< Hosea 1 >

1 [I am] Hosea, the son of Beeri. Yahweh gave me these messages [at various times] during the years that Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were the kings of Judah, and Jeroboam the son of Jehoash was the King of Israel.
Herran sana, joka tuli Hoosealle, Beerin pojalle, Juudan kuningasten Ussian, Jootamin, Aahaan ja Hiskian päivinä ja Israelin kuninkaan Jerobeamin, Jooaan pojan, päivinä.
2 When Yahweh first [began to] give messages to me [to tell to the people of Israel], he said to me, “Go and marry a prostitute. But [some of] her children will be born as a result of her having sex with men to whom she is not married. That will illustrate how the people of Israel have turned away from me and worship (idols/other gods).”
Kun Herra alkoi Hoosealle puhua, sanoi Herra Hoosealle: "Mene, ota itsellesi haureellinen vaimo ja haureudesta syntyneet lapset, sillä maa on peräti rikkonut avion luopumalla Herrasta".
3 So I married Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim. She became pregnant and gave birth to my son.
Niin hän meni ja otti Goomerin, Diblaimin tyttären. Ja tämä tuli raskaaksi ja synnytti hänelle pojan.
4 Yahweh said to me, “Give him the name Jezreel, [which means ‘God scatters’], because I will soon punish the descendants [MTY] of [King] Jehu [by scattering them], because he killed many of my people at Jezreel [town]. [Some day] I will end the kingdom of Israel,
Ja Herra sanoi hänelle: "Pane hänelle nimeksi Jisreel, sillä vähän aikaa vielä, ja minä kostan Jisreelin verivelat Jeehun suvulle ja teen lopun Israelin heimon kuningaskunnasta.
5 by destroying the power [MTY] of [the army of] Israel in Jezreel Valley.”
Ja sinä päivänä minä särjen Israelin jousen Jisreelin laaksossa."
6 [Later] Gomer became pregnant [again], and she gave birth to a daughter. Yahweh said to me “Give her the name Lo-ruhamah, [which means ‘not loved],’ because I will no longer [show that I] love the people [MET] of Israel, and I will not forgive them [for the sins that they have committed].
Ja vaimo tuli jälleen raskaaksi ja synnytti tyttären, ja Herra sanoi Hoosealle: "Pane hänelle nimeksi Loo-Ruhama, sillä en minä enää tästedes armahda Israelin heimoa, niin että antaisin heille anteeksi.
7 But I will [show that I] love the people [MTY] of Judah [by saving them from their enemies]. However, it will not be by weapons and armies or horses and chariots that I will save them. Instead, it will be by [the power that I], Yahweh their God, [have].”
Mutta Juudan heimoa minä armahdan: minä pelastan heidät Herran, heidän Jumalansa, avulla, mutta en pelasta heitä jousella, miekalla enkä sodalla, en hevosilla enkä ratsumiehillä."
8 After Gomer had (weaned/stopped breast-feeding) Lo-ruhamah, she became pregnant again, and she gave birth to another son.
Kun vaimo oli vieroittanut Loo-Ruhaman, tuli hän raskaaksi ja synnytti pojan.
9 Yahweh said “Give him the name Lo-ammi, [which means 'not my people', ] because the people of Israel are no [longer my people], and I am not their God.
Ja Herra sanoi: "Pane hänelle nimeksi Loo-Ammi, sillä te ette ole minun kansani, enkä minä tahdo olla teidän omanne.
10 But [some day] the people of Israel will be [as numerous] as [SIM] the [grains of] sand on the seashore; no one will be able to count them. Now [I] am saying to them, ‘You are not my people,’ but then people will say to them, ‘[You are the] children of God who is all-powerful.’
Mutta israelilaisten luku on oleva niinkuin meren hiekka, jota ei voi mitata eikä lukea. Ja siinä paikassa, jossa heille on sanottu: 'Te ette ole minun kansani', heille sanotaan: 'Elävän Jumalan lapset!'
11 [At that time], the people of Judah and the people of Israel will unite. They will appoint one leader for all of them, and they will return from the countries [to which they have been (exiled/forced to go)]. That will be a great time; Jezreel [also means ‘God plants’, and it will be as though God will plant them in this country again].”
Ja Juudan miehet ja Israelin miehet kokoontuvat yhteen ja asettavat itsellensä yhteisen pään; ja he lähtevät sotaan siitä maasta, sillä suuri on Jisreelin päivä.

< Hosea 1 >