+ Genesis 1 >

1 Long, long ago God created the heavens and the earth.
He mea hanga na te atua i te timatanga te rangi me te whenua.
2 When he began to create the earth, it was shapeless and completely desolate/chaotic. Darkness covered the deep water that surrounded the earth. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the water.
A kahore he ahua o te whenua, i takoto kau; he pouri ano a runga i te mata o te hohonu. Na ka whakapaho te Wairua o te Atua i runga i te kare o nga wai.
3 God said, “I want light to shine!” And light shone.
A ka ki te Atua, Kia marama: na ka marama.
4 God was pleased with the light. Then he made the light to shine in some places, and in other places there was still darkness.
A ka kite te Atua i te marama, he pai: a ka wehea e te Atua te marama i te pouri.
5 He gave to the light the name ‘day’, and he gave to the darkness the name ‘night’. After that, there was an evening which was followed by a morning. He called that whole period of time ‘the first day’.
Na ka huaina e te Atua te marama ko te Awatea, a ko te pouri i huaina e ia ko te Po. A ko te ahiahi, ko te ata, he ra kotahi.
6 Then God said, “I command that there be an empty space like a huge dome to separate the water that is above it from the water on the earth that is below it!”
Na ka mea te Atua, Kia whai kikorangi a waenganui o nga wai, hei wehe i waenganui o nga wai.
7 And that is what happened. God gave to the space the name ‘sky’.
Na ka hanga e te Atua te kikorangi, ka wehea e ia nga wai i raro o te kikorangi i nga wai o runga o te kikorangi: a ka oti.
8 Then there was another evening, which was followed by another morning. He called that period of time ‘the second day’.
Na ka huaina te kikorangi e te Atua ko te Rangi. A ko te ahiahi, ko te ata, he ra tuarua.
9 Then God said, “I want the water that is below the sky to come together, and dry ground to appear and rise above the water.” And that is what happened.
Na ka mea te Atua, Kia huihuia nga wai i raro i te rangi kia kotahi te wahi, a kia puta te tuawhenua: a ka oti.
10 God gave to the ground the name ‘earth’, and he gave to the water that came together the name ‘oceans’. God was pleased with the earth and the oceans.
Na ka huaina e te Atua te tuawhenua ko te Whenua; a ko te huihuinga o nga wai i huaina e ia ko nga Moana: a ka kite te Atua, he pai.
11 Then God said, “I want the earth to produce plants, including plants that will produce seeds and trees that will produce fruit. Each kind of tree will bear its own kind of fruit.”
Na ka mea te Atua, Kia pihi ake te tarutaru i te whenua, te otaota whai purapura, me te rakau hua, ki runga ki te whenua, e hua ana ona hua, he mea rite tonu ki a ia, kei roto nei i a ia ona purapura: a ka oti.
12 Then plants grew on the earth; each kind of plant began to produce its own kind of seed.
Na ka whakaputaina e te whenua te tarutaru, te otaota hoki e hua ana ona hua he mea rite tonu ki a ia, me te rakau whai hua, kei roto nei i a ia ona purapura he mea rite tonu ki a ia: a ka kite te Atua, he pai.
13 Then there was another evening which was followed by another morning. God called that period of time ‘the third day’.
A ko te ahiahi, ko te ata, he ra tuatoru.
14 Then God said, “I want a sun, a moon, and many stars to shine in the sky. The sun will shine in the daytime and the moon and stars will shine during the nighttime. By the changes in their appearance they will indicate the various seasons (OR, the times for special celebrations), and will enable people to know when days and years begin.
Na ka mea te Atua, Kia whai mea whakamarama te kiko o te rangi, hei wehe i te awatea, i te po; hei tohu ano aua mea, hei taima, hei ra, hei tau:
15 I want them also to be like lights in the sky that will shine on the earth.” And that is what happened.
Hei whakamarama aua mea i te kiko o te rangi, hei whakamarama i te whenua: a ka oti.
16 God made two of them that were like big lights. The bigger one, the sun, shines during the day and the smaller one, the moon, shines during the night. He also made the stars.
Na ka hanga e te Atua nga mea whakamarama nui e rua; ko te whakamarama nui hei tohutohu mo te awatea, ko te whakamarama tuaiti hei tohutohu mo te po: i hanga ano hoki e ia nga whetu.
17 God set all of them in the sky to shine on the earth,
A whakanohoia ana aua mea e te Atua ki te kiko o te rangi, hei whakamarama mo te whenua,
18 to rule the day and the night, and to separate the light of the daytime from the darkness of the nighttime. God was pleased with these things he had made.
Hei tohutohu i te awatea, i te po, hei wehe hoki i te marama, i te pouri: a ka kite te Atua, he pai.
