< Isaiah 60 >

1 [You people of] Jerusalem [PRS], stand up! Yahweh has done glorious things for you, and he has acted powerfully for you; so show others that he is very great!
E ara, kia marama; kua tae mai hoki tou marama, kua whiti te kororia o Ihowa ki a koe.
2 [But spiritual] darkness has covered [all the other people-groups on] the earth, complete darkness, but Yahweh will show you how great he is, and other people will also see it.
Tera hoki e hipokina te whenua e te pouri, nga iwi e te pouri kerekere; ka whiti ia a Ihowa ki a koe, ka kitea hoki ki a koe tona kororia.
3 By seeing what he has done for you, [people of all] people-groups will see that he is very great, and kings will come to see the wonderful things that have happened to you.
A ka haere mai nga tauiwi ki tou marama, nga kingi ki ou hihi, ina whiti mai.
4 [Yahweh says], “Look around and you will see the people who will be returning from (exile/countries to which they have been forced to go)! Your sons will come from distant countries; others will carry your [little] daughters home.
Kia ara ou kanohi i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha, titiro atu hoki; kei te huihui ratou katoa, e haere mai ana ki a koe; ka haere mai au tama i tawhiti, ka hikitia hoki au tamahine ki nga ringa.
5 When you look at this happening, you will be very joyful [DOU], because people will bring valuable goods to you [from all around the world]. They will bring in ships valuable things from [many] nations.
Ka kite koe i reira, ka whakamaramatia, ka wehi ano tou ngakau, ka nui; no te mea ka tahuri ki a koe nga mea maha o te moana, ka tae ano ki a koe nga taonga o nga tauiwi.
6 People will [also] bring valuable goods to you on herds/caravans of camels: Camels from the Midian and Ephah [areas of northern Arabia]. And from Sheba [in southern Arabia] they will come, bringing gold and frankincense; they will all come to praise [me], Yahweh.
Ka kapi koe i te kamera, he tini, i nga kamera tere o Miriana, o Epa; ka haere mai era katoa i Hepa: me te mau mai ano i te koura, i te whakakakara; ka kauwhautia ano e ratou nga whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa.
7 They will bring flocks [of sheep and goats] from Kedar [in northern Arabia and give them] to you. [They will bring] [PRS] rams from Nebaioth for you [to sacrifice] on my altars, and I will accept them [happily]. [At that time] I will cause my temple to be very beautifully decorated.
Ka huihuia nga hipi katoa o Kerara ki a koe, hei kaimahi mau nga hipi toa o Nepaiota; ka manakohia ratou ina eke ki runga ki taku aata, a ka whakakororiatia e ahau te whare o toku kororia.
8 And what are those things that are moving swiftly like [SIM] clouds? They resemble [SIM] doves [returning] to their nests.
Ko wai enei e rere nei ano he kapua, me he kukupa nei, ki o ratou matapihi?
9 But they are really ships from Tarshish that are bringing your people back here. When your people come, they will bring with them [all] the valuable possessions that they have acquired, and [they will do that] to honor [me], Yahweh, your God, the Holy One of Israel, because I will have greatly honored you.
He pono ka tatari nga motu ki ahau, me nga kaipuke o Tarahihi i te tuatahi, ki te kawe mai i au tama i tawhiti: i a ratou, i ta ratou hiriwa, i ta ratou koura hoki, hei mea ki te ingoa o Ihowa, o tou Atua, ki te Mea Tapu o Iharaira, no te mea ka oti koe te whakakororia e ia.
10 Foreigners will [come and] rebuild the walls of your [cities], and their kings will serve/help you. Although I punished you because I was angry with you, these things will happen now because I will act mercifully toward you because I am kind.
Ka hanga ano ou taiepa e nga tangata ke, ko o ratou kingi ano hei kaimahi mau: he riri hoki noku i patu ai ahau i a koe, he manako ia naku i atawhai ai ahau i a koe.
11 The gates of your [cities] will be open during the day and [also] during the night, in order that people will be able to bring into your cities valuable things from [many] countries, with their kings being led to you in the processions.
Ka tuwhera tonu ano ou kuwaha: e kore e tutakina i te ao, i te po, kia kawea mai ai nga taonga o nga tauiwi ki a koe, kia arahina mai ai hoki o ratou kingi me ratou.
