< Genesis 46 >

1 So Jacob left [Canaan], taking with him all his family and possessions. When they arrived at Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to God, the one whom his father Isaac worshiped.
Тада пође Израиљ са свим шта имаше, и дошав у Вирсавеју принесе жртву Богу оца свог Исака.
2 That night, God called to Jacob in a vision, saying, “Jacob! Jacob!” He replied, “I am here!”
И Бог рече Израиљу ноћу у утвари: Јакове! Јакове! А он одговори: Ево ме.
3 God said, “I am God, the one your father worshiped. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, because I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation there.
И Бог му рече: Ја сам Бог, Бог оца твог; не бој се отићи у Мисир; јер ћу онде начинити од тебе народ велик.
4 I will go down to Egypt with you, and later I will bring [your descendants] back to Canaan again. And Joseph will be with you [MTY] when you die.” [IDM]
Ја ћу ићи с тобом у Мисир, и ја ћу те одвести онамо, и Јосиф ће метнути руку своју на очи твоје.
5 Jacob left Beersheba, and his sons took their father, their wives, and their children, in the carts that the king had sent for them to travel in.
И пође Јаков од Вирсавеје; и синови Израиљеви посадише Јакова, оца свог и децу своју и жене своје на кола која посла Фараон по њ.
6 So Jacob and all his family went to Egypt. They took with them the livestock and all the other possessions that they had acquired in Canaan.
И узеше стоку своју и благо своје што беху стекли у земљи хананској; и дођоше у Мисир Јаков и сва породица његова.
7 Jacob went to Egypt with all his sons and his daughters and grandsons and granddaughters—his whole family.
Синове своје и синове синова својих, кћери своје и кћери синова својих, и сву породицу своју доведе са собом у Мисир.
8 (Here is/I will now give you) a list of the names of the members of Jacob’s family who went with him to Egypt: Reuben, Jacob’s oldest son; Reuben’s sons Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi; Simeon and his sons Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Zohar, and Shaul, who was the son of a Canaan people-group woman; Levi and his sons Gershon, Kohath, and Merari; Judah and his sons, Shelah, Perez, and Zerah (his other sons, Er, and Onan, had died in Canaan); Perez and his two sons Hezron and Hamul; Issachar and his sons Tola, Puah, Jashub, and Shimron; Zebulon and his sons Sered, Elon, and Jahleel; (Those were the sons of Jacob and Leah, and their daughter Dinah, who were born in Paddan-Aram/Mesopotamia: There were 33 of them, altogether.) They had Gad and his sons Zephon, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi, and Areli; Asher and his sons Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, and Beriah; and their sister Serah; Beriah’s sons Heber and Malkiel; (Those were the children and grandchildren of Jacob and Zilpah, the slave girl whom Laban gave to his daughter Leah: There were 16 of them, altogether.) Joseph and Benjamin, the sons of Jacob’s wife Rachel; (Ephraim and Manasseh were Joseph’s two sons. [They did not go down to Egypt] because they were already in Egypt. They were sons of Asenath, the daughter of On, who was the priest in the temple in On [city].) Benjamin and his sons Bela, Beker, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard; (Those were the sons and grandsons of Rachel and Jacob: There were 14 people altogether.) Dan and his son Hushim; Naphtali and his sons Jahziel, Guni, Jezer, and Shillem. (Those were the sons and grandsons of Jacob and Bilhah, the slave girl whom Laban gave to his daughter Rachel: There were seven people altogether.)
А ово су имена деце Израиљеве што дођоше у Мисир: Јаков и синови његови. Првенац Јаковљев Рувим;
И синови Рувимови: Енох, Фалуј, Есрон и Хармија.
А синови Симеунови: Јемуило, Јамин, Аод, Јахин, Соар и Саул, син једне Хананејке.
Синови Левијеви: Гирсон, Кат и Мерарије.
Синови Јудини: Ир, Авнан, Силом, Фарес и Зара; а умрли беху Ир и Авнан у земљи хананској, али беху синови Фаресови Есром и Јемуило.
Синови Исахарови: Тола, Фува, Јов, и Симрон.
Синови Завулонови: Серед, Алон, и Ахојило.
То су синови Лијини, које роди Јакову у Падан-Араму, и јоште Дина кћи његова. Свега душа, синова његових и кћери његових беше тридесет и три.
Синови Гадови: Сифон, Агије, Суније, Есвон, Ирије, Ародије и Арилије.
Синови Асирови: Јемна, Јесва, Јесвија и Верија, и сестра њихова Сара. А синови Веријини Ховор и Мелхило.
То су синови Зелфе, коју даде Лаван Лији кћери својој, и она их роди Јакову, шеснаест душа.
А синови Рахиље жене Јаковљеве: Јосиф и Венијамин.
А Јосифу се родише у Мисиру од Асенете, кћери Потифере свештеника онског: Манасија и Јефрем.
А синови Венијаминови: Вела, Вехер, Асвил, Гира, Наман, Ихије, Рос, Мупим, Упим и Арад.
То су синови Рахиљини што се родише Јакову, свега четрнаест душа.
И син Данов: Асом.
А синови Нефталимови: Асило, Гуније, Јесер и Силим.
То су синови Вале, коју даде Лаван Рахиљи кћери својој и она их роди Јакову; свега седам душа.
26 Altogether there were 66 people who were Jacob’s descendants who went to Egypt with him. That number does not include his sons’ wives.
А свега душа што дођоше с Јаковом у Мисир, а изађоше од бедара његових, осим жена синова Јаковљевих, свега душа беше шездесет и шест.
27 Including Jacob and Joseph and Joseph’s two sons who were born in Egypt, there were 70 members of Jacob’s family when they were all there in Egypt.
И два сина Јосифова који му се родише у Мисиру; свега дакле душа дома Јаковљевог, што дођоше у Мисир, беше седамдесет.
28 Jacob sent Judah to go ahead of the rest of them to talk with Joseph and ask for directions on how to travel to Goshen. Then [Judah returned to the rest of his family and] they all traveled to the Goshen region. When they arrived there,
А Јуду посла Јаков напред к Јосифу, да му јави да изађе преда њ у Гесем. И дођоше у земљу гесемску.
29 Joseph got his chariot ready and went to Goshen to meet his father. When Joseph arrived, he threw his arms around his father’s neck and cried a long time.
А Јосиф упреже у кола своја, и изађе на сусрет Израиљу оцу свом у Гесем; и кад га виде Јаков, паде му око врата, и плака дуго о врату његовом.
30 Jacob said to Joseph, “I have seen you and I know that you are still alive! So now I am ready to die.”
И рече Израиљ Јосифу: Сада не марим умрети кад сам те видео да си јоште жив.
31 Then Joseph said to his [older] brothers [and younger brother] and to the rest of his father’s family, “I will go to the king and say to him, ‘My [older] brothers [and younger brother] and my father and the rest of his family, who were living in Canaan land, have all come to me.
А Јосиф рече браћи својој и дому оца свог: Идем да јавим Фараону; али ћу му казати: Браћа моја и дом оца мог из земље хананске дођоше к мени;
32 The men are all shepherds. They take care of their livestock, and they have brought with them their sheep and goats and cattle, and everything else that they own.’
А ти су људи пастири и свагда су се бавили око стоке, и доведоше овце своје и говеда своја и шта год имају.
33 When the king summons you and asks, ‘What work do you do?’
А кад вас Фараон дозове, рећи ће вам: Какву радњу радите?
34 answer him by saying, ‘From the time when we were young, we have taken care of livestock, just as our ancestors did.’ If you tell him that, he will let you live in the Goshen region.” Joseph told them to say that because the people of Egypt despised all shepherds.
А ви кажите: Пастири су биле слуге твоје од младости, и ми и стари наши; да бисте остали у земљи гесемској; јер су Мисирцима сви пастири нечисти.

< Genesis 46 >