< Isaiah 17 >

1 [I received] this message [from Yahweh] about Damascus [the capital of Syria]: “Listen carefully! Damascus will no longer be a city; it will be [only] a heap of ruins!
ダマスコにかかはる重負の預言 いはく/視よダマスコは邑のすがたをうしなひて荒墟となるべし
2 The towns near Aroer [city] will be abandoned. Flocks [of sheep] will [eat grass in the streets and] lie down there, and there will be no one to chase them away.
3 The cities in Israel will not have walls around them [to protect them]. The power of the kingdom of Damascus will be ended, and the few people who will remain in Damascus will be disgraced like the people in Israel were disgraced.” [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says.
エフライムの城はすたりダマスコの政治はやみ スリアの遺れる者はイスラエルの子輩のさかえのごとく消うせん 是は萬軍のヱホバの聖言なり
4 “At that time, Israel will become insignificant. It will be [like] [MET] a fat person who has become very thin.
5 The entire land will be like [SIM] a field where the harvesters have cut all the grain; there will be nothing left, like [SIM] the fields in the Rephaim Valley after all the crops have been harvested.
6 Only a few of the Israeli people will remain [MET], like [SIM] the few olives that remain on the top of a tree after the workers have caused all the other olives to fall [to the ground]. [There will be only] two or three olives in the top branches, [or] four or five olives on the other branches.” [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says.
されど橄欖樹をうつとき二つ三の核を杪にのこし あるひは四つ五をみのりおほき樹の外面のえだに遺せるが如く採のこさるるものあるべし 是イスラエルの神ヱホバの聖言なり
7 [Then], at that time, [you] people [of Israel] will (turn for help to/look up to) God, your creator, the Holy One of Israel.
8 You will no [longer] seek to get help from your idols or worship the idols that you have made with your own hands [DOU]. You will never again bow down in front of the poles [where you worship the goddess] Asherah. You will never again worship at the shrines [that you have built for burning incense].
斯ておのれの手の工なる祭壇をあふぎ望まず おのれの指のつくりたるアシラの像と日の像とに目をとめじ
9 The largest cities in Israel will be abandoned, like the land that the Hiv and Amor people-groups abandoned (OR, like the forests that the [Canaan people-group] abandoned) when the Israelis [attacked them long ago]. No one will live there.
その日かれが堅固なるまちまちは 昔イスラエルの子輩をさけてすてさりたる森のなか嶺のうへに今のこれる荒跡のごとく荒地となるべし
10 [That will happen] because you have stopped worshiping God who is [like] [MET] a huge rock under which you can be safe. You have forgotten that he is the one who can hide/protect you. So, [now] you plant very nice grapevines and [even] plant very expensive ones that come from other countries.
そは汝おのがすくひの神をわすれ 己がちからとなるべき磐を心にとめざりしによる このゆゑになんぢ美くしき植物をうゑ異やうの枝をさし
11 [But] even if they sprout leaves on the day that you plant them, and even if they produce blossoms on that same morning, at harvest time, there will not be any grapes for you to pick. All that you will get is a lot of agony/misery.
かつ植たる日に籬をまはし朝に芽をいださしむれども 患難の日といたましき憂の日ときたりて收穫の果はとびさらん
12 Listen! [The armies of] many nations will roar like the sea roars. It will sound like the noise of crashing waves.
唉おほくの民はなりどよめけり海のなりどよめく如くかれらも鳴動めけり もろもろの國はなりひびけり大水のなりひびくが如くかれらも鳴響けり
13 But even though their loud roaring will be like the sound of crashing waves, when Yahweh rebukes them, they will run far away. They will flee like [SIM] chaff on the hills scatters when the wind [blows], like tumbleweeds scatter when a windstorm blows.
もろもろの國はおほくの水のなりひびくがごとく鳴響かん されど神かれらを攻たまふべし かれら遠くのがれて風にふきさらるる山のうへの粃糠のごとく また旋風にふきさらるる塵のごとくならん
14 And, even though you people of Israel will be terrified, in the morning [your enemies] will all be gone/dead. That is what will happen to those who invade our land and [then] steal our possessions.
視よゆふぐれに恐怖あり いまだ黎明にいたらずして彼等は亡たり これ我儕をかすむる者のうくべき報われらを奪ふもののひくべき鬮なり

< Isaiah 17 >