< Hebrews 6 >

1 So, we [(inc)] must not keep [discussing] the elementary principles about Christ. Instead, we must proceed [to the teaching that will make us spiritually] mature [MTY]. We must not [be people who always need someone to teach them] the elementary truths [about Christ that are like] [MET] a foundation. [I am referring to the teaching that people who do sinful] things must turn away from their sinful behavior, things that [those who are spiritually] [MET] dead do. [I am referring to the teaching] that people must believe in God.
Portanto, deixando o ensino dos primeiros princípios de Cristo, prossigamos para a perfeição - não lançando novamente um fundamento de arrependimento das obras mortas, de fé para com Deus,
2 [I am referring to the teaching about what] various [Jewish and Christian] rituals for purifying people [signify. I am referring to the teaching about how elders enable people to receive spiritual gifts by] laying hands [on them] [MTY]. [I am referring to the teaching that God will] ([cause] those who have died to live again/raise people from the dead). And [I am referring to the teaching that God] will judge [some people and punish them] eternally. (aiōnios g166)
do ensino dos batismos, da imposição de mãos, da ressurreição dos mortos e do julgamento eterno. (aiōnios g166)
3 [Instead of continuing to discuss these elementary truths], we [(inc)] (OR, I) will [go on to give people mature teaching], if God allows it.
Isto nós faremos, se Deus permitir.
4 [I will explain why it is important to do that. Some] people have at one time fully understood [the message about Christ] [MET]. They have experienced [a relationship with Jesus Christ] that God [EUP/MTY] gave [to them]. They have received the Holy Spirit the same as [others have].
Pois em relação àqueles que outrora foram iluminados e provaram do dom celestial, e foram feitos participantes do Espírito Santo,
5 They have experienced that God’s message is good. And by what they have experienced [now], they know how [God will work] powerfully in the future. If those people reject [the message about Christ], it will not be possible for anyone to persuade them to turn away from their sinful behavior again! (aiōn g165)
e provaram a boa palavra de Deus e os poderes do tempo vindouro, (aiōn g165)
6 What those [believers who later renounce the message about Christ do is as though] [MET] they themselves are nailing the Son of God to a cross again! They are causing others to publicly despise Christ.
e depois caíram, é impossível renová-los novamente para o arrependimento; vendo-os crucificar o Filho de Deus para si mesmos novamente, e colocá-lo à vergonha aberta.
7 Think about this: It is land on which rain has frequently fallen [PRS] and on which plants grow [PRS] that is useful for the people who prepare the land that God has blessed. [Similarly, it is those believers who have received many good things from God and who do good deeds/things that please God, whom God will bless] [MET].
Para a terra que bebeu a chuva que vem frequentemente sobre ela e produz uma colheita adequada para eles por causa de quem também é lavrada, recebe a bênção de Deus;
8 But [what will happen to believers who do deeds/things that do not please God will be like what happens to land] on which [only] thorns and thistles grow [MET]. [Such land] is worthless. It has almost become land that God will curse, and eventually he will burn [its vegetation] [MTY].
mas se ela carrega espinhos e cardos, é rejeitada e quase amaldiçoada, cujo fim é ser queimada.
9 Although I am writing [to you] like this as a [warning], I am certain concerning you whom I love that [you are doing] better than that. Specifically, I am sure that [you are doing] the things that are appropriate [for those whom God] has saved.
Mas, amados, estamos convencidos de coisas melhores para vocês, e coisas que acompanham a salvação, mesmo que falemos assim.
10 Since God always acts justly [LIT], he will not overlook all you have done [for him. He will also not overlook] [MTY] [your showing that you love] him by the way you helped your fellow believers and [by the way you still] help them. [Instead, God will reward you for doing good deeds].
Pois Deus não é injusto, de modo a esquecer seu trabalho e o trabalho de amor que você mostrou para com seu nome, no sentido de que você serviu aos santos, e ainda os serve.
11 I very much want each of you to diligently continue to fully expect to receive [what God has provided for you], until you finally [receive everything that you have confidently expected to receive].
Desejamos que cada um de vocês mostre a mesma diligência até a plenitude da esperança até o fim,
12 I do not want you to be lazy. [Instead, I want] you to imitate those who, because they patiently continued to trust in [God], are receiving what he promised them.
que não sejam preguiçosos, mas imitadores daqueles que pela fé e perseverança herdaram as promessas.
13 When God promised to [do things for] Abraham, he said that he would punish himself [if he did not do that], because there was no one of greater importance to ask to punish him [if he did not do it].
Pois quando Deus fez uma promessa a Abraão, já que não podia jurar por ninguém maior, jurou por si mesmo,
14 He said [to Abraham], “I will certainly bless you [(sg)], and I will certainly increase [the number of] your [descendants] [SYN].”
dizendo: “Certamente te abençoarei, e multiplicar-te-ei”.
15 As a result, after Abraham patiently waited [for God to do what he promised], he received what [God] promised him.
Assim, tendo suportado pacientemente, ele obteve a promessa.
16 [Keep in mind that when people promise something], they ask a more important person to punish them if they do not do what they promise. Furthermore, when people ask God to punish them [if they do not tell the truth], that causes people who are disputing to stop disputing.
Para os homens, de fato, juram por um maior, e em cada disputa de seu juramento o juramento é definitivo para confirmação.
17 So, when God wanted to demonstrate very clearly (to us/to those people) who would receive what he had promised that he would not change what he had purposed [to do], he solemnly guaranteed that he would declare himself guilty if he did not do what he promised.
Desta forma, Deus, determinado a mostrar mais abundantemente aos herdeiros da promessa a imutabilidade de seu conselho, interposta com um juramento,
18 He did that to strongly encourage us as a result of our [knowing] that [God has done] two things that cannot change. [Namely, he promised to bless us, and he solemnly declared that he would declare himself guilty if he did not bless us]. We [know] that God, who did those things, cannot lie. We have fled [to him] in order that we might continue confidently to expect to receive what he promised us.
que por duas coisas imutáveis, nas quais é impossível para Deus mentir, podemos ter um forte encorajamento, que fugiram em busca de refúgio para tomar posse da esperança colocada diante de nós.
19 [Our confidently expecting] [SYN] [to receive what he has promised is like] an anchor [MET] that very firmly [DOU] [holds us fast. The one we confidently expect to help us] [SYN] [is Jesus, who] goes into [God’s very presence, just like the Supreme Priests went] behind the curtain into the innermost [part of the tent in the barren area] [MET].
Esta esperança temos como âncora da alma, uma esperança segura e firme e entrando naquilo que está dentro do véu,
20 Jesus went [into God’s presence] ahead of us [(inc)] to [help] us when he became a Supreme Priest eternally in the way that Melchizedek was a Supreme Priest. (aiōn g165)
onde como precursor Jesus entrou por nós, tendo-se tornado um sumo sacerdote para sempre após a ordem de Melquisedeque. (aiōn g165)

< Hebrews 6 >