< Haggai 2 >

1 On October 17 [of that year], Yahweh gave [me], the prophet Haggai, [another] message.
Jou ki make venteyenyèm jou nan setyèm mwa nan menm lanne a, Seyè a bay pwofèt Aje yon lòt mesaj ankò.
2 [The message was that I should] say this to Zerubbabel, Jeshua, and to the other people who were still alive [in Jerusalem]:
Li di li konsa: -Pale ak Zowobabèl, pitit gason Chealtyèl la, gouvènè peyi Jida a, ak Jozye, granprèt la, pitit gason Jozadak la, ansanm ak pèp ki te tounen soti nan peyi kote yo te depòte yo a. W'a di yo:
3 “Do any of you remember how glorious our former temple was? [If you do, ] what does it look like to you now? It must seem like nothing at all.
Eske gen yonn nan nou ki chonje jan tanp lan te bèl nan tan lontan? Ki jan nou wè l' koulye a? Nou pa wè li pa vo anyen?
4 But now the Commander of the armies of angels says to [all of you], to Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the rest of you people who live in this nation, ‘[Do not be discouraged; ] be strong [DOU], and work [to build this new temple], because I will (be with/help) you.
Men koulye a, kouraj, Zowobabèl! Se Seyè a menm k'ap pale avè ou. Kouraj, Jozye, granprèt la, pitit Jozadak la! Kouraj, nou tout ki rete nan peyi a! Se Seyè a menm k'ap pale ak nou! Mete men nan travay la, paske mwen la avèk nou! Se mwen menm, Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, ki di sa!
5 My Spirit remains among you, like I promised your [ancestors] when they left Egypt. [So] do not be afraid!’”
Lè nou t'ap soti kite peyi Lejip la, mwen te pwomèt mwen t'ap toujou la avèk nou. Enben! M' la nan mitan nou. Nou pa bezwen pè.
6 This is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: “Soon I will shake the sky and the earth, the oceans and the land again.
Paske men sa Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a di: Anvan lontan, mwen pral souke syèl la ak latè a, lanmè a ak tè yo.
7 I will shake [again the people of] all the nations, and as a result they will bring their treasures [to this temple]. I will fill this temple with [my] glory.
Mwen pral souke tout nasyon yo. Yo pral pote tout richès yo isit la, yo pral plen kay sa a ak bèl bagay. Se Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a menm ki di sa.
8 The silver and the gold [that they own] are [really] mine, [so they will bring them to me].
Se pou mwen tout lò ak tout ajan sou latè ye. Se Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a menm ki di sa.
9 [Then] this temple will be more glorious than the former/previous [temple was]. And I will cause things to go well for you all. [That will surely happen because I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, have said it.”
Kay sa a ap pi bèl lontan pase premye a. Se isit la menm m'ap bay tout moun kè poze. Se mwen menm, Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, ki di sa!
10 On December 18 of that year, Yahweh gave [another] message to [me], the prophet Haggai.
Jou ki te make vennkatriyèm jou nan nevyèm mwa nan dezyèm lanne rèy wa Dariyis la, Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a bay pwofèt Aje yon lòt mesaj ankò. Li di l' konsa:
11 This is what the Commander of the armies of angels said to me: “Ask the priests [this question] about what is written in the laws [of Moses about sacrifices]:
-Al mande prèt yo sa lalwa di sou sa.
12 ‘If one [of you priests takes from the altar some] meat that was sacrificed and is carrying it in his robes, if his robe touches [some] bread or stew or wine or [olive] oil or some other food, does that food also become (holy/acceptable for a sacrifice)?’” [When he said that to] the priests, they replied, “No.”
Si yon moun pran yon moso vyann yo mete apa pou Bondye, li vlope l' nan ke rad li. Lèfini, li kite rad la touche yon pen, osinon yon manje kwit, osinon yon veso ki gen diven osinon ki gen lwil, ou nenpòt ki kalite manje, èske sa ap mete manje a apa pou Bondye tou pou sa? Lè Aje mande prèt yo sa, yo reponn li: -Non!
13 Then Haggai asked them, “If someone becomes unacceptable to God by touching a corpse, and [then he] touches any of those foods, will the food [also] become unacceptable to God?” The priests replied, “Yes.”
Lèfini, Aje mande yo: -Lè yon moun pa nan kondisyon pou l' sèvi Bondye paske li te manyen yon kadav, lèfini si li manyen yonn nan kalite manje sa yo, èske sa ap fè manje yo pa bon pou sa pou moun ki nan kondisyon pou sèvi Bondye? Prèt yo reponn li: -Wi!
14 Then Haggai replied, “Yahweh says [this]: ‘It is the same with you people and with this nation. Everything that you do and [all the sacrifices] that you all offer are unacceptable to me [because of the sins that you have committed].
Lè sa a, Aje di yo konsa: -Men sa Seyè a di. Se menm bagay la tou pou pèp nasyon sa a ansanm ak tou sa y'ap fè a. Sa yo ofri ban mwen an pa bon, paske yo pa nan kondisyon pou yo sèvi Bondye.
15 Think about what has been happening to you before you began to lay the foundation of my temple.
Men sa Seyè a di ankò: -Depi jòdi a, kalkile byen sou sa ki rive nou. Anvan nou te konmanse rebati kay ki apa pou Seyè a,
16 When you expected [to harvest] 20 bushels [of grain, you harvested] only ten bushels. When someone went to a [big] wine vat to get 50 gallons [of wine], there were only 20 [gallons in the vat].
ki jan sa te ye pou nou? Nou te al fè rekòt nan yon jaden ble, nou te konprann nou t'ap jwenn vin barik, se dis ase nou jwenn. N' al chache diven nan yon barik depo, nou te konprann nou t'ap jwenn senkant galon, se vin galon ase nou jwenn.
17 I sent (blight/hot winds) and mildew and hail to destroy all your crops. But still you did not return to me.
Mwen voye lawouy ak lagrèl gate tou sa nou te plante ak men nou. Mwen fè yo kanni. Men, nou yonn pa tounen vin jwenn mwen. Se Seyè a ki di sa.
18 Starting from this day, December 18, the day when [you] have laid the foundation of my [new] temple, continue to think carefully [about your situation].
Men jòdi a, vennkatryèm jou nan nevyèm mwa a, jou nou te fini ak fondasyon tanp lan, kalkile byen sou sa ki pral rive nou la a!
19 Is there now [RHQ] [any grain] seed left in your barns? [No, because you have eaten the small amount that you harvested]. And there is no fruit on your grapevines and fig trees and pomegranate [trees] and olive trees. But, from now on, I will bless you!’”
Ata grenn pou plante pa gen ankò nan depo nou yo. Ni pye rezen nou yo, ni pye fig frans nou yo, ni pye grenad nou yo, ni pye oliv nou yo pa donnen ankò. Men, depi jounen jòdi a, mwen pral beni nou.
20 On that same day, Yahweh gave another message to me.
Menm jou sa a, ki te vennkatriyèm jou nan mwa a, Seyè a bay Aje yon dezyèm mesaj. Li di l' konsa:
21 [He said, ] “Tell Zerubbabel the governor of Judah that I am going to shake the sky and the earth.
-Pale ak Zowobabèl, gouvènè peyi Jida a, di l' pou mwen: Mwen pral souke syèl la ak latè a.
22 I will end the power of the kings of [many] nations [DOU]. I will cause their chariots and their drivers, their horses and [the soldiers] who are riding on them to be destroyed. [What will happen is that I will cause the soldiers] to kill each other with their swords.
Mwen pral jete wa k'ap gouvènen yo, mwen pral detwi pouvwa nasyon yo. Mwen pral chavire cha lagè yo ansanm ak moun ki sou yo. Tout chwal yo pral mouri. Pou moun ki te sou chwal yo menm, yonn pral touye lòt ak nepe yo.
23 Zerubbabel, you serve [me well]. So [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, declare that [like kings wear] signet rings [to show that they have authority to rule people], I will appoint you and cause you [to have authority to rule]. I will do that because I have chosen you. [That will surely happen because I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, have said it.”
Jou sa a, m'ap pran ou, ou menm Zowobabèl, sèvitè m' lan, pitit gason Chealtyèl la, m'ap ba ou pouvwa pou gouvènen nan non mwen, paske se ou menm mwen chwazi pou sa. Se Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a ki di sa

< Haggai 2 >