19 Then there was another evening which was followed by another morning. He called that period of time ‘the fourth day’.
A ko te ahiahi, ko te ata, he ra tuawha.
20 Then God said, “I want many creatures to live in all the oceans, and I also want birds to fly in the sky above the earth.”
Na ka mea te Atua, Kia ngahue ake i roto i nga wai te mea ora e ngoki ana, kia rere ano hoki te manu i runga ake i te whenua i te mata o te kiko o te rangi.
21 So God created huge sea creatures and every other kind of creature that moves in the water, and caused them to live in all the oceans. He also created many kinds of birds. God was pleased with all those creatures.
Na ka hanga e te Atua nga tohora nunui, me nga mea ora katoa, nga mea ngokingoki i ngahue ake nei i roto i nga wai, o ia ahua, o ia ahua, me nga manu whai parirau katoa, o ia ahau, o ia ahua: a ka kite te Atua, he pai.
22 God blessed them. He said, “Produce offspring and become very numerous. I want the creatures in the water to live in all the oceans, and birds also to become very numerous.” And that is what happened.
Na ka manaaki te Atua i a ratou, ka mea, Kia hua koutou, kia tini, kia kapi hoki nga wai o nga moana i a koutou, kia tini ano hoki nga manu ki runga ki te whenua.
23 Then there was another evening that was followed by another morning. He called that period of time ‘the fifth day’.
A ko te ahiahi, ko te ata, he ra tuarima.
24 Then God said, “I want various kinds of creatures to appear on the earth. There will be many kinds of (livestock/domestic animals), creatures that scurry across the ground, and large wild animals.” And that is what happened.
Na ka mea te Atua, Kia whakaputaina e te whenua te mea ora o ia ahua, o ia ahua, te kararehe me te mea ngokingoki me te kirehe o te whenua o ia ahua, o ia ahua: a ka oti.
25 God made all kinds of wild animals and (livestock/domestic animals) and all kinds of creatures that scurry across the ground. God was pleased with all these creatures.
Na ka hanga e te Atua te kirehe o te whenua o ia ahua, o ia ahua, me te kararehe o ia ahua, o ia ahua, me nga mea ngokingoki katoa o te whenua o ia ahua, o ia ahua: a ka kite te Atua he pai.
26 Then God said, “Now we will make human beings that will be like us in many ways. I want them to rule over the fish in the sea, over the birds, over all the (livestock/domestic animals), and over all the other creatures that scurry across the ground.”
Na ka mea te Atua, Kia hanga tatou i te tangata kia rite ki a tatou, hei to tatou ano te ahua: a kia waiho ko ratou hei rangatira mo nga ika o te moana, mo te manu o te rangi, mo nga kararehe hoki, mo te whenua katoa, mo nga mea ngokingoki katoa ano hoki e ngokingoki ana i runga i te whenua.
27 So God created human beings that were like him in many ways. He made them to be like himself. He created some to be male and some to be female.
Na ka hanga e te Atua te tangata rite tonu ki a ia; i hanga ia e ia kia rite ki te Atua; i hanga raua he tane, he wahine.
28 God blessed them, saying, “Produce many children, who will live all over the earth and rule over it. I want them to rule over the fish and the birds and over all creatures that scurry across the ground.”
Na ka manaakitia raua e te Atua, a ka mea te Atua ki a raua, Kia hua, kia tini, kia kapi hoki te whenua i a korua, kia mate hoki ona tara i a korua: ko korua hei rangatira mo te ika o te moana, mo te manu hoki o te rangi, mo nga mea ora katoa an o hoki e ngokingoki ana i runga i te whenua.
29 God said to the humans, “Listen! I have given you all the plants that produce seeds, all over the earth, and all the trees that have seeds in their fruit. All these things are for you to eat.
A ka mea te Atua, Na, kua oti te hoatu e ahau ki a korua nga otaota katoa e whai purapura ana i runga i te mata o te whenua katoa, me te rakau katoa, he hua rakau tona e whai purapura ana; hei kai ena ma korua:
30 I have given all the green plants to all the wild animals and to the birds and to all the creatures that scurry across the ground, to everything that breathes, for them to eat.” And that is what happened.
A kua hoatu ano e ahau nga otaota matomato katoa hei kai ma nga kararehe katoa o te whenua, ma nga manu katoa o te rangi, ma nga mea katoa hoki e ngokingoki ana i runga i te whenua kei roto nei i a ratou he wairua ora: a ka oti.
31 God was pleased with everything that he had made. Truly, it was all very good. Then there was another evening, that was followed by another morning. He called that period of time ‘the sixth day’.
A ka kite te Atua i nga mea katoa kua hanga nei e ia, na, pai whakaharahara. A ko te ahiahi, ko te ata, ko te ra tuaono.

+ Genesis 1 >