; he has appointed [MTY] me to bring good news to those who are oppressed, to comfort those who are discouraged, to free [all] those who are [as though they are chained/tied] [DOU] [by the wrong things that they continually do].
The Spirit of the Lord God is vpon mee, therefore hath the Lord anoynted mee: hee hath sent mee to preache good tidings vnto the poore, to binde vp the broken hearted, to preach libertie to the captiues, and to them that are bound, the opening of the prison,
2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn [about the members of their families who died] (OR, [who are still in Babylonia)] that now is the time when Yahweh will act kindly [toward his people]; now is the time when our God will (get revenge on/punish) [their enemies].
To preache the acceptable yeere of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourne,
3 To [all] those in Jerusalem who mourn, he will give flower necklaces [to wear]; instead of ashes [that they put on their heads to show that they are sad]; he will cause them to rejoice [MTY] instead of being sad; he will enable them to be [MET] happy instead of being discouraged. They will be called “people who continually do what is right, people who are [like tall/strong] oak [trees] that Yahweh has planted” to show others that he is very great.
To appoint vnto them that mourne in Zion, and to giue vnto them beautie for ashes, the oyle of ioye for mourning, the garment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse, that they might be called trees of righteousnesse, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.
4 [Those who return from Babylon] will rebuild the cities that [the soldiers from Babylon] tore down. [Even though] those cities have been destroyed and abandoned for many years, they will be restored/rebuilt.
And they shall builde the olde waste places, and raise vp the former desolations, and they shall repaire the cities that were desolate and waste through many generations.
5 Foreigners will be the ones who will take care of your flocks [of sheep and goats], and plow your fields and take care of your grapevines.
And the strangers shall stande and feede your sheepe, and the sonnes of the strangers shall be your plowmen and dressers of your vines.
6 But you [are the ones who] will be like the priests to serve Yahweh, to work for God. You will enjoy valuable goods [that are brought] from other nations, and you will be happy that those things have become yours.
But ye shall be named the Priestes of the Lord, and men shall say vnto you, The ministers of our God, Ye shall eate the riches of the Gentiles, and shalbe exalted with their glorie.
7 Previously you were shamed and disgraced, but now you will have great blessings; previously [your enemies] humbled you, but now you will have many good things; you will be happy because of being in your land again, and you will rejoice forever.
For your shame you shall receiue double, and for confusion they shall reioyce in their portion: for in their lande they shall possesse the double: euerlasting ioy shall be vnto them.
8 “I, Yahweh, am very pleased with those/judges who decide matters fairly; I hate [those who illegally] take things from other people. I will surely repay my people (for/because of) all that they have suffered [in the past]. And I will make an everlasting agreement with them.
For I the Lord loue iudgement and hate robberie for burnt offering, and I wil direct their worke in trueth, and will make an euerlasting couenant with them.
9 Their descendants will be honored by people of other nations [DOU]. Everyone who sees them will know that they are a nation that [I], Yahweh, have blessed.”
And their seede shall be knowen among the Gentiles, and their buddes among the people. All that see them, shall know them, that they are the seede which the Lord hath blessed.
10 I greatly rejoice because of what Yahweh [has done]! I am happy, because he has saved me and declared that I am righteous; [those blessings are like] [MET] a robe that he has put on me. I am [as happy as] [SIM] a bridegroom in his wedding suit, or a bride wearing jewels.
I will greatly reioyce in the Lord, and my soule shall be ioyfull in my God: for he hath clothed mee with the garments of saluation, and couered me with the robe of righteousnes: hee hath decked me like a bridegrome, and as a bride tireth herselfe with her iewels.
11 Just as [seeds sown in] a garden sprout from the soil and grow [DOU], Yahweh [our] God will cause [people of] all nations to act righteously, with the result that they will praise him for doing that.
For as the earth bringeth foorth her bud, and as the garden causeth to growe that which is sowen in it: so the Lord God will cause righteousnesse to grow and praise before all the heathen.

< Isaiah 61 >