< Genesis 42 >

1 When someone told Jacob that there was grain in Egypt that people could buy, he said to his sons, “(Why do you just sit there looking at each other?/Do not just sit there looking at each other!) [RHQ] We need some grain!”
Jacob, voyant qu'il y avait du blé en Egypte, dit à ses fils: " Pourquoi vous regardez-vous les uns les autres?
2 He said to them, “Someone told me that there is grain for sale in Egypt. Go down there and buy some for us, in order that we will not die!”
Il dit: Voici, j'ai appris, qu'il y a du blé en Egypte; descendez-y pour nous en acheter là, afin que nous vivions et que nous ne mourions point. "
3 So Joseph’s ten [older] brothers went down to Egypt to buy some grain.
Les frères de Joseph descendirent au nombre de dix pour acheter du blé en Egypte.
4 But Jacob did not send Benjamin, Joseph’s [younger] brother, to go with the others, because he was afraid/worried that something terrible might happen to him like what happened to Joseph.
Mais pour Benjamin, frère de Joseph, Jacob ne l'envoya pas avec ses frères, car il s'était dit: " Il est à craindre qu'il ne lui arrive malheur. "
5 So Jacob’s other sons went down from Canaan to Egypt to buy grain, and others from there went too, because there was a famine in Canaan also.
Les fils d'Israël vinrent donc pour acheter du blé, avec d'autres qui venaient aussi, car la famine était au pays de Chanaan.
6 At that time Joseph was the governor of Egypt. He was the one who sold grain to people who came from all over Egypt and from many other countries [HYP] to buy grain. So when Joseph’s brothers arrived, [they were told that it was necessary for them to talk with Joseph. So they went to him and] prostrated themselves before him with their faces to the ground.
Joseph était le chef du pays, et c'est lui qui vendait le blé à tous les gens du pays. Les frères de Joseph, étant arrivés, se prosternèrent devant lui, la face contre terre.
7 As soon as Joseph saw his brothers, he recognized them. But he pretended that he did not know them. He spoke harshly to them, saying, “Where do you come from?” One of them replied, “We have come from Canaan, to buy some grain.”
En voyant ses frères, Joseph les reconnut, mais il feignit d'être un étranger pour eux, et leur parla avec rudesse, en disant: " D'où venez-vous? " Ils répondirent: " Du pays de Chanaan, pour acheter des vivres. "
8 Although Joseph recognized his brothers, they did not recognize him.
Joseph reconnut donc ses frères, mais eux ne le reconnurent pas.
9 And then Joseph remembered what he had dreamed about them many years previously. [But he decided not to tell them yet that he was their younger brother]. He said to them, “You are spies! You have come to find out whether we will be able to defend ourselves [if you attack us]!”
Joseph se souvint alors des songes qu'il avait eus à leur sujet, et il leur dit: " Vous êtes des espions; c'est pour reconnaître les points faibles du pays que vous êtes venus. "
10 One of them replied, “No, sir! We have come to buy grain.
Ils lui répondirent: " Non, mon seigneur; tes serviteurs sont venus pour acheter des vivres.
11 We are all sons of one man. We are honest men, not spies.”
Tous nous sommes fils d'un même homme; nous sommes d'honnêtes gens; tes serviteurs ne sont pas des espions. "
12 He said to them, “[I do not believe you]. You have come just to see whether we would be able to defend ourselves if we were attacked!”
Il leur dit: " Point du tout; vous êtes venus reconnaître les endroits faibles du pays. "
13 But one of them replied, “No, that is not true! Originally there were twelve of us who were brothers, the sons of one man. Our younger brother is with our father. One [younger] brother has died. [EUP]”
Ils répondirent: " Nous, tes serviteurs, nous sommes douze frères, fils d'un même homme, au pays de Chanaan. Et voici, le plus jeune est maintenant avec notre père, et il y en a un qui n'est plus. "
14 Joseph replied, “[You are lying! I think] it is just as I told you. You are spies!
Joseph leur dit: " Il en est comme je viens de vous le dire vous êtes des espions.
