< Hosea 6 >

1 [The Israeli people say, ] “Come, let’s return to Yahweh! He has caused [us] to be injured, but he will heal us. He has caused [us] to be wounded, but [it is as though] he will put bandages on our wounds [MET].
Ni iru, ni revenu al la Eternulo; ĉar Li disŝiris, sed Li ankaŭ resanigos nin, Li frapis, kaj Li ankaŭ bandaĝos niajn vundojn.
2 After a very short time he will revive us; in less than three days he will restore us in order that we may live in his presence.
Li revivigos nin post du tagoj; en la tria tago Li restarigos nin, kaj ni vivos antaŭ Li.
3 We must try to know Yahweh; [if we do that, ] he will come [and help] us, as surely as the sun rises [every morning], as surely as rain falls every winter/cold season, and as surely as the rain falls again (in the springtime/at the end of the cold season).”
Kaj ni havos scion, kaj ni penos koni la Eternulon. Li eliros, kiel bela matenruĝo; Li venos al ni, kiel pluvo, kiel printempa pluvo, kiu malsekigas la teron.
4 [But Yahweh knows they are insincere; ] [so he says to them, ] “You [people of] Israel, and you [people of] Judah, [I do not know] [RHQ] what I should do to you. Your being faithful [to me will disappear as quickly] as [SIM] the morning mist [disappears], like [SIM] the dew [on the ground] that disappears quickly [when the sun shines].
Kion Mi faru al vi, ho Efraim? Kion Mi faru al vi, ho Jehuda? Via pieco estas kiel matena nebulo, kaj kiel roso, kiu frue malaperas.
5 I warned [HYP] you by [the messages that I gave to] the prophets, [but you did not pay attention to my messages]. Therefore I will completely destroy you; the punishment that I give you will strike you like lightning.
Tial Mi hakas per la profetoj, Mi mortigas ilin per la vortoj el Mia buŝo; kaj justeco koncerne vin eliros kiel lumo.
6 I want [my people] to faithfully love [me] more than [I want them to offer] sacrifices [to me]; [I want them] to know me more than [I want them to] completely burn sacrifices [on the altar].
Ĉar Mi deziras bonfaradon, sed ne oferon, kaj konadon de Dio Mi preferas ol bruloferojn.
7 But they have refused to obey my agreement, [just] like Adam did; they have not been faithful to me.
Sed ili rompis la interligon, kiel Adam, kaj ili defalis de Mi.
8 Gilead is a city [full] of people who do wicked things; [in the streets] are the bloody footprints [of those who have murdered others].
Gilead estas urbo de malbonaguloj, makulita de sango.
9 The priests are like [SIM] bandits who wait (in ambushes/along the road) to attack people; they murder [people who are walking] on the road to Shechem, and they commit other disgraceful crimes.
Kiel bando da embuskantoj la anaro de la pastroj pereigas tiujn, kiuj iras al Ŝeĥem; abomenindaĵon ili faras.
10 I have seen horrible things [being done] in Israel [MTY]. The people have abandoned me [like prostitutes who have abandoned their husbands] [MET]; [so the people of] Israel have become unacceptable to me.
En la domo de Izrael Mi vidas teruraĵon: tie malĉastas Efraim, malpuriĝas Izrael.
11 And you [people of] Judah, I have appointed a time when I will punish [MET] you, too. Whenever I wanted to enable my people to prosper again,”
Sed ankaŭ Jehuda havos rikolton, kiam Mi revenigos la forkaptitojn de Mia popolo.

< Hosea 6 >