< Isaiah 55 >

1 “All you [people who are in exile], listen to me! [It is as though] [MET] you are thirsty, so come and get water from me! [It is as though] you have no money, but you can come and get things from me [that are like] wine and milk! You can get [what you need from me], [and] you will not need to give me any money for them!
A TODOS los sedientos: Venid á las aguas; y los que no tienen dinero, venid, comprad, y comed. Venid, comprad, sin dinero y sin precio, vino y leche.
2 [What you really need is to have a close relationship with me], so (why do you spend money to buy things that do not supply what you really need?/you should not spend money to buy things that do not supply what you really need.) [RHQ] (Why do you work hard to get money to buy things that do not (satisfy your [inner beings]/cause you to be happy)?) [RHQ] Pay attention to what I say and acquire what is really good [MET]! If you do that, then you will truly be happy [MET].
¿Por qué gastáis el dinero no en pan, y vuestro trabajo no en hartura? Oidme atentamente, y comed del bien, y deleitaráse vuestra alma con grosura.
3 Listen to me and come to me; pay attention to me, and if you do that, you will have new life in your souls. I will make an agreement with you that will last forever to faithfully love you like I loved [King] David.
Inclinad vuestros oídos, y venid á mí; oid, y vivirá vuestra alma; y haré con vosotros pacto eterno, las misericordias firmes á David.
4 By what he did, I showed [my power to many] people-groups; I caused him to be a leader and commander [DOU] over [the people of many nations].
He aquí, que yo lo dí por testigo á los pueblos, por jefe y por maestro á las naciones.
5 And similarly, you will summon people of other nations to come to you, nations that previously you have not heard about, and they had not heard about you; and they will come to you quickly because [they will have heard that I], Yahweh, your God, the Holy One of Israel, have honored you.
He aquí, llamarás á gente que no conociste, y gentes que no te conocieron correrán á ti; por causa de Jehová tu Dios, y del Santo de Israel que te ha honrado.
6 Seek [to know] me while it is still possible for you to do that; call to me while I am near!
Buscad á Jehová mientras puede ser hallado, llamadle en tanto que está cercano.
7 Wicked [people] should abandon their wicked behavior, and evil people should stop thinking what is evil. They should turn to me, and if they do that, I will act mercifully toward them; they should turn to me, their God, because I will fully pardon them [for all the wicked things that they have done].
Deje el impío su camino, y el hombre inicuo sus pensamientos; y vuélvase á Jehová, el cual tendrá de él misericordia, y al Dios nuestro, el cual será amplio en perdonar.
8 I, Yahweh, declare that what I think is not the same as what you think, and what I do is very different from what you do.
Porque mis pensamientos no son vuestros pensamientos, ni vuestros caminos mis caminos, dijo Jehová.
9 Just as the sky is far above the earth, what I do is far greater than what you do, and what I think is much greater than what you think.
Como son más altos los cielos que la tierra, así son mis caminos más altos que vuestros caminos, y mis pensamientos más que vuestros pensamientos.
10 Rain and snow come down from the sky, and they cause the ground to be moist before the moisture returns [to the sky and produces more clouds]. When the ground becomes moist, it causes plants to sprout and grow, with the result that the soil produces seed for the farmer [to plant] and [grain to produce flour to make] bread for people to eat.
Porque como desciende de los cielos la lluvia, y la nieve, y no vuelve allá, sino que harta la tierra, y la hace germinar y producir, y da simiente al que siembra, y pan al que come;
11 And similarly the things that I promise to do, I will [always] cause to happen; my promises will [always] be fulfilled [LIT]. They will accomplish the things that I gave them to accomplish [DOU].
Así será mi palabra que sale de mi boca: no volverá á mí vacía, antes hará lo que yo quiero, y será prosperada en aquello para que la envié.
12 You will leave [Babylon] joyfully, you will have peace as I lead you out. [It will be as though] the hills and mountains will sing joyfully, and the trees in the fields will clap their hands.
Porque con alegría saldréis, y con paz seréis vueltos; los montes y los collados levantarán canción delante de vosotros, y todos los árboles del campo darán palmadas de aplauso.
13 Instead of thornbushes and briers, pine/cypress [trees] and myrtle [trees] will grow [in your land]. As a result of that, people will honor me much more; and what I do will remind everyone that [I do what I have promised].”
En lugar de la zarza crecerá haya, y en lugar de la ortiga crecerá arrayán: y será á Jehová por nombre, por señal eterna que nunca será raída.

< Isaiah 55 >