15 But this is how I will determine whether what you are saying is true. I think that as surely as the king lives, you are spies. And you will not leave this place until your youngest brother comes here!
En ceci vous serez éprouvés: par la vie de Pharaon! vous ne sortirez point d'ici que votre jeune frère ne soit venu.
16 Send one of your group to go and get your younger brother and bring him here. I will put the rest of you in prison, in order that I may test what you have said to find out whether what you are telling me is true. If the one who goes does not bring your younger brother here, then, just as surely as the king lives, it will be clear that you are lying and that you are spies.”
Envoyez l'un de vous chercher votre frère, et vous, restez prisonniers. Vos paroles seront ainsi mises à l'épreuve, et l'on verra si la vérité est avec vous; sinon, par la vie de Pharaon! vous êtes des espions. "
17 Then Joseph put them all in prison for three days.
Et il les fit mettre ensemble en prison pendant trois jours.
18 On the third day, Joseph went to the prison and said to them, “I am a man who fears that God [will punish me if I do not do what I promise]. So do what I tell you, and I will spare your lives.
Le troisième jour, Joseph leur dit: " Faites ceci et vous vivrez: je crains Dieu!
19 If you are honest men, let one of your brothers stay here in prison, and the rest of you can take some grain back to your families who are very hungry because of the famine.
Si vous êtes d'honnêtes gens, que l'un de vous, votre frère, reste lié dans votre prison; et vous, allez, emportez du blé pour calmer la faim de vos familles.
20 But if you come back here again, you must bring your youngest brother to me, so that you can prove that what you told me is true, and as a result I will not have you executed.” So they agreed to do that.
Et amenez-moi votre plus jeune frère; et vos paroles seront reconnues vraies, et vous ne mourrez point. " Et ils firent ainsi.
21 They said to each other, “It is surely because of what we did to our [younger] brother that (we are being punished/God is punishing us)! We saw that he [SYN] was very distressed when he pleaded with us not to harm him. But we did not pay any attention to him, and that is why we are having this trouble!”
Alors ils se dirent l'un à l'autre: " Vraiment nous sommes punis à cause de notre frère; car nous avons vu l'angoisse de son âme, quand il nous demandait grâce, et nous ne l'avons pas écouté! Voilà pourquoi cette détresse est venue vers nous. "
22 Reuben said to them, “I told you not to harm the boy [RHQ], but you did not pay attention to what I said! Now we are being (paid back/punished) for killing him [MTY]!”
Ruben, prenant la parole, leur dit: " Ne vous disais-je pas: Ne commettez pas de péché contre l'enfant? Et vous n'avez pas écouté; et voici, son sang est redemandé. "
23 While they were talking with Joseph, they were speaking through (an interpreter/someone who knew their language and the Egyptian language), but when they said these things among themselves, they were speaking in their own language, and they did not know that Joseph could understand their language, and that he could understand what they were saying.
Ils ne savaient pas que Joseph comprenait, car ils lui parlaient par l'interprète.
24 [Because of what they said, Joseph realized that they admitted that what they had done to him many years previously was wrong]. He could not keep from crying, [and he did not want them to see him crying], so he left them and went outside the room and began to cry. But then he returned to them and talked to them again. Then he took Simeon, and while they were watching, he told his servants to tie him up. He left Simeon in the prison and told the others that they could go.
Et il s'éloigna d'eux et il pleura. Etant ensuite revenu vers eux, il leur parla; et il prit parmi eux Siméon et le fit lier sous leurs yeux.
25 Joseph told his servants to fill the men’s sacks with grain, but he also told them to put the money that each one had paid for the grain in the top of his sack. He also told them to give them food to eat along the way. After the servants did those things for Joseph’s older brothers,
Puis Joseph commanda qu'on remplît de blé leurs vaisseaux, qu'on remit l'argent de chacun dans son sac et qu'on leur donnât des provisions pour la route. Et il leur fut fait ainsi.
26 his older brothers loaded the sacks of grain on their donkeys and left.
Ayant chargé le blé sur leurs ânes, ils partirent.
27 At the place where they stopped to sleep that night, one of them opened his sack to get some grain for his donkey. He was amazed to see his money in the top of the sack.
A l'endroit où ils passèrent la nuit, l'un d'eux ouvrit son sac pour donner du fourrage à son âne, et il vit son argent, qui était à l'entrée du sac.
28 He exclaimed to his brothers, “Someone has returned my money! Here it is in my sack!” They started shaking with fear, and said to each other, “What is this that God has done to us?”
Il dit à ses frères: " On a remis mon argent; le voici dans mon sac! " Et le cœur leur manqua, et ils se dirent en tremblant l'un à l'autre: " Qu'est-ce que Dieu nous a fait? "
29 When they returned to their father in Canaan land, they told him all that had happened to them. One of them said,
Ils revinrent auprès de Jacob, leur père, au pays de Chanaan, et ils lui racontèrent tout ce qui leur était arrivé, en disant:
30 “The man who governs the whole land of Egypt talked very harshly to us. He acted toward us as though we were spying on his country.
" L'homme qui est le maître du pays nous a parlé durement et nous a pris pour des gens espionnant le pays.
31 But we told him, ‘We are honest men! We are not spies.
Nous lui avons dit: Nous sommes d'honnêtes gens, nous ne sommes pas des espions.
32 Originally there were twelve of us who were brothers, the sons of one father. One has died [EUP], and our youngest brother is with our father in Canaan.’
Nous sommes douze frères, fils d'un même père; l'un n'est plus, et le plus jeune est maintenant avec notre père, au pays de Chanaan.
33 The man who is the governor of the land [did not believe us], so he said to us, ‘This is how I will know if you are truly honest men: Leave one of your brothers here with me. Then the rest of you can take some grain for your families that are starving from hunger and go.
Et l'homme qui est le maître du pays nous a dit: En ceci je saurai que vous êtes d'honnêtes gens: laissez auprès de moi l'un de vous, votre frère; prenez de quoi calmer la faim de vos familles et partez;
34 But when you return, bring your youngest brother to me, in order that I will know that you are not spies, but instead, that you are honest men. Then I will release your brother for you. And then you can buy whatever you want in this country.’”
et amenez-moi votre plus jeune frère. Je saurai ainsi que vous n'êtes pas des espions, mais que vous êtes d'honnêtes gens. Je vous rendrai alors votre frère et vous pourrez trafiquer dans le pays. "
35 As they were emptying their sacks, they were surprised that in each man’s sack was his pouch of money! When they and their father saw all the pouches of money, they were frightened.
Comme ils vidaient leurs sacs, le paquet d'argent de chacun était dans son sac. Ils virent, eux et leur père, leurs paquets d'argent, et ils furent effrayés.
36 Their father Jacob said to them, “You have caused two of my children to be taken from me! Joseph is dead, and Simeon is gone! And now you want to take Benjamin from me! It is I who am suffering because of all these things that are happening!”
Jacob, leur père, leur dit: " Vous me faites sans enfants! Joseph n'est plus, Siméon n'est plus, et vous allez prendre Benjamin! C'est sur moi que tout cela retombe. "
37 Reuben said to his father, “I will be responsible for Benjamin. [I will take him to Egypt and] bring him back to you. Let me take care of him. If I do not bring Benjamin back to you, you may kill both of my sons.”
Ruben dit à son père: " Tu feras mourir mes deux fils, si je ne te ramène pas Benjamin; remets-le entre mes mains, et moi, je te le ramènerai. "
38 But Jacob said, “No, I will not let my son go down there with you. His [older] brother is dead, and he is the only [one of my wife Rachel’s] sons who is left! If something harms him while you are traveling, you would cause me, a gray-haired old man, to die because of sorrow.” (Sheol h7585)
Il dit: " Mon fils ne descendra point avec vous, car son frère est mort, et lui reste seul. S'il lui arrivait malheur dans le voyage que vous allez faire, vous feriez descendre mes cheveux blancs avec douleur dans le séjour des morts. " (Sheol h7585)

< Genesis 42 >