< Isaiah 47 >

1 [Yahweh also says], “You people of Babylon, you should go and sit in the dust/dirt [to show that you are mourning], because your time to rule [MTY] [other countries] is almost ended. People will never again say that Babylonia is beautiful [like] a very attractive/beautiful young woman.
Astu alas ja istu tomuun, sinä neitsyt, tytär Baabel, istu maahan, valtaistuinta vailla, sinä Kaldean tytär; sillä ei sinua enää kutsuta hempeäksi ja hekumalliseksi.
2 [You will be slaves, so] take heavy stones and grind grain [like slave women do]. Take off your [beautiful] veils and take off your robes [as you prepare to cross streams to go where you will be forced to go].
Tartu käsikiviin ja jauha jauhoja, riisu huntusi, nosta helmuksesi, paljasta sääresi, kahlaa jokien poikki.
3 You will be naked and [very] ashamed. I will get vengeance on you and not pity you.”
Häpysi paljastuu, häpeäsi näkyy; minä kostan enkä ainoatakaan armahda.
4 The one who frees us [people of Judah], whom we call ‘the Commander of the armies of angels’, is the Holy One of Israel.
Meidän lunastajamme nimi on Herra Sebaot, Israelin Pyhä.
5 [Yahweh says], “You people of Babylon, sit silently in the darkness, because people will never again say that your city is [like] [MET] a queen that rules many kingdoms.
Istu äänetönnä ja väisty pimeään, sinä Kaldean tytär; sillä ei sinua enää kutsuta valtakuntien valtiattareksi.
6 I was angry with the people whom I chose [to belong to me], and I punished them. I allowed you [people of Babylon] to conquer them. But [when you conquered them], you did not have mercy on them. You (oppressed/treated cruelly) [MET] even the old people.
Minä vihastuin kansaani, annoin häväistä perintöni, minä annoin heidät sinun käsiisi; et osoittanut sinä heille sääliä, vanhuksellekin sinä teit ikeesi ylen raskaaksi.
7 You said, ‘We will rule [other nations] forever; [it is as though our city] will be the queen [of the world] forever!’ But you did not think about the things [that you were doing], or think about what would result.
Ja sinä sanoit: "Iäti minä olen valtiatar", niin ettet näitä mieleesi pannut, et loppua ajatellut.
8 You people [of Babylon] who enjoy pleasure and sex, listen to this: You enjoy a luxurious life and you feel secure. You say, ‘We are [like gods], and there are no others like us. Our women will never become widows, and our children will never be killed [in wars].’
Mutta nyt kuule tämä, sinä hekumassa-eläjä, joka istut turvallisena, joka sanot sydämessäsi: "Minä, eikä ketään muuta! Minä en ole leskenä istuva enkä lapsettomuudesta tietävä."
9 But both of those things will happen to you suddenly: Many of your women will become widows and many of your children will die, even though you perform much sorcery and many kinds of magic [to prevent bad things from happening to you].
Mutta nämä molemmat tulevat sinun osaksesi äkisti, yhtenä päivänä: lapsettomuus ja leskeys; ne kohtaavat sinua täydeltänsä, huolimatta velhouksiesi paljoudesta, loitsujesi suuresta voimasta.
10 You felt protected even though you were doing many wicked things, and you said, ‘No one will see what we [are doing]!’ [You thought that] you were very wise and knew many things, and you said, ‘We are gods, and there are no others like us,’ but you deceived yourselves.
Sinä luotit pahuuteesi, sinä sanoit: "Ei kukaan minua näe". Sinun viisautesi ja tietosi, ne sinut eksyttivät, ja niin sinä sanoit sydämessäsi: "Minä, eikä ketään muuta!"
11 So you will experience terrible things, and you will not be able to prevent them by working magic. You will experience disasters, and you will not be able to pay anyone to prevent those things from happening. (A catastrophe/Something terrible) will happen to you suddenly, something that you will not realize [is about to happen].
Sentähden kohtaa sinua onnettomuus, jota et osaa manata pois; sinut yllättää tuho, josta et lunnailla pääse, äkkiä kohtaa sinua perikato, aavistamattasi.
12 So you can continue to perform all your magic spells [IRO]! You can perform the many kinds of sorcery that you have practiced for many years! Perhaps [doing those things will enable you to] be successful; perhaps you will be able to cause your enemies to be afraid of you!
Astu esiin loitsuinesi ja paljoine velhouksinesi, joilla olet vaivannut itseäsi nuoruudestasi asti: ehkä hyvinkin saat avun, ehkä herätät pelkoa.
13 But [all that has resulted from your] doing all the things that the magicians have told you to do is that you have become tired! The men who look at the stars every month and predict what will happen should come forward and rescue you [from the disasters that you are about to experience].
Sinä olet väsyttänyt itsesi paljolla neuvottelullasi. Astukoot esiin ja auttakoot sinua taivaan mittaajat, tähtien tähystäjät, jotka kuu kuulta ilmoittavat, mitä sinulle tapahtuva on.
14 But [they cannot do that, because] they are like [SIM] straw that is burning in a fire; they cannot save themselves from being burned up in the flames. Those men are unable to help you [MET]; they are as useless as stubble [that burns quickly and produces no heat] for you.
Katso, he ovat kuin kuivat korret: tuli polttaa heidät; he eivät pelasta henkeään liekin vallasta. Se ei ole hiillos heidän lämmitelläkseen eikä valkea, jonka ääressä istutaan.
15 The people whom you have associated with and worked with since you were young [will not help you], because they will just continue doing their own foolish things, and they will not pay any attention to you [when you cry out for help].”
Tämän saat sinä niistä, joista olet vaivaa nähnyt: ne, joiden kanssa olet kauppaa käynyt hamasta nuoruudestasi asti, harhailevat kukin haarallensa, ei kukaan sinua pelasta.

< Isaiah 47 >