< Galatians 5 >

1 It is in order that we might live without (being obliged [to/having to]) [obey all the Jewish rituals] that Christ freed us [from God condemning us because of our disobeying those rituals]. So, firmly [reject the false teaching that someone must circumcise you, and] do not [live like] slaves again [MET] [by letting others force you to obey those rules and rituals again].
Стојте дакле у слободи којом нас Христос ослободи, и не дајте се опет у јарам ропства ухватити.
2 Consider very carefully what I, Paul, [an apostle], now tell you: If, [to fulfill Jewish ritual laws], you are permitting yourself to be circumcised {someone to circumcise you}, what Christ [has done for you] will not benefit you at all.
Ево ја Павле кажем вам да ако се обрежете Христос вам ништа неће помоћи.
3 Instead, I solemnly declare again to every man who is circumcised {has someone circumcise him} [in order for God to accept him], that you must [perfectly] obey all of the laws [that God gave Moses, in order for God to save you].
А опет сведочим сваком човеку који се обрезује да је дужан сав закон творити.
4 Those of you who are sure that God will erase the record of your sins because you obey the laws [that God gave to Moses], you have separated yourselves from Christ. You have abandoned/rejected [God’s true method of saving you, which was] by kindly erasing the record of your sins, in a way that you did not deserve.
Изгубисте Христа, ви који хоћете законом да се оправдате, и отпадосте од благодати.
5 But we who have a relationship with Christ and who trust in Christ are eagerly waiting to receive what God’s Spirit assures us that we can expect. We can expect to receive it because God has erased the record of our sins.
Јер ми духом чекамо од вере наду правде.
6 As for us who have a relationship with Christ Jesus, God is not concerned whether we are circumcised or not circumcised. Instead, God is concerned about whether we trust [in] Christ, with the result that we love [other people].
Јер у Христу Исусу нити шта помаже обрезање ни необрезање, него вера, која кроз љубав ради.
7 You were progressing well [spiritually] [MET]. You should not have let someone influence you so that [now you] are not believing the true [message about Christ] [RHQ]!
Добро трчасте; ко вам забрани да се не покоравате истини?
8 [God], the one who chose you, is not the one who is persuading you to think like this!
То одвраћање није од Оног који вас позва.
9 [Remember that this false doctrine that someone is teaching you will affect all of you, just like] [MET] a little yeast causes all of the dough to swell up.
Мало квасца укисели све тесто.
10 [Nevertheless], because of my relationship with the Lord, I am certain that you will think only as I do [about forcing people to obey rules and rituals]. Furthermore, [God] will punish anyone who is confusing you [by teaching this false message], even if he is an important person.
Ја се за вас надам у Господу да ништа друго нећете мислити. А који вас смета понеће грех, макар ко био.
11 But, my fellow believers, [although someone claims that I am proclaiming that men must be circumcised, I certainly am not still proclaiming that. Remember that the Jews are still] ([persecuting me/causing me to suffer]). If I were still proclaiming that men must be circumcised [in order for God to accept them], (the Jews would not be persecuting me./why would the Jews be persecuting me?) [RHQ] [They would] [RHQ] not be [persecuting me]/causing me to suffer [because] then [the Jews] would no longer be offended. [They] ([are offended/do not want to accept what I teach]) [because I proclaim that Christ, the Messiah, died on] the cross [MTY].
А ја, браћо, ако још обрезање проповедам, зашто ме гоне? Тако се укиде саблазан крстова.
12 I [would even] wish that those who are disturbing you [by insisting that men be circumcised] would also emasculate [EUP] themselves, [with the result that they would be expelled from your congregations]!
О да би одсечени били они који вас кваре!
13 My fellow believers, [God] chose you in order that [you might live] without having to [obey rules and rituals]. But [do not assume that because] you are free [from having to obey rules and rituals], [God] permits you to [do whatever your] self-directed nature [desires]. Instead, constantly, as you love [each other], serve each other.
Јер сте ви, браћо, на слободу позвани: само да ваша слобода не буде на жељу телесну, него из љубави служите један другом.
14 Keep in mind that we can sum up all of the laws [that God has] given us in one law, which is: “You must love each person you come in contact with, just like [you love] yourself.”
Јер се сав закон извршује у једној речи, то јест: Љуби ближњег свог као себе.
15 Since you are attacking and injuring [MET] each other [by the things that you say] [MET], I warn you that [if you continue doing that], you will totally ruin each other [spiritually].
Али ако се међу собом кољете и једете, гледајте да један другог не истребите.
16 [So] I tell you this: Constantly let [God’s] Spirit direct you. [If you do that], you will certainly not do the things that your self-directed nature wants [you to do].
Велим пак: по духу ходите, и жеља телесних не извршујте.
17 Your self-directed nature (opposes [God’s] Spirit/does not [want you to do what] God’s Spirit [wants you to do]), but also his Spirit opposes your self-directed nature. These two are always (fighting with/opposing) each other. The result is that you do not [constantly] do the [good] deeds that you truly desire [to do].
Јер тело жели против духа, а дух против тела; а ово се противи једно другом, да не чините оно шта хоћете.
18 But when you are led by God’s Spirit {when God’s Spirit directs you}, you [can do what pleases God], now that you are no longer obligated [to obey all] the laws [that God gave Moses].
Ако ли вас дух води, нисте под законом.
19 [You already know] how [people think and] act [PRS] because of their self-directed nature. These are [some of the things that they do: People] are sexually immoral. [People] commit unnatural sexual acts. [People] act indecently.
А позната су дела телесна, која су прељубочинство, курварство, нечистота, бесрамност,
20 [People] worship false gods [and] things [that] represent those gods. [People] perform (rituals in order that evil spirits might act for them/sorcery). [People] are hostile [to others. People] quarrel [with each other. People] are (jealous/resent other people’s status). [People] behave angrily. [People] try (to get others to think highly of them/to exalt themselves) and (do not consider what others want/act selfishly). People do not associate [with others. People] associate only with those who agree [with them].
Идолопоклонство, чарања, непријатељства, свађе, пакости, срдње, пркоси, распре, саблазни, јереси,
21 [People] want what others have. [People] get drunk. [People] (revel/participate in wild parties). And [people do other] things like these. I warn you [now], just like I warned [you previously], that the ones [who constantly] act [and think] like that will not receive [what] God [has for his own people when he begins] to rule over us.
Зависти, убиства, пијанства, ждерања, и остала оваква за која вам напред казујем као што и казах напред, да они који тако чине неће наследити царство Божије.
22 But [God’s] Spirit causes [us to do these things]: We love [others]. We are joyful. We are peaceful. We are patient. We are kind. We are good. We are [ones whom] others can trust.
А род је духовни љубав, радост, мир, трпљење, доброта, милост, вера,
23 We are gentle. We control our behavior. There is no law that says people should not [think and act in such ways].
Кротост, уздржање; на то нема закона.
24 Furthermore, we who belong to Christ Jesus have [stopped obeying] our self-directed nature and [stopped doing] all the evil things that we desire to do [MET]. [It is as though] [MET] we nailed them to the cross!
А који су Христови, распеше тело са сластима и жељама.
25 Since [God’s] Spirit has caused us to [be spiritually] alive, we should [conduct our lives the way the] Spirit [directs us].
Ако у духу живимо по духу и да ходимо,
26 We should not be saying how great we are. We should not be making ourselves more important than others. We should not envy each other.
Да не тражимо лажне славе раздражујући један другог, и завидећи један другