< Habakkuk 2 >

1 [After I said that, I said to myself, ] “I will climb up into my watchtower, and stand there at my guard post. I will wait there to find out what Yahweh will say, what he will reply to what I have complained about.”
Нехай я стою́ на сторо́жі своїй, і нехай на обло́зі я стану, і хай вигляда́ю, щоб бачити, що він буде казати мені, і що́ відповість на жало́бу мою.
2 Then Yahweh replied to me, “Write plainly on tablets [what I am revealing to you in] this vision, [and then read it to a messenger] in order that he can run with it [to tell it to] other people.
А Госпо́дь відповів та й сказав: Напиши це виді́ння і поясни́ на табли́цях, щоб чита́ч його ле́гко читав.
3 In this vision [I will be talking about things that will happen] in the future. Now is not the time when those things will happen, but they certainly will happen, and when they occur, they will occur quickly, and they will not be delayed. Now you [want those things to happen immediately, but] they are not happening. But wait patiently for them [to happen]!
Бо ще на умо́влений час це виді́ння, і приспішає кінець, і не обма́не. Якщо б протягну́лось, чекай ти його, бо воно конче при́йде, не спі́зниться.
4 Think about the proud [people of Babylonia]! They are certainly not doing what is righteous. But people who are righteous will live because they faithfully [do what I want them to do].
Ось надута, не про́ста душа його в ньому, а праведний житиме вірою своєю.
5 If people [trust in their wealth], they will deceive themselves, and proud people are never able to rest. [It is as though] the greedy people [of Babylonia open their mouths] as wide as the place where dead people are, and they never have enough, like [the place where] dead people go never has enough dead people [PRS]. The [armies of Babylonia] conquer many nations for themselves, and capture all their people. (Sheol h7585)
І що ж, — як зрадли́ве вино, так го́рда люди́на споко́ю не знає: він роззя́влює па́щу свою, як шео́л, і не наси́чується, як та смерть, і всіх людей він до се́бе збирає, і всі наро́ди до себе згрома́джує. (Sheol h7585)
6 But [soon] all those [whom they have captured] will ridicule [the soldiers from Babylonia]! They will make fun of them, saying, ‘Terrible things will happen to you who have stolen things [from other countries]! You got many things by forcing people to give them to you. [But you certainly will not keep those things] for a long time [RHQ]!’
Чи ж усі вони не складуть припові́стки на нього та зага́дки насмі́шливої йому не прока́жуть: „Горе тому́, хто для себе розмно́жує те, що не його́! Аж до́ки це бу́де? Горе тому́, хто чинить тяжко́ю заставу на се́бе!“
7 Suddenly those whom you (oppressed/treated cruelly) will cause you to tremble, and they will take away all the things that you have stolen from them.
Хіба на́гло не встануть оті, хто тебе́ буде гри́зти, і збу́дяться ті, хто тебе́ попиха́є, і за здо́бич ти станеш для них?
8 You stole things from the people of many nations. You murdered [MTY] people of many people-groups, and you destroyed their land and their cities. So those who are still alive will steal valuable things from you.
За те, що ти грабува́в був багато наро́дів, вся ре́шта наро́дів тебе пограбу́є за ту людську кров, і за наси́льство над краєм, над містом та над усіма́, хто ме́шкає в ньому.
9 Terrible things will happen to you [people of Babylonia] who build big houses with money that you got by forcing others to give it to you. You are proud and you think that your houses will be safe because you have built them in places where you can easily defend them.
Горе тому́, хто неправедний зиск побирає для дому свого́, щоб покласти гніздо́ своє на висоті́, і тим із рук злого врято́ваним бути!
10 But because you have destroyed others, you have caused your family [MTY] to be shamed/disgraced, and you yourselves will be killed.
Нара́див ти сором для дому свого́, щоб кінець учинити числе́нним наро́дам, і ти прогріши́вся за душу свою́.
11 [It is as though] the stones in the walls [of your houses] cry out to accuse you, and [it is as though] the beams [in your ceilings] also say the same things.
Бо камінь з стіни буде кли́кати, і йому́ відповість сволок із де́рева.
12 Terrible things will happen to you [people of Babylonia] who kill people [MTY] in order to build cities, cities that you build by using money that you have gotten by committing crimes.
Горе тому́, хто кров'ю місто будує, хто беззако́нням встановлює го́род!
13 But the Commander of the armies of angels has [RHQ] declared that everything that is built by people who do things like that [will be destroyed by] fire; they will have worked hard uselessly.
Чи ж оце не від Господа Саваота, що народи тру́дяться для огню́, і му́чаться люди на ма́рність?
14 But [in contrast], like [SIM] the oceans are filled with water, the earth will be filled with [people who] know that Yahweh is very great.
Бо пізна́нням Господньої слави напо́внена буде земля, як море вода покрива́є.
15 Terrible things will happen to you [people of Babylonia] who cause people who live in nearby countries to become drunk. You force them to drink a lot of wine from wineskins [until they are drunk and then they walk around] naked, in order that you can see that.
Горе тому, хто́ свого бли́жнього напо́ює з ке́ліху гніву свого́, і по́їть, щоб ба́чити со́ром його́!
16 But you are the ones who [soon] will be disgraced instead of being honored. [It will be as though you are forced to] drink [a lot of wine] in order that you will also stagger [around, drunk]. You will drink the wine [that symbolizes that Yahweh will punish you], and he will cause you to be disgraced instead of being greatly respected [any more].
ти наси́тишся га́ньбою більше, як славою. Пий також ти, та показуй свій сором! На тебе обе́рнеться ке́ліх прави́ці Господньої, га́ньба ж на славу твою!
17 You did violent [PRS] things to [the people in] Lebanon, and you killed the wild animals [there], but you will be punished severely for doing that. You have killed [MTY] many people and you have destroyed their lands and their cities.
Бо наси́лля твоє над Ліва́ном на тебе спаде́, а грабу́нок худоби зламає тебе за кров лю́дську, та за насилля над кра́єм, над містом та над усіма́, хто ме́шкає в ньому.
18 [You people of Babylonia need to know that your] idols are completely [RHQ] useless, because it is people who made them. Statues that have been carved or made in a mold deceive you. Those who trust in idols are trusting in things that they themselves created, things that cannot speak!
Яки́й дасть пожи́ток бовва́н, що його ви́різьбив творець його́, і ві́длив, і вчитель неправди, що творець його мав охоту чинити богів цих німих?
19 Terrible things will happen to you who say to lifeless idols that are made of wood, ‘Wake up!’ Idols certainly cannot [RHQ] tell you what you should do; they [look nice/beautiful because] they are covered with silver and gold, but they are not alive.
Горе тому́, хто дереву каже: „Збуди́сь“, мовчазли́вому каменю: „Зру́шся!“Чи він буде навчати? Ось він срі́блом та золотом ви́кладений, але жо́дного духу в ньому нема!
20 But Yahweh is in his holy temple; everyone on the earth should be silent in his presence.”
А Господь у Своїм храмі святім, — мовчи перед обличчям Його, уся зе́мле!“

< Habakkuk 2 >