< Isaiah 11 >

1 [Like] [MET] a [new] shoot [often] grows from the stump [of a tree], there will be a descendant of King David who will be a new king.
Menm jan yon ti plan pouse soti nan rasin yon pyebwa yo koupe, yon ti kreyòl soti nan chouk li, se konsa tou yon wa pral soti nan ras David la.
2 The Spirit of Yahweh will always be with him. The Spirit will enable him to be wise and to understand [much about many things]. The Spirit will enable him to decide what is good to do, and will enable him to be very powerful. The Spirit will enable him to know Yahweh and to revere him.
Lespri Bondye a pral desann sou li. L'ap ba li bon konprann ak lespri. L'ap ba li konesans ak ladrès pou l' dirije. L'ap fè l' konn Seyè a, l'ap fè l' gen krentif pou li.
3 He will be glad to obey Yahweh. He will not decide [whether someone is righteous or not only] by seeing what that person looks like, or by listening to [what others say about that person].
L'a pran plezi l' pou l' obeyi Seyè a nan tout bagay. Li p'ap gade sou figi moun pou l' jije yo. Li p'ap rete sou sa yo vin di l' pou l' rann jijman.
4 He will judge [the cases of] needy people fairly; and he will act justly toward poor people. He will punish evil people as a result of what he decides [MTY]; he will get rid of wicked people because of [MTY] [their behavior].
L'ap rann jijman pou pòv yo san patipri. L'ap defann dwa pòv malere nan peyi a san paspouki. L'ap denonse sa moun ap fè nan peyi a, l'ap pini yo. L'ap soufle ak bouch li sou mechan yo, l'ap disparèt yo.
5 He will always act righteously; his doing that will [accompany him like] [MET] a belt [around his waist]. He will always speak what is true; his doing that will [accompany him like] [MET] a sash [around his waist].
L'a gouvènen pèp la san patipri, l'a dirije pèp la jan sa dwe fèt!
6 [When he becomes king], wolves and lambs will live together [peacefully]; leopards, [instead of killing] baby goats, will lie down with them. [Similarly], calves and lions will eat food together; and a young child will take care of them.
Bèt nan bwa ak mouton va viv ansanm. Tig pral kouche menm kote ak jenn kabrit. Jenn ti bèf ak jenn ti lyon pral manje ansanm. Lèfini, se yon timoun ki pral okipe yo.
7 Cows and bears will eat [together]; bear cubs and calves will lie down together. Lions will [not eat other animals]; [instead], they will eat hay like cows do.
Manman bèf ak manman lous va manje ansanm nan menm savann. Ti bèf ak ti lous va jwe ansanm. Lyon va manje zèb tankou bèf.
8 Babies will play [safely] near the holes where cobra snakes [live]; small children will [even] put their hands into nests of poisonous snakes, [and the snakes will not harm them].
Ti bebe nan tete va jwe devan twou koulèv. Timoun fèk sevre va lonje men yo nan bouch twou sèpan san anyen p'ap rive yo.
9 No creatures will harm or kill other creatures on [Zion Hill], my holy hill; and the earth will [be filled with people who] know Yahweh like [SIM] the seas are full of water.
Pesonn p'ap fè mechanste. Pesonn p'ap fè sa ki mal sou mòn ki apa pou Bondye a, sou mòn Siyon an! Paske kè tout moun nan peyi a pral plen konesans Bondye, menm jan fon lanmè a plen dlo.
10 At that time, a descendant of King David will [hold up] a flag to signal to the people of all people-groups [that they should gather around him]; they will come to him to get his advice, and the place where he lives will be glorious.
Yon jou gen pou vini. Lè sa a, ti kreyòl ki va soti nan chouk fanmi Izayi a va kanpe tankou yon siy pou tout nasyon yo. Moun va soti toupatou pou yo vin bò kote l'. Y'a fè lwanj li nan lavil kote l' rete a.
11 At that time, Yahweh will (reach out his hand/use his power) as he did long ago; he will enable those who had been (exiled from/forced to leave) Israel to return home, from Assyria, from northern Egypt, from southern Egypt, from Ethiopia, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath, and from all the distant countries near the sea.
Jou sa a, Seyè a va fè wè fòs ponyèt li yon dezyèm fwa ankò. L'a delivre ti rès pèp li a, ponyen moun ki rete nan sa yo te depòte nan peyi Lasiri, nan peyi Lejip, ak nan tout peyi sa yo: Patwòs, Letiopi, Elam, Babilòn ak Amat, nan tout peyi lakòt yo ak nan tout zile yo.
12 Yahweh will raise his flag among [all] the people-groups, and he will gather together the people of Israel who had been exiled [long ago]. He will gather from very distant places [IDM] on the earth the people of Judah who [(had been scattered to/are living in) those places].
Seyè a pral leve yon drapo pou l' fè moun lòt nasyon yo wè li pral sanble tout moun pèp Izrayèl yo te depòte yo. L'ap ranmase tout moun pèp Jida ki te gaye toupatou sou latè yo. L'ap mennen yo tounen nan peyi yo.
13 [Then], the people of Israel and the people of Judah will not be jealous of each other [any longer], and they will no [longer] be enemies of each other.
Moun peyi Efrayim yo p'ap fè jalouzi ankò. Peyi Jida a p'ap kenbe moun nan kè ankò. Moun peyi Efrayim yo p'ap anvye sò moun Jida yo. Moun Jida yo p'ap lènmi ankò ak moun Izrayèl yo.
14 Their [armies] will [join together to] attack the people of Philistia to the west. And together they will attack nations to the east; they will [defeat those nations and] take away all their valuable possessions. They will capture [the areas of] Edom and Moab, and the people of the Ammon people-group will be controlled/ruled by the people of Israel and Judah.
Y'ap mete ansanm, yo pral atake moun Filisti yo ki bò solèy kouche, yo pral piye moun k'ap viv bò solèy leve yo. Yo pral donminen sou peyi Edon ak sou peyi Moab. Moun peyi Amon pral soumèt devan yo.
15 Yahweh will make a dry road through the sea near Egypt. And [it will be as though] he will wave his hand over the [Euphrates] River and send a strong wind to cause it to divide into seven streams, with the result that people will be able to walk across [those streams].
Seyè a pral voye yon van cho ki pral cheche tout dlo gwo larivyè Lejip la. Li pral cheche dlo larivyè Lefrat la. L'ap fè l' tounen sèt ti kannal dlo, konsa tout moun ka janbe l' ak tout sapat nan pye yo.
16 And because he will make a highway for his people who are living in Assyria, they will be able to return [to their own land], just like [long ago] he made a path for [the people of] Israel [so that they could go through the water] when they left Egypt.
L'ap louvri yon gran chemen soti peyi Lasiri pou rès pèp li a k'ap viv laba a, menm jan li te fè l' pou pèp Izrayèl la jou yo t'ap soti kite Lejip la.

< Isaiah 11 >