< Hosea 12 >

1 [The leaders of] Israel are constantly wavering [about seeking help from other countries]. [Seeking their help is as useless as] [MET] chasing the wind. They pile up their lies and violent acts. [First, ] they make a treaty with Assyria, and [then they] send olive oil to [the rulers of] Egypt [to seek their help].
Reer Efrayim waxay quutaan dabayl oo waxay daba galaan dabaysha bari. Had iyo goorba been iyo baabba' bay badiyaan, oo waxay axdi la dhigtaan dadka dalka Ashuur, saliidna Masar bay u qaadaan.
2 Yahweh [says that he] will bring accusations against [the leaders of] Judah, and that he will punish [the descendants of] Jacob for what they have done.
Oo weliba Rabbigu dacwad buu la leeyahay dadka Yahuudah, oo wuxuu reer Yacquub u ciqaabi doonaa si waafaqsan jidadkooda, oo wuxuu u abaalmarin doonaa si waafaqsan falimahooda.
3 [When Jacob was] in his mother’s womb, he grabbed his brother [Esau’s] heel [because he wanted to be born first]. When Jacob grew up, he wrestled with God.
Yacquub markuu uurka ku jiray walaalkiis buu cedhibta ku dhegay, oo markuu nin noqdayna Ilaah buu la dagaallamay.
4 He struggled with [the one who had appeared to him in the form of] an angel, and Jacob defeated him, but [then] he cried and asked the angel to bless him. [Later], God came to Jacob at Bethel and talked with him there.
Haah, oo wuxuu la dagaallamay malaa'igtii, wuuna ka adkaaday, wuuna ooyay oo baryay. Wuxuu isagii ka helay Beytel, oo halkaasuu nagula hadlay.
5 [That was] the Commander of the armies of angels whose name is Yahweh [who talked with him]!
Rabbigu waa Ilaaha ciidammada. Rabbigu waa magiciisa lagu xusuusto.
6 But you [people of Israel] must return to your God! You must faithfully love [him], and you must do what is fair/just and always depend on him.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed Ilaahaaga u soo jeeso, oo naxariista iyo garsooridda xaji, oo had iyo goorna Ilaahaaga sug.
7 The merchants [among you] use scales that do not weigh correctly; they love/like to cheat people.
Dadkaygu waa baayacmushtari, oo waxaa gacanta ugu jira kafadihii khiyaanada, waxay jecel yihiin inay wax dulmaan.
8 [The people of] Israel boast, saying “We are [very] rich [DOU]; and we got all that money by our own efforts, and without committing any sin.”
Oo reer Efrayim wuxuu yidhi, Sida xaqiiqada ah taajir baan noqday, oo maal baan helay, oo innaba hawlahayga oo dhan lagama heli doono xumaan dembi ah.
9 “I am Yahweh your God, [the one who brought your ancestors] out of Egypt. [And some day] I will force you to live in tents again [like your ancestors did] when [they celebrated] the Festival [of Living in Temporary Shelters].
Laakiinse anigu waxaan ahay Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah oo idinka soo bixiyey dalkii Masar, oo weliba waxaan ka dhigi doonaa inaad mar kale teendhooyin degganaataan sidii wakhtigii iidda.
10 [Many times] I spoke to the prophets, and I gave them many visions, and I gave them parables to tell [to the people].”
Oo weliba waxaan la hadlay nebiyadii, oo waxaan badiyey waxyaalo aan tusay, oo nebiyadana waxaan u soo dhiibay masaalooyin.
11 [The people of] Gilead [city] are [RHQ] extremely wicked; they are worthless. The people sacrifice bulls in Gilgal [city], but their altars will [soon] become like [SIM] piles of stone [at the edge of] a plowed field.
Reer Gilecaad waa xumaan miidhan oo iyagu dhammaantood waa wax aan waxtar lahayn. Waxay Gilgaal ku allabaryaan dibiyo, oo weliba meelahooda allabarigu waa sida tuulmooyin ku dhex yaal jeexjeexyada beerta oo kale.
12 [Your ancestor] Jacob fled [from his brother Esau] and went to northwest Mesopotamia. He worked [for his uncle Laban for many years] to get a wife; he took care of [his uncle’s] sheep [to pay] for her.
Yacquub wuxuu ku dhex cararay beertii Aram, oo Israa'iil inuu naag helo buu u shaqeeyey oo ido u ilaaliyey.
13 [Many years later, ] Yahweh enabled a prophet to bring the [ancestors of you] people of Israel here from Egypt; that prophet, [Moses], took care of them.
Oo Rabbigu reer binu Israa'iil nebi buu kaga soo bixiyey dalkii Masar, oo nebi baa iyagii lagu ilaashay.
14 [But now the people of] Israel have caused [Yahweh] to become very angry; Yahweh says that they deserve to die because they caused [many others] to die [MTY]; he will pay them back for the sins that they have committed against him and for insulting him.
Reer Efrayim si qadhaadh bay Rabbiga uga xanaajiyeen, haddaba dhiiggoodu korkooduu ku hadhi doonaa, oo ceebtoodana Sayidkoodu waa ku soo celin doonaa.

< Hosea 12 >