< Isaiah 49 >

1 All you people who live on islands [in the ocean] and in other distant areas, pay attention [DOU] to what I will say! Yahweh called/chose me before I was born; he chose/appointed me when I was still in my mother’s womb.
OIDME, islas, y escuchad, pueblos lejanos: Jehová me llamó desde el vientre; desde las entrañas de mi madre tuvo mi nombre en memoria.
2 [When I grew up], he caused my messages to be like [SIM] a sharp sword. He has protected me with his hand [SYN]. [He protects me] [MET] like someone protects sharp arrows in a quiver.
Y puso mi boca como espada aguda, cubrióme con la sombra de su mano; y púsome por saeta limpia, guardóme en su aljaba;
3 He said to me, “You will serve my Israeli [people], and you will cause people to honor me.”
Y díjome: Mi siervo eres, oh Israel, que en ti me gloriaré.
4 I replied, “My work has been useless; I have used my strength, but I have accomplished nothing worthwhile; everything that I have done has been (in vain/useless). However, Yahweh can honor me as he pleases; my God is the one who will reward me [as I deserve].”
Yo empero dije: Por demás he trabajado, en vano y sin provecho he consumido mi fortaleza; mas mi juicio está delante de Jehová, y mi recompensa con mi Dios.
5 Yahweh formed me when I was in [my mother’s] womb in order that I would serve him; he appointed me to bring [the people of] Israel back to himself [DOU]. Yahweh has honored me, and he is the one who has caused me to be strong.
Ahora pues, dice Jehová, el que me formó desde el vientre por su siervo, para que convierta á él á Jacob. Bien que Israel no se juntará, con todo, estimado seré en los ojos de Jehová, y el Dios mío será mi fortaleza.
6 He says to me, “It is not enough for you to serve me by bringing the descendants of Jacob back to worship me again [DOU]; I also want you to be like [MET] a light for the non-Jews; I want you to take my [my message] about how to be saved to [people] all over the world.”
Y dijo: Poco es que tú me seas siervo para levantar las tribus de Jacob, y para que restaures los asolamientos de Israel: también te dí por luz de las gentes, para que seas mi salud hasta lo postrero de la tierra.
7 Yahweh, the one who saves us, the Holy God of us Israeli [people], says to the one who was despised and rejected by the [people of many] nations, the one who is the slave of rulers, “[Some day] kings will stand up to respect you when they see you, and princes will bow down before you because [you serve] me, Yahweh, the one who faithfully [does what I promise]. I am the Holy God to whom you Israelis belong, the one who has chosen you.”
Así ha dicho Jehová, Redentor de Israel, el Santo suyo, al menospreciado de alma, al abominado de las gentes, al siervo de los tiranos: Verán reyes, y levantaránse príncipes, y adorarán por Jehová; porque fiel [es] el Santo de Israel, el cual te escogió.
8 This is also what Yahweh says: “At a time when it pleases me, I will answer your prayers. On the day when you will be rescued [from your oppressors], I will help you. I will protect you and enable you to establish an agreement with other nations. And by what you do, I will re-establish your nation of Israel and allow you to live/settle again in your land that was abandoned.
Así dijo Jehová: En hora de contentamiento te oí, y en el día de salud te ayudé: y guardarte he, y te daré por alianza del pueblo, para que levantes la tierra, para que heredes asoladas heredades;
9 I will say to those who were captured [and (exiled/taken to Babylonia)], ‘Leave [Babylonia] and return to your own country!’ And I will say to those who are in dark prisons, ‘Come out into the light!’ When that happens, they will again be like [MET] sheep that eat grass in green pastures, on hills where [previously] there was no grass.
Para que digas á los presos: Salid; y á los que están en tinieblas: Manifestaos. En los caminos serán apacentados, y en todas las cumbres serán sus pastos.
10 They will not be hungry or thirsty [any more]; the hot sun will not beat upon them again [DOU]. I, Yahweh, will act mercifully toward them and lead them; I will lead them to where there are springs of cool water.
No tendrán hambre ni sed, ni el calor ni el sol los afligirá; porque el que tiene de ellos misericordia los guiará, y los conducirá á manaderos de aguas.
11 And I will cause the mountains to become [as though they were] level roads, and I will prepare good highways [for my people to travel on, to return to Jerusalem].
Y tornaré camino todos mis montes, y mis calzadas serán levantadas.
12 My people will return from far away; some will come from the north, some from the west, some from southern Egypt.”
He aquí estos vendrán de lejos; y he aquí estotros del norte y del occidente, y estotros de la tierra de los Sineos.
13 [Because of what Yahweh has promised to do], everything should shout joyfully— the sky and the earth and the mountains should sing, because Yahweh comforts his people, and he will pity those who are suffering.
Cantad alabanzas, oh cielos, y alégrate, tierra; y prorrumpid en alabanzas, oh montes: porque Jehová ha consolado su pueblo, y de sus pobres tendrá misericordia.
14 [The people of] Jerusalem say, “Yahweh has abandoned us; he has forgotten about us.”
Mas Sión dijo: Dejóme Jehová, y el Señor se olvidó de mí.
15 But [Yahweh replies], “That is not true! (Can a woman forget the infant that she is nursing?/A woman certainly cannot forget the infant that she is nursing!) [RHQ] (Can she stop being kind to the child to whom she has given birth?/She certainly cannot stop being kind to the child to whom she has given birth!) [RHQ] But even if a woman would do that, I will not forget you!
¿Olvidaráse la mujer de lo que parió, para dejar de compadecerse del hijo de su vientre? Aunque se olviden ellas, yo no me olvidaré de ti.
16 Note that I have written your [names] on the palms of my hands; in my mind I can always see the walls of your city.
He aquí que en las palmas te tengo esculpida: delante de mí están siempre tus muros.
17 Soon your children will be returning there (OR, Those who rebuild your city will work more quickly than those who destroyed it), and all those who destroyed your city will leave.
Tus edificadores vendrán aprisa; tus destruidores y tus asoladores saldrán de ti.
18 You will look around and see all of your children coming back to you. As surely as I live, they will be around you [for you to show to people] like [SIM] a bride shows her wedding ornaments!
Alza tus ojos alrededor, y mira: todos estos se han reunido, han venido á ti. Vivo yo, dice Jehová, que de todos, como de vestidura de honra, serás vestida; y de ellos serás ceñida como novia.
19 Your land has been ruined and caused to become desolate/abandoned [DOU], but [some day] it will be filled with people, and those who conquered you will be far away.
Porque tus asolamientos, y tus ruinas, y tu tierra desierta, ahora será angosta por la multitud de los moradores; y tus destruidores serán apartados lejos.
20 The children who were born while you were (exiled/in Babylonia) [MET] will return [to Jerusalem] and say, ‘This city is too small for us; We need more space to live in!’
Aun los hijos de tu orfandad dirán á tus oídos: Angosto es para mí este lugar; apártate por amor de mí, para que yo more.
21 Then you will think to yourselves [MTY], ‘It is amazing that we have [RHQ] all these children! Most of our children were dead, and the rest were exiled. We were left here alone; so we do not know [RHQ] where all these children have come from! Who raised them?'”
Y dirás en tu corazón: ¿Quién me engendró estos? porque yo deshijada estaba y sola, peregrina y desterrada: ¿quién pues crió éstos? He aquí yo estaba dejada sola: éstos ¿dónde estaban?
22 This is what Yahweh our God says: “Watch! [It is as though] I will lift up my hand to signal to those who are not Israelis. And they will carry your little sons and daughters on their shoulders and bring them back to you.
Así dijo el Señor Jehová: He aquí, yo alzaré mi mano á las gentes, y á los pueblos levantaré mi bandera; y traerán en brazos tus hijos, y tus hijas serán traídas en hombros.
23 Kings will serve you and will tutor/teach your children, and their queens will take care of your young children. They will prostrate themselves in front of you and [humble themselves by] licking the dust off your feet. When that happens, you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do]; and those who trust in me will never be disappointed.”
Y reyes serán tus ayos, y sus reinas tus amas [de leche]; el rostro inclinado á tierra te adorarán, y lamerán el polvo de tus pies: y conocerás que yo soy Jehová, que no se avergonzarán los que me esperan.
24 There is no one [RHQ] who can snatch valuable things from a soldier who has captured those things [in a war]; there is no one [RHQ] who can force a (tyrant/cruel man) to free the people whom he has captured.
¿Será quitada la presa al valiente? ó ¿libertaráse la cautividad legítima?
25 But Yahweh says this: “[Some day], those who have been captured will be freed, and the valuable things that (tyrants/cruel men) have snatched from others will be returned, because I will fight against those who fight against you, and I will rescue your children.
Así empero dice Jehová: Cierto, la cautividad será quitada al valiente, y la presa del robusto será librada; y tu pleito yo lo pleitearé, y yo salvaré á tus hijos.
26 And I will cause your enemies to destroy themselves [MET] instead of murdering others. When that happens, everyone [in the world] will know that I, Yahweh, am the one who saves you, the one who rescues you from your enemies; everyone will know that I am the mighty God to whom [you descendants of] [MTY] Jacob belong.”
Y á los que te despojaron haré comer sus carnes, y con su sangre serán embriagados como con mosto; y conocerá toda carne que yo Jehová soy Salvador tuyo, y Redentor tuyo, el Fuerte de Jacob.

< Isaiah 49 >