< Genesis 4 >

1 Adam (had sex/slept) with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son whom she named Cain, [which sounds like the word that means ‘produce’], because, she said, “By Yahweh’s help I have produced a son.” Some time later she gave birth to another son, and she named him Abel.
Na ka mohio a Arama ki a Iwi, ki tana wahine; a ka hapu ia, a ka whanau a Kaina; na ka mea ia, Kua whakawhiwhia mai ahau e Ihowa ki tetahi tangata.
2 [After those boys grew up], Abel (tended/took care of) sheep and goats, and Cain became a farmer.
Na ka whanau ano tona teina, a Apera. Na he kaiwhangai hipi a Apera, ko Kaina ia he kaingaki whenua.
3 One day Cain harvested some of the crops he had grown and brought them to Yahweh as a gift for him,
A, i te mutunga o etahi rangi, ka kawea e Kaina etahi o nga hua o te whenua hei whakahere ki a Ihowa.
4 and Abel took from his flock some of the first lambs that had been born [and killed them] and, as a gift, gave to Yahweh the fatty parts, [which were the best parts]. Yahweh was pleased with Abel and his offering,
Me Apera hoki, i kawea e ia etahi o nga whanau matamua o tana kahui, o o ratou ngako hoki. A ka aro a Ihowa ki a Apera, ki tana whakahere:
5 but he was not pleased with Cain and his offering. So Cain became very angry, and his face looked dejected.
Kihai ia i aro ki a Kaina, ki tana whakahere. A he nui rawa te riri o Kaina, a whakapoururu ana tona mata.
6 Yahweh said to Cain, “(You should not be angry!/Why are you angry?) [RHQ] (You should not scowl like that!/Why do you scowl like that?) [RHQ]
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Kaina, He aha koe i riri ai? a he aha i whakapoururu ai tou mata?
7 If you had done what was right (OR, if you do what is right) [RHQ], I would accept your offering. But if you do not do what is right, [your desire to] sin [is ready to attack you like a wild animal that] [PRS] crouches outside the doorway, [ready to spring on its victim] [MET]. [Your desire to] sin wants to control you, but you must (control/not obey) it.”
E kore ianei koe e kake, ki te mahi koe i te pai? ki te kahore koe e mahi i te pai, kei te kuwaha te hara e takoto ana. Na ko koe tana e hiahia ai, ko koe ia hei rangatira mona.
8 But one day, Cain said to his younger brother Abel, “Let’s go for a walk in the fields.” [So they went together]. And when they were in the countryside, suddenly Cain attacked Abel and killed him.
Na ka korero a Kaina kia Apera, ki tona teina: a, i a raua i te parae, ka whakatika a Kaina ki a Apera, ki tona teina, a patua iho.
9 [Later, even though] Yahweh [knew what Cain had done], he said to Cain, “[Do you know] where Abel, your younger brother, is?” Cain replied, “No, I do not know. (My job is not to guard my younger brother!/Am I supposed to take care of my younger brother?)” [RHQ]
Katahi a Ihowa ka mea ki a Kaina, Kei hea a Apera, tou teina? Ka mea ia, Kahore ahau e mohio. Ko ahau ianei te kaitiaki o toku teina?
10 Yahweh said, “You have done a terrible thing [RHQ]! So now [it is as though] your younger brother’s voice is crying to me from the ground, demanding that his death must be avenged.
Na ka mea ia, He mahi aha tenei au? e tangi mai ana te reo o te toto o tou teina ki ahau i roto i te whenua.
11 You have killed your younger brother, and the ground has soaked up his blood. So now I will expel you from this land and curse your efforts to produce crops.
Na ka kanga koe i runga i te whenua, i hamama nei tona waha hei rerenga atu mo te toto o tou teina i whakahekea nei e tou ringa;
12 You will till the ground to plant crops, but the ground will produce very few [HYP] crops. And you will continually wander around the earth, and not have any place to live permanently.”
Ka ngaki koe i te oneone, e kore e tukua tona kaha a muri ake nei ki a koe; ka waiho koe hei tangata haereere noa, hei manene i runga i te whenua.
13 Cain replied, “You are punishing me more then I can endure.
Na ka mea a Kaina ki a Ihowa, He nui rawa te whiu mo toku kino, e kore e taea e ahau.
14 You are about to expel me from the ground [that I have been cultivating], and I will no longer be able to come (into your presence/and talk with you). Furthermore, I will be continually wandering around the earth with no place to live permanently, and anyone who sees me will kill me.”
