< Isaiah 56 >

1 Yahweh says [to all the people of Judah], “Do the things that are fair and just, because I will soon come to rescue [DOU] you.
ヱホバ如此いひ給ふ なんぢら公平をまもり正義をおこなふべし わが救のきたるはちかく わが義のあらはるるは近ければなり
2 I will bless those who faithfully obey my laws about the Sabbath/rest days. I will bless those who (keep sacred/honor) my Sabbath/rest days, and who do not do any work on those days, and who refrain from [MTY] doing anything that is evil.
安息日をまもりて汚さず その手をおさへて惡きことをなさず 斯おこなふ人かく堅くまもる人の子はさいはひなり
3 And foreigners who have believed in me should not say, ‘Yahweh will surely not allow me to belong to his people.’ And eunuchs should not say, ‘[Because I am unable to have children, I cannot belong to Yahweh]; I am like [MET] a tree that has completely withered.’
ヱホバにつらなれる異邦人はいふなかれ ヱホバ必ず我をその民より分ち給はんと 寺人もまたいふなかれ われは枯たる樹なりと
4 They should not say that, because [I], Yahweh, say this to the eunuchs who obey my laws about the Sabbath, and who choose to do the things that please me, and who obey all [the other laws of] the agreement that I [made with the Israeli people]:
ヱホバ如此いひたまふ わが安息日をまもり わが悦ぶことをえらみて我が契約を堅くまもる寺人には
5 I will cause to be put inside the walls of my temple a monument [DOU] to them; because of that monument, they will be honored more than they would have if they had children; they will be honored forever.
我わが家のうちにてわが垣のうちにて子にも女にもまさる記念のしるしと名とをあたへ 並とこしへの名をたまふて絶ることなからしめん
6 I will also bless those who are not Israelis, who (join themselves to/believe in) me, and who serve me and worship and love me, and who obey my laws about the Sabbath, and who faithfully obey [all the other laws of] the agreement that I [made with the Israeli people].
またヱホバにつらなりこれに事へ ヱホバの名を愛しその僕となり 安息日をまもりて汚すことなく凡てわが契約をかたくまもる異邦人は
7 I will bring them to my sacred hill [in Jerusalem], I will cause them to be [very] joyful in my temple where people pray to me, and I will accept the sacrifices that they completely burn [on my altar] and other sacrifices that they offer. I will do those things for them because I want my temple to be a building where people of all nations pray to me.
我これをわが聖山にきたらせ わが祈の家のうちにて樂ましめん かれらの燔祭と犠牲とはわが祭壇のうへに納めらるべし わが家はすべての民のいのりの家ととなへらるべければなり
8 [I], Yahweh, the Lord, the one who will bring back the people of Israel who have been (forced to go/exiled) to other countries, say this: 'I will bring [from other countries] many more people to join those Israelis whom I have brought back.'”
イスラエルの放逐れたるものを集めたまふ主ヱホバのたまはく 我さらに人をあつめて旣にあつめられたる者にくはへん
9 “You [surrounding nations have armies that are like] [MET] animals in the forest; come and attack/destroy [Israel]!
野獸よみなきたりてくらへ 林にをるけものよ皆きたりてくらへ
10 The Israeli leaders [should be like] watchdogs to protect the people, but [it is as though] they are blind. They are stupid. They are all [like] [MET] dogs that cannot bark. [Good watchdogs bark when strangers approach], [but the Israeli leaders do not warn the people that their enemies are coming]. Instead, they just want to lie down and sleep and dream.
斥候はみな瞽者にしてしることなし みな唖なる犬にして吠ることあたはず みな夢みるもの臥ゐるもの眠ることをこのむ者なり
11 [And they are like] greedy dogs; they never get all that they want. They are [supposed to lead the people, like good] shepherds [lead their flocks], but they are ignorant, and they each do whatever they want to do.
この犬はむさぼること甚だしくして飽ことをしらず かれらは悟ることを得ざる牧者にして皆おのが道にむかひゆき 何れにをる者もおのおの己の利をおもふ
12 They say to each other, ‘Come, let’s go and get some wine and [other] alcoholic/strong drinks, and let’s become drunk! And tomorrow we will enjoy drinking even more!’”
かれら互にいふ請われ酒をたづさへきたらん われら濃酒にのみあかん かくて明日もなほ今日のごとく大にみち足はせんと

< Isaiah 56 >