< Hosea 2 >

1 [At that time, ] you will say to your fellow-Israeli men, “[You are] God’s people,” and [you will say] to your fellow-Israeli women, “You are ones whom God loves.”
Na manuca rhoek te, ‘Ka pilnam, na ngannu rhoek te ‘Kan haidam’ ti nah.
2 [Yahweh also said to me], “I want you to accuse the Israeli people. [It is as though] [MET] this nation is your mother, but this nation is [no longer as though it is] [MET] my wife, and it is [no longer as though] [MET] I am its husband. Tell the Israeli people that they must stop [acting like] a prostitute [by worshiping other gods]; they must stop showing by their behavior that they (are unfaithful to/have abandoned) [me] [MET].
Na nu te ho rhoe ho laeh. Anih te kai yuu pawt tih kai khaw a va moenih. A pumyoihnah te a mikhmuh lamloh, a samphaihnah a rhangsuk laklo lamkah khoe laeh saeh.
3 If they do not do that, I will not give them [food and] clothes [as a husband should give to his wife]; I will take away those things, and I will cause their nation to become [as deserted] as it was on the day that I [brought their ancestors out of Egypt and caused them to become a nation] [MET]. I will cause their country to be like [SIM] a desert; there will be no rain to water the ground [MET].
Anih te pumtling la ka hlik vetih a thang hnin kah bangla amah ka khueh tarha ve. Anih te khosoek bangla ka khueh vetih rhamrhae khohmuen la ka khueh phoeiah tuihalh neh ka duek sak ni.
4 I will not pity the people, because they have [abandoned me] as [MET] prostitutes abandon their husbands.
Amih pumyoi ca rhoek mai te, a ca rhoek te khaw ka haidam mahpawh.
5 Their parents are like prostitutes [MET]: they have been unfaithful [to me], and they have done [very] disgraceful things. They said, ‘We will run to [our idols/gods] who love us; [they are the ones] who give us food and water and wool and linen and [olive] oil, and [wine to] drink.’
A manu te cukhalh pai tih amih a yom te yak. “Kai aka lungnah tih ka buh, ka tui, ka tumul, ka hlamik, ka situi neh ka tuiok aka pae ka lungnah hnukah ni ka caeh eh,” a ti.
6 So [it will be as though] [MET] I am blocking their road with thornbushes, and putting put a wall around them so that they do not know which way to go.
Te dongah kamah loh a longpuei te hling neh ka buk pah. A vongtung te ka biing pah vetih a hawn hmu voel mahpawh.
7 They will run to their idols/gods that [they think] love them, but they will not find them. They will search for their false gods, but they will not find them. Then they will say, ‘[Perhaps] we should return to [Yahweh], whom we worshiped previously [MET], because things were better for us then than they are now.’
A lungnah rhoek te a hloem dae amih te kae mahpawh. Amih te a tlap akhaw hmu mahpawh. Te vaengah, “Ka cet vetih lamhma kah ka va taengah ka mael ni. Kai hamla tah then ngai mai coeng.
8 But they do not realize that I, [Yahweh], am the one who gave them grain and wine and [olive] oil; I am the one who gave them silver and gold which they used to worship Baal.
Kai loh anih taengah cangpai, misur thai, situi khaw ka paek tih anih soah cak khaw ka kum sak dae sui te Baal hamla a khueh uh.
9 Therefore I will return and take my grain and grapes from them when they are ripe. I will take from them the wool and linen that I gave to them [to make their clothes] [MTY].
Te dongah amah tue vaengah ka cangpai neh a khoning vaengkah ka misur thai te ka lat pah vetih ka loh pah ni. A yah a khuk nah ka tumul neh ka hlamik khaw ka lat ni.
10 I will show those false gods/idols that what my people are doing is disgusting [MET], and no one will be able to hinder me from [punishing them].
Te phoeiah a yah te a hlang ngaih mikhmuh ah ka poelyoe pah pawn vetih hlang loh anih te ka kut lamkah huul thai mahpawh.
11 I will cause their religious celebrations to cease, the festivals that they celebrate every year and at every new moon and on their (Sabbath days/weekly days of rest). I will cause all their religious celebrations to cease.
A omthennah, a khotue, a hlasae neh a Sabbath khaw, a tingtunnah boeih khaw boeih ka paa sak ni.