Titiro hoki, ka peia ahau e koe inaianei i te mata o te whenua; a ka ngaro i tou kanohi; ka waiho hoki ahau hei tangata haereere noa, hei manene i runga i te whenua; a tenei ake, ki te tutaki tetahi tangata ki ahau, na ka patua ahau e ia.
15 But Yahweh said to him, “No, that will not happen. I will put a mark on you to warn anyone who sees you that [I will punish him severely if] he kills you. I will punish that person seven times as severely as I am punishing you.” Then Yahweh put a mark on Cain’s forehead.
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a ia, Na reira ki te patu tetahi i a Kaina, e whitu nga utu e rapua i a ia. Na ka homai e Ihowa he tohu ki a Kaina, kei patua ia e tetahi tangata ina tutaki ki a ia.
16 So Cain left Yahweh and went to live in the land called Nod, [which means ‘wandering’], which was east of Eden.
Na ka haere atu a Kaina i te aroaro o Ihowa, a noho ana i te whenua o Noro, i te taha ki te rawhiti o Erene.
17 Some time later, Cain (had sex/slept) with his wife, and she [became pregnant and] gave birth to a son, whom she named Enoch. Then Cain started to build a city, and he named the city ‘Enoch’, the same name that his son had.
Na ka mohio a Kaina ki tana wahine; a ka hapu ia, ka whanau a Enoka: na ka hanga ia i tetahi pa, a huaina iho te ingoa o te pa ko Enoka, ko te ingoa o tana tama.
18 Enoch [grew up and married and] became the father of a son whom he named Irad. When Irad [grew up he] became the father of a son whom he named Mehujael. Mehujael [grew up and] became the father of a son whom he named Methuselah. Methuselah [grew up and] became the father of Lamech.
A whanau ake ta Enoka tama ko Irara: na Irara ko Mehutaere: ta Mehutaere ko Metuhare: ta Metuhaere ko Rameka.
19 When Lamech [grew up he] married two women. The name of one was Adah and the other was Zillah.
Na ka tangohia e Rameka etahi wahine tokorua mana: ko Araha te ingoa o tetahi, ko Tira to tetahi.
20 Adah gave birth to [a son she named] Jabal.
Na ka whanau ta Araha tama ko Iapara: ko ia te matua o te hunga noho teneti, ratou ko nga tangata whangai kararehe.
21 Later, Jabal was the first person who lived in tents because he traveled from place to place to take care of livestock. His younger brother’s name was Jubal. He was the first person who made/played a (lyre/stringed instrument) and a flute.
A ko te ingoa o tona teina ko Iupara: ko ia te matua o nga mea rahurahu ki te hapa, ki te okana.
22 [Lamech’s other wife] Zillah gave birth to a son whom she named Tubal-Cain. Later Tubal-Cain became a (blacksmith/one who made tools from bronze and iron). Tubal-Cain had a younger sister whose name was Naamah.
Me Tira ano hoki, whanau ake tana ko Tuparakaina, he kaihanga ia i nga mea tapahi katoa i te mea parahi, i te mea rino: a ko Naama te tuahine o Tuparakaina.
23 One day Lamech said to his two wives, “Adah and Zillah, listen carefully to what I am saying. A young man struck me and wounded me, so I killed him.
Na ka mea a Rameka ki ana wahine; e Araha raua ko Tira, Whakarongo mai ki toku reo; e nga wahine a Rameka, kia whai taringa mai ki taku kupu: kua patua hoki he tangata e ahau moku i motu, he taitamariki hoki moku i maru:
24 Yahweh said long ago that he would avenge and punish anyone who killed Cain seven times as much as he punished Cain [for killing his younger brother]. So if anyone [tries to] kill me, I will punish him 77 times as much [as Yahweh punished Cain].”
Na mo Kaina e whitu nga utu, ina, kia whitu tekau ma whitu mo Rameka.
25 Adam continued to (have sex/sleep) with [EUP] his wife, and she [became pregnant and] gave birth to another son, whom she named Seth, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘given’], because, she said, “God has given me another child to take the place of Abel, since Cain killed him.”
A i mohio ano a Arama ki tana wahine; ka whanau tana tama, a huaina iho tona ingoa ko Heta; i mea hoki ia, Ka rite mai nei i te Atua tetahi atu uri moku hei whakakapi mo Apera i patua nei e Kaina.
26 When Seth grew up, he became the father of a son whom he named Enosh. About that time people began to worship Yahweh [again].
Me Heta ano hoki, i whanau tana tama; a huaina ana tona ingoa ko Enoha: no reira i timata ai te tangata te karanga ki te ingoa o Ihowa.

< Genesis 4 >