12 And the kingdoms and nations whose [people] refuse to allow you to rule them will be completely destroyed [DOU].
Ko te iwi hoki, me te kingitanga, e kore e mahi ki a koe, ka ngaro; ina, ka moti rawa aua iwi.
13 The glorious/beautiful things in Lebanon will be brought to you— [lumber from] cypress [trees] and fir [trees] and pine [trees]— to be used to make my temple beautiful. When that is done, my temple [MTY] will [truly] be glorious!
Ka tae mai te kororia o Repanona ki a koe, te kauri, te rimu, me te ake ngatahi hei whakapaipai, mo te wahi i toku kainga tapu, a ka whakakororiatia e ahau te wahi o oku waewae.
14 The descendants of those who (oppressed you/treated you cruelly) will come and bow down to you; those who despised you will prostrate themselves in front of your feet. They will say that your city on Zion Hill is the City of Yahweh, where the Holy One of Israel lives.
Ka haere mai ano, ka piko ki a koe nga tama a ou kaitukino, a ko te hunga katoa i whakahawea ki a koe, ka piko ki nga kapu o ou waewae; a ka kiia koe, Ko te pa o Ihowa, Ko te Hiona o te Mea Tapu o Iharaira.
15 Previously everyone hated you and ignored you, but now your [city] will be majestic/honored forever; and [I will cause you to be] joyful forever.
He mea whakarere nei koe i mua, he mea i kinongia, kahore hoki tetahi kia haere i waenganui i a koe, na ka meinga koe e ahau hei mea nui e mau tonu ana, he kaonga ngakau ki nga whakatupuranga maha.
16 People of all nations and their kings will gladly bring [MET] their wealth to you. And [when that happens], you will realize that I truly am Yahweh, the one who saves you and rescues you [from your enemies], and that I am the mighty one to whom you Israeli people belong.
Ka ngotea ano e koe te waiu o nga tauiwi, ka ngotea te u o nga kingi: a ka mohio koe ko ahau, ko Ihowa, tou kaiwhakaora, tou kaihoko, te Mea Nui o Hakaopa.
17 Instead of [metals that are not valuable, like] bronze and iron, I will bring to you silver and gold. Instead of wood and stones, I will bring you bronze and iron [for your buildings]. There will be peace in your country, and your rulers will do what is fair/just.
Ko te parahi ka whakaputaia ketia e ahau hei koura, ko te rino ka whakaputaia ketia hei hiriwa, ka puta ke te rakau hei parahi, ka puta ke nga kohatu hei rino; ko ou kaitohutohu ka meinga he rongo e mau ana, ko ou kaiakiaki he tika.
18 People in your country will no longer act violently, and people will no longer destroy your land and cause it to become desolate/ruined. The people in the city will be safe, and everyone there will praise me [MTY].
E kore e rangona i muri te mahi nanakia ki tou whenua; te whakamoti te wawahi, ki ou rohe; engari ka kiia, ou taiepa, ko te Whakaoranga, ou kuwaha ko te Whakamoemiti.
19 And you will no longer need the sun and moon to give you light, because [I], Yahweh, will give you more light [than the sun and moon]; I will be a glorious light for you forever.
E kore te ra e waiho i muri hei whakamarama mou i te awatea; na, ko te marama e tiaho nei, e kore tera e whakamarama i a koe; ko Ihowa hoki hei whakamarama mou ake ake, ko tou Atua hoki hei whakakororia i a koe.
20 [It will seem as though] the sun and moon will always be shining [LIT], because [I], Yahweh, will be an everlasting light for you. You will never again be sad [because of things that happen to you].
Heoi ano hekenga o tou ra, e kore ano tou marama e pewa; no te mea ko Ihowa hei whakamarama pumau mou, a ka mutu nga ra o tou tangihanga.
21 Your people will all be righteous, and they will occupy the land forever, because I myself have put you there [like people plant trees] [MET] in order that you will show others that I am very great.
Ko tou iwi hoki, tika katoa, ka pumau tonu ki a ratou te whenua; he peka whakato naku, he mahi na oku ringa, kia whai kororia ai ahau.
22 At that time, the [groups that are] very small now will become [very large] clans, and small clans will become great nations. [All those things will happen because], I, Yahweh, will cause them to happen at the right time.”
To te mea nohinohi putanga ake, he mano, to te mea iti, he iwi kaha: maku, ma Ihowa, e whakahohoro i tona wa e rite ai.

< Isaiah 60 >