< Isaiah 14 >

1 [But] Yahweh will act mercifully toward the Israeli people; he will choose [the people of] Israel [to be his people again], and he will allow them to [return here and] live in their own land again. Then people from [many] other countries will come here and unite with the Israeli people.
Kajti Gospod bo imel usmiljenje do Jakoba in bo še izbral Izrael in jih postavil v njihovo lastno deželo, in tujci bodo združeni z njimi in se bodo trdno pridružili Jakobovi hiši.
2 People of other nations will help them to return to their [own] land, and those who come from other countries will (work for/become the servants of) the Israeli people. Those who captured people of Israel will be captured by Israeli soldiers, and the people of Israel will rule over the people who [previously] oppressed them.
Ljudstvo jih bo vzelo in jih privedlo na njihov kraj. Izraelova hiša jih bo vzela v last v Gospodovi deželi za služabnice in pomočnice. Odvedli jih bodo ujete tisti, katerih ujetniki so bili in vladali bodo nad svojimi zatiralci.
3 Some day Yahweh will free you [Israeli people] from suffering and trouble and from being afraid, and from being cruelly treated as slaves [MTY].
Na ta dan se bo zgodilo, ko ti bo Gospod dal počitek pred tvojo bridkostjo, pred tvojim strahom in pred trdim suženjstvom, s čimer si bil primoran, da služiš,
4 When that happens, you will make fun of the King of Babylon by saying this: “You treated us cruelly, but that has ended! Your insolently causing others to suffer is finished!
da boš vzel ta pregovor zoper babilonskega kralja in rekel: »Kako je zatiralec končal! Zlato mesto je končalo!
5 You evil ruler, Yahweh will get rid of your power, and you will oppress people no longer!
Gospod je zlomil palico zlobnih in žezlo vladarjev.
6 You attacked people many times because you were very angry with them, and you subdued/conquered [other] nations by causing them to suffer endlessly.
Tisti, ki je v besu udaril ljudstvo z nenehnim udarcem, tisti, ki je narodom vladal v jezi, je preganjan in nihče ne zadržuje.
7 [But soon] everything will be quiet and peaceful on the earth. Everyone [PRS] will sing [again]!
Celotna zemlja je pri počitku in mirna. Oni izbruhnejo v petje.
8 [It will be as though] even the trees in the forests will joyfully sing this song, the cyprus/pine [trees] and the cedar [trees] in Lebanon will sing it: ‘You (have been overthrown/are no longer a ruler), and now no one comes to get rid of us [MET].’
Da, ciprese se razveseljujejo ob tebi in libanonske cedre, rekoč: ›Odkar si položen dol, noben sekalec ni prišel zoper nas.‹
9 The dead people are [PRS] are eagerly waiting for you to come to the place where they are. The spirits of the world leaders will be delighted to welcome you; those who were kings of many nations [before they died] will stand up [to welcome you]. (Sheol h7585)
Pekel od spodaj vztrepetava zaradi tebe, da te sreča ob tvojem prihodu. Zaradi tebe razvnema mrtve, celó vse zemeljske vodje, iz njihovih prestolov je dvignil vse kralje narodov. (Sheol h7585)
10 They will all shout to you [together], ‘Now you are as weak as we are!’
Vsi ti bodo govorili in ti rekli: ›Si tudi ti postal slaboten kakor mi? Si postal podoben nam?‹
11 You were very proud and powerful, [but all] that ended when you died, along with the sounds of harps [being played in your palace]. [Now in your grave] maggots will be under you [like a sheet] [MET], and worms will cover you [like a blanket] [MET]. (Sheol h7585)
Tvoj pomp je priveden dol h grobu in zvok tvojih lir. Ličinka se razteguje pod teboj in ličinke te pokrivajo. (Sheol h7585)
12 You have [disappeared from the earth like] [MET] a star which has fallen from the sky; you [were very well-known] [like] [MET] the morning star [which is seen by everyone]; you destroyed [many] nations, but now you have been destroyed.
Kako si padel z neba, oh Lucifer, sin jutra! Kako si posekan na tla, ki si narode slabil!
13 You [proudly] said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to heaven, to my throne above God’s stars. I will rule on the mountain where [the gods] gather together, far in the north.
Ker si rekel v svojem srcu: ›Vzpel se bom v nebesa, svoj prestol bom povzdignil nad Božje zvezde. Tudi na gori skupnosti bom sedel, na obronkih severa,
14 I will ascend above the clouds and become like the highest/greatest god!’
nad višine oblakov se bom dvignil, podoben bom Najvišjemu.‹
15 [But you were not able to do that]; instead, you were carried down to your grave, and you went to the place where the dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
Vendar boš priveden dol v pekel, na obronke jame. (Sheol h7585)
16 The [other dead] people there stare at you; they wonder what happened to you. [They say], ‘Is this the man who caused the earth to shake and caused the [people in many] kingdoms to tremble?
Tisti, ki te vidijo, te bodo natančno ogledovali in preudarjali, rekoč: ›Mar je to mož, ki je počel, da je zemlja trepetala, ki je pretresal kraljestva,
17 Is this the man who [tried to] cause the world to become a desert, who conquered its cities and did not allow the people whom he captured to return to their homes?’
ki je naredil zemeljski [krog] kakor divjino in uničil njegova mesta, ki ni odprl hiše svojih ujetnikov?‹
18 All the kings of the earth [who have died] were greatly honored when they were buried,
Vsi kralji narodov, celó vsi izmed njih, ležijo v slavi, vsak v svoji lastni hiši.
19 but your [corpse will] not be buried; it will be thrown away like [SIM] a worthless branch [of a tree]. Your corpse will be under a heap of other corpses of soldiers that were killed by [their enemies’] swords, and [their corpses] were not buried; you will be with those who have gone down to the stony ground in a big pit.
Ti pa si izvržen iz svojega groba, kakor gnusna mladika in kakor oblačilo tistih, ki so umorjeni, prebodeni z mečem, ki gredo dol k jamskim kamnom, kakor truplo, pomendrano pod stopali.
20 Your [corpse] will not be buried because you have destroyed your nation and have caused your people to be killed. The descendants of wicked people [like you] will never be honored again.
Ne boš pridružen z njimi pri pokopu, ker si uničil svojo deželo in umoril svoje ljudstvo. Seme hudodelcev nikoli ne bo ugledno.
21 [People will say], ‘Slaughter this man’s children because of the sins that their ancestors committed! Do not allow them to become rulers and conquer [all the nations in] the world, and fill the world with the cities [that they rule]!’”
Pripravite pokol za njegove otroke zaradi krivičnosti njihovih očetov, da ne vstanejo niti ne vzamejo v last dežele niti ne napolnijo obličja zemeljskega [kroga] z mesti.
22 [This is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says: “I [myself] will cause Babylon to be conquered. I will get rid of Babylon and its people and their descendants.
Kajti dvignil se bom proti njim, ‹ govori Gospod nad bojevniki ›in iztrebil iz Babilona ime in ostanek, sina in nečaka, ‹ govori Gospod.
23 I will cause Babylon to be a place where owls live, a place full of swamps; I will get rid of it completely [as though] [MET] I were sweeping it with a broom. [That is what I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say.”
›Prav tako ga bom naredil posest za bobnarico in vodne tolmune in pometel ga bom z metlo uničenja, ‹ govori Gospod nad bojevniki.
24 The Commander of the armies of angels has [also] solemnly promised this: “The things that I have planned will surely happen [DOU].
Gospod nad bojevniki je prisegel, rekoč: ›Zagotovo, kakor sem si zamislil, tako se bo zgodilo in kakor sem se namenil, tako bo ostalo,
25 [When the army of] Assyria is in my land [of Israel], I will crush them. [It will be as though] I will trample them on my mountains. My people will no longer be the slaves [MET] of the people of Assyria; [it will be as though] [MET] I will take away the burdens that are on their shoulders.
da bom v svoji deželi zlomil Asirca in na svojih gorah ga bom pomendral pod stopalom. Potem bo njegov jarem odšel od njih in njegovo breme bo odšlo iz njihovih ramen.‹«
26 I have a plan for everyone on the earth, a plan to show my power [MTY] to punish all the nations.
To je namen, ki je namenjen nad celotno zemljo, in to je roka, ki je iztegnjena nad vsemi narodi.
27 [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, have spoken, and no one can [RHQ] change my mind. When I raise my fist [to strike Assyria], no one [RHQ] will be able to stop me [from doing that].”
Kajti Gospod nad bojevniki se je namenil in kdo bo to razveljavil? Njegova roka je iztegnjena in kdo jo bo zavrnil?
28 I received this message [from Yahweh] during the year that King Ahaz died:
To breme je bilo v letu, ko je kralj Aház umrl.
29 You people of Philistia, do not rejoice that the enemy army [MET] that attacked you has been defeated and that their king is dead. He was [as dangerous as] [MET] a snake, but there will be another king, who will be more [dangerous] than a cobra; he will be [like] [MET] a quick-moving poisonous snake.
Ne razveseli se ti, celotna Filisteja, ker je palica tistega, ki te je udaril, zlomljena, kajti iz kačje korenine bo prišla strupena kača in njen sad bo ognjena leteča kača.
30 Those of my people who are very poor will take care of their flocks of sheep, and the needy people will lie down safely, but I will cause you people [of Philistia] who are still alive [DOU] to die from famine.
Prvorojenec revnega bo nahranjen in pomoči potreben se bo ulegel v varnosti in z lakoto bom ubil tvojo korenino, on pa bo pokončal tvoj preostanek.
31 [So], you people of Philistia, wail at the gates of your cities! You should be extremely afraid, because [a very powerful army] will come from the north [to attack you]; [their chariots will stir up the dust like] [MET] a cloud of smoke. Each of their soldiers is ready to fight.
Tulite, oh velika vrata, jokaj, oh mesto, ti, celotna Palestina si raztopljena, kajti iz severa bo prišel dim in nihče ne bo sam v svojih določenih časih.
32 If messengers [from Philistia] come to us [Israeli people], this is what we must [RHQ] tell them: “Yahweh has established Jerusalem, [not Philistia], and his people who are oppressed will be safe inside [the walls of] Jerusalem.”
Kaj bo nekdo potem odgovoril poslancem naroda? Da je Gospod ustanovil Sion in revni izmed njegovega ljudstva bodo zaupali vanj.

< Isaiah 14 >