< Isaiah 15 >

1 [I received] this message [from Yahweh] about the Moab [people-group]: In one night [two of your important cities], Ar and Kir, will be destroyed.
Adehu a ɛfa Moab ho: Wɔasɛe Ar a ɛwɔ Moab Da koro anadwo bi, wɔasɛe Kir a ɛwɔ Moab da koro anadwo bi!
2 The people of Dibon, [your capital city, ] will go to their temple to mourn/weep; they will go to [their shrines] on the hilltops to weep. They will wail because of [what happened to] Nebo and Medeba [towns in the south]; they will all shave the hair of their heads, and the men will cut off their beards [to show that they are grieving].
Dibon foro kɔ nʼasɔredan mu, ɔkɔ ne sorɔnsorɔmmea kosu; Moab twa adwo wɔ Nebo ne Medeba ho. Wɔayi eti biara so nwi na abogyesɛ biara nso wɔatwitwa.
3 In the streets people will wear rough sackcloth, and on their [flat] rooftops and in the [city] plazas everyone will wail, with tears streaming down their faces.
Wofurafura atweaatam wɔ mmɔnten so; wɔ adan atifi ne ɔman ahyiae wɔn nyinaa retwa adwo, wɔdeda fam na wosu.
4 [The people of] Heshbon [city] and Elealeh [towns in the north of Moab] will cry out; people as far away as Jahaz [town in the south] will hear them wailing. Therefore the soldiers of Moab will tremble and cry out and they will be very afraid [IDM].
Hesbon ne Eleale teɛ mu su, wɔte wɔn nne kodu Yahas nohɔ. Enti Moab mmarima akofo teɛ mu su, na wɔbotobotow.
5 I feel very sorry for [the people of] Moab; they will flee to Zoar and Eglath-Shelishiyah [towns in the far south]. They will cry as they walk up to Luhith [town]. All along the road to Horonaim [town] people will mourn because their country has been destroyed.
Midi Moab ho awerɛhow wɔ me koma mu; nʼaguanfo guan kodu Soar, ne Eglat Selisiya. Wɔforo kɔ Luhit, wɔrekɔ nyinaa na wɔresu; Horonaim kwan so nso wodi wɔn sɛe ho awerɛhow.
6 The water in Nimrim [Valley] will have dried up. The grass there will be withered; the green plants will [all] be gone, and there will be nothing left that is green.
Nimrim nsuwansuwa ayoyow na sare no ahyew afifide nyinaa ayera na ɛnkaa wura biara a ɛyɛ amono.
7 The people will pick up their possessions and carry them across Willows Brook.
Enti ahonyade a wɔapɛ agu hɔ no wɔsoa de kotwa mpampuro bon.
8 Throughout the country of Moab, [people] will be crying; people as far away as Eglaim [in the south] and Beer-Elim [in the north] will hear them wailing.
Wɔn nkekawmu gyigye wɔ Moab ahye so; wɔn agyaadwotwa kodu Eglaim na wɔn abubuwbɔ kodu Beer Elim.
9 The stream near Dimon will become red from the blood [of people who have been killed], but I will cause the people of Moab to experience even more [trouble]: Lions will attack those who [are trying to] escape from Moab and will [also] attack the people who remain in that country.
Dimon nsu ayɛ mogya nko ara nanso mɛkɔ so ne no adi gyata bɛba Moab aguanfo so ne wɔn a wɔbɛka asase no so no so.

< Isaiah 15 >