12 I will destroy [all] their grapevines and fig trees, which they said were what their [idols/gods] who loved them paid them for worshiping those idols. I will cause those places to become a desert, and wild animals will eat the fruit [that remains].
A misur neh a thaibu khaw ka pong sak ni. “Te rhoek te kamah kah pumyoih phu la ka hlang ngaih rhoek loh kai taengah m'paek uh,” a ti. Te cakhaw te te duup la ka khueh vetih kohong mulhing loh a caak ni.
13 I will punish my people for [all] the times that they burned incense to [honor] the idols of Baal. They decorated themselves with rings and jewelry, and they went to worship those [false gods/idols] that [they thought] [IRO] loved them, but they abandoned/forgot me! [That is what I], Yahweh, say.
Amih taengah a phum bangla Baal kah khohnin khaw anih taengah ka cawh ni. A hnaii neh a hnaphaa a thawn tih a hlang ngaih hnukah cet dae, kai BOEIPA kah olphong te a hnilh.
14 But listen! [Some day] I will persuade my people [to worship me again]; I will lead them [out] into the desert and speak kindly to them [there].
Te dongah kamah loh anih te ka hloih ni ne. Tedae amah te khosoek la a pha sak phoeiah ni a lungbuei ah ka voek eh.
15 I will give their vineyards [back] to them, and I will cause Achor Valley, [which means ‘valley of trouble'], to become a valley where they will confidently expect [me to do good things for them]. They will (respond to/want to please) me there like they did long ago, when I freed them from [being slaves in] Egypt.
Te lamloh a misurdum te amah taengla ka paek vetih Akor kol te ngaiuepnah thohka la om ni. Te vaengah a camoe tue vaengkah bangla pahoi oei vetih Egypt kho lamloh a caeh hnin bangla om ni.
16 At that time, they will say to me, ‘[It is as though] [MET] you are our husband.’ They will not say that I am their [master, like they considered that] Baal [was].
BOEIPA kah olphong te a khohnin neh a pha vaengah tah ka va la nan khue vetih kai taengah, “Kai kah Baal,” la na khue voel mahpawh.
17 I will not allow them to speak [MTY] the names of Baal; they will never use those names again.
Baal ming te a ka lamloh ka khoe pah vetih a ming te poek voel mahpawh.
18 At that time [it will be as though] I will make an agreement with [all] the wild animals and birds, and [even with] the little animals that scurry across the ground, so that they will never harm my people [again]. And I will remove from their nation all the weapons [for fighting] battles, [like] swords and bows [and arrows]. The result will be that my people will live peacefully and safely, and will not be afraid.
Te khohnin ah tah amih ham paipi te kohong mulhing neh, vaan kah vaa neh, diklai rhulcai neh ka saii pah ni. Diklai lamkah lii, cunghang neh caemtloek te ka bawt sak vetih amih te ngaikhuek la ka yalh sak ni.
19 I will cause them to be [as though they are] [MET] my bride forever. I will be righteous and fair/just; I will faithfully love them and be kind to them.
Nang te kamah ham kumhal duela kam bae vetih duengnah neh, tiktamnah neh, sitlohnah neh, haidamnah neh nang te kamah hamla kam bae ni.
20 I will not abandon them, and they will realize [that I] Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do.]
Nang te kamah hamla uepomnah neh kam bae van daengah ni BOEIPA te na ming eh.
21 At that time, [when they request me to do things for them], [I will do those things]. When they request clouds and rain to fall on their land, I will speak to the clouds, and rain will fall on the earth,
Te khohnin te a pha vaengah BOEIPA kah olphong te ka doo vetih vaan te khaw ka doo ni. Amih long khaw diklai te a doo uh ni.
22 and grain will grow, and the vineyards and the olive trees will grow in Jezreel [Valley].
Diklai long khaw cangpai misur thai neh situi te a doo vetih amih loh Jezreel te a doo ni.
23 [At that time], I will take care of the Israeli people [like a farmer plants and takes care of his crops] [MET]. I will love those people that I previously said were ones I did not love, and I previously said, ‘You are not my people,’ and [then] they will say to me, ‘You are our God.’”
Anih te kamah hamla lohma ah ka soem vetih a haidam pawt te ka haidam ni. Nang Loami te ka pilnam ka ti vetih anih long khaw ka Pathen a ti ni.

< Hosea 2 >