< Haggai 1 >

1 [I am], Haggai, a prophet. I received a message from Yahweh on August 29th, during the second year that Darius was the king [of Persia]. I told this message to Shealtiel’s son Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, and to Jehozadak’s son Jeshua, the Supreme Priest.
Be ode ageyadu amoga, Da: liase da Besia soge amo hina bagade hamone ouligi esalu, amola oubi gafe amoga eso agega, Hina Gode da Ha: ga: iai ema sia: sia: i. Amola Ha: ga: iai da alofele, amo sia: Yuda eagene ouligisu dunu amola Selababele (Sia: lediele egefe) amola gobele salasu ouligisu dunu Yosiua (Yihosada: ge egefe), ilima bu sia: i.
2 Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of heaven, told [me] that the people were saying that it was not yet time for them to rebuild Yahweh’s temple.
Hina Gode Bagadedafa da Ha: ga: iaima amane sia: i, “Isala: ili dunu ilia da amane sia: sa, ‘Debolo Diasu bu gagumu esodafa da hame doaga: i.’”
3 Then Yahweh gave me this message [to tell to the people of Jerusalem]:
Amalalu, Hina Gode Ea sia: amo da dunu huluane ilia nabima: ne, balofede dunu Ha: ga: iaima sia: ne i.
4 “It is not right [RHQ] for you to be living in luxurious houses while my temple is only ruins!
Hina Gode da amane sia: i, “Na dunu fi abuliba: le ilila: diasu amo noga: le gaguli esala, amola Na Sia: ne Gadosu Diasu amo bu wadela: lesi dagoi ba: sala: ?
5 [I, ] Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of heaven, say this: Think about what is happening to you.
Dilia da abuliba: le dilima hou doaga: ga: lalebe amo hame ba: sala: ?
6 You have planted a lot [of seeds], but you are not getting many [crops] to harvest. You eat [food], but you never get enough. You drink [wine], but you are still thirsty. You wear clothes, but you do not stay warm. You earn money, [but things are very expensive], with the result that [it is as though] [MET] [your money disappears because] you are putting it in purses/pockets that have [big] holes in them.”
Dilia da gagoma bagade sagai galu, be amomane bagade hame fai. Dilia da ha: i manu gala be dili sadini manu defele hame gala. Dilia da waini hano manu gala, be dilia da waini hano hanai gumimu defele hame gala. Dilia da abula gala, be bagahameba: le, dilia da: i hame hougala: sa. Dunu da muni lamusa: hawa: hamosa, be amomane esaloma: ne lamu liligi amo defele hame ba: sa.
7 [So] this is what Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of heaven, says: “Think about what is happening to you.
Di da abuliba: le, amo hou doaga: be hame ba: bela: ?
8 [Then] go up into the hills, [cut down trees, ] and bring timber [down here], and rebuild my temple. When you do that, I will be pleased, and I will be honored.
Defea, wahadafa agoloba: le heda: le, diasu gagusu ifa lidima, amola Na Debolo Diasu mugului amo bu buga: le gaguma. Amasea Na da dilima nodomu amola dilia da Nama defele nodone sia: ne gadomu.
9 You expected [to harvest] plenty [of crops], but there were few [crops to harvest]. And when you brought the crops home, I caused them to spoil [IDM] quickly. The reason [that happened is that] my temple is a ruins, while each of you are busy building your own [beautiful] houses.
Dilia da ifabi ganodini ha: i manu bagade lamusa: dawa: i galu. Amomane ha: i manu da dadamini aguni manoba, Na da amo dadami fulabole fasi dagoi. Abuliba: le, Na agoane hamobela: ? Bai Na Debolo Diasu da mugululi sia: i dagoiba: le. Be dilia da mae dawa: le, dilia diasu fawane gagulala.
10 It is because of what you [are doing] that rain does not fall from the sky, and [as a result] there are no crops.
Amaiba: le, Na da diligili gibu amola ha: i manu hame iaha.
11 I have caused a (drought/severe lack of rain) on the hills and on your fields. The result has been that your grain [has withered], and your grapevines [MTY] and olive trees [MTY] and all your [other] crops have dried up. [Because of that, ] you and your cattle [do not have enough food], and the hard work that you have done will be for nothing.”
Na da dilia sogega esoi bagade i dagoi. Dilia soge agolo, gagoma sagai, waini sagai, olefe ifa sagai, dilia sagai liligi huluane amola dunu fi amola ohe fi huluane amo da esoi bagade ba: sa.
12 Then Zerubbabel and Jeshua and all the others of God’s people who were still alive obeyed the message that Yahweh our God had said, and they heeded the message that I had given them, because [they knew that] Yahweh our God had sent/appointed me. And the people revered Yahweh.
Amalalu, Selababele, Yosiua amola dunu fi huluane (amo da Ba: bilone mugului asili buhagi), ilia Hina Gode Ea hamoma: ne sia: i defele hamoi. Ilia da beda: ne, balofede dunu Ha: ga: iai (Hina Gode Ea Sia: Alofesu dunu) amo ea sia: nabawane hamoi.
13 Then [I], Haggai, who was Yahweh’s messenger, gave this message from Yahweh to the people: “I, Yahweh, declare that I am with you.”
Amalalu, Ha: ga: iai da Hina Gode Ea sia: amo Isala: ili dunuma alofele adoi, amane, “Na da dafawane ilegesa. Na da dili hamedafa yolesimu.”
14 [So] Yahweh motivated Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the other people to want to rebuild the temple of our God, the Commander of the armies of angels. They gathered together and started to work to rebuild it.
Hina Gode da Selababele, Yuda eagene ouligisu dunu, gobele salasu ouligisu dunu Yosiua amola dunu huluane amo da mugululi asili buhagi, amo ilia da Debolo Diasu bu gaguma: ne, Hina Gode da ilia a: silibu denesi dagoi. Ilia da ilia Hina Gode Bagadedafa Ea Debolo Diasu gaguma: ne, hawa: hamosu mui.
15 [They started work] on September 21st, during the second year that Darius was the king.
Ilia da oubi gafeale amola eso 24 amo Da: liase ea hina bagade ouligisu eso amoga, amo hawa: hamosu mui.

< Haggai 1 >