< Isaiah 58 >

1 [Yahweh said to me], “Shout loudly! Shout like [SIM] a loud trumpet! Shout to warn my Israeli people about their sins [DOU]!
Вичи из грла, не устежи се, подигни глас свој као труба, и објави народу мом безакоња његова и дому Јаковљевом грехе њихове,
2 They worship me every day; [they come to my temple because they say that] they are eager to know what I want them to do. They act as though they are a nation that does things that are righteous, who would never abandon their God. They request me to decide matters justly, and they delight to come to worship me.
Премда ме сваки дан траже и ради су знати путеве моје, као народ који твори правду и не оставља суд Бога свог; ишту од мене судове праведне, желе приближити се к Богу.
3 [They say], ‘We have (fasted/abstained from eating food) to please you, but you did not [RHQ] notice our doing that. We humbled ourselves, but you did not [RHQ] pay any attention!’ I will tell you why I did not pay attention. It is because when you fast, you do it only to please yourselves, and you act cruelly toward all your workers.
Зашто постисмо, веле, а Ти не погледа, мучисмо душе своје, а Ти не хте знати? Гле, кад постите, чините своју вољу и изгоните све шта вам је ко дужан.
4 You fast, but you also quarrel and fight [with each other] with your fists. [Doing things like that while] you fast will [certainly] not cause [me] to hear your prayers [where I am], high in heaven.
Ето постите да се прете и свађате и да бијете песницом безбожно. Немојте постити тако као данас, да би се чуо горе глас ваш.
5 You [act as though] [IRO] you humble yourselves [RHQ] by bowing your heads like [SIM] [the tops of] reeds bend [when the wind blows], and you wear [RHQ] rough clothes and cover your heads with ashes [like people do when they are grieving]. That is what you do when you are fasting, but do you really think [RHQ] that will please me?
Такав ли је пост који изабрах да човек мучи душу своју један дан? Да савија главу своју као сита и да стере пода се кострет и пепео? То ли ћеш звати пост и дан угодан Господу?
6 No, that is not the kind of fasting that I desire. What I really want [RHQ] is for you to free those who have been unjustly put in prison [DOU], and to encourage those who are (treated cruelly/oppressed); I want you to free those who have been oppressed in any way.
А није ли ово пост што изабрах: да развежеш свезе безбожности, да разрешиш ремење од бремена, да отпустиш потлачене, и да изломите сваки јарам?
7 I want you to [RHQ] share your food with those who are hungry and to allow those who have no houses to stay in your houses. Give clothes to those who do not have clothes, and do not hide from your relatives who need help from you.
Није ли да преламаш хлеб свој гладноме, и сиромахе прогнане да уведеш у кућу? Кад видиш голог, да га оденеш, и да се не кријеш од свог тела?
8 If you do those things, [what you do for others will be like] [SIM] a light that shines when it dawns. The troubles [that have been caused by your sins] will end quickly. Others will know about your righteous behavior, and with my glorious presence I will protect you from behind [like I protected the Israeli people when they left Egypt].
Тада ће синути видело твоје као зора, и здравље ће твоје брзо процвасти, и пред тобом ће ићи правда твоја, слава Господња биће ти задња стража.
9 Then you will call out to me, and I will [quickly] answer [and say that I will help you].’ Stop (oppressing people/treating people cruelly); stop falsely accusing people; and stop saying evil [things about people].
Тада ћеш призивати, и Господ ће те чути; викаћеш, и рећи ће: Ево ме. Ако избациш између себе јарам и престанеш пружати прст и говорити зло;
10 Give food to those who are hungry, and give to people who are afflicted/suffering the things that they need. [Your doing that will be like] [MET] a light that shines in the darkness; instead of doing evil to people [MET], [the good things that you do for them will be like] [SIM] sunshine at noontime.
И ако отвориш душу своју гладноме, и наситиш душу невољну; тада ће засјати у мраку видело твоје и тама ће твоја бити као подне.
11 [I], Yahweh, will guide you continually, and I will give you good things to satisfy you. I will enable you to remain strong and healthy. You will be like [SIM] a garden that is well watered, like [SIM] a spring that never dries up.
Јер ће те Господ водити вазда, и ситиће душу твоју на суши, и кости твоје крепиће, и бићеш као врт заливен и као извор коме вода не пресише.
12 [Your people] will rebuild the cities that were destroyed long ago; they will build [houses] on top of the old foundations. People will say that you are the ones who are repairing the holes [in the city walls], and who are repairing the streets where people live.
И твоји ће сазидати старе пустолине, и подигнућеш темеље који ће стајати од колена до колена, и прозваћеш се: Који сазида развалине и оправи путеве за насеље.
13 Do not travel [MTY] long distances on Sabbath/rest days, and on Sabbath days do not do only the things that you delight to do. Enjoy the Sabbath days, and consider them to be delightful. The Sabbath days are my holy days. Honor me, Yahweh, in everything that you do [on the Sabbath days]. Do not talk about and do things [only] to please yourselves. If you do all the things that I have just now told you to do,
Ако одвратиш ногу своју од суботе да не чиниш шта је теби драго на мој свети дан, и ако прозовеш суботу милином, свети дан Господњи славним, и будеш га славио не идући својим путевима и не чинећи шта је теби драго, ни говорећи речи,
14 I will enable you to be joyful. I will greatly honor you; [I will honor you everywhere!] I will give to you the [blessings] that I gave to your ancestor Jacob. [Those things will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
Тада ћеш се веселити у Господу, и извешћу те на висине земаљске, и даћу ти да једеш наследство Јакова оца свог; јер уста Господња рекоше.

< Isaiah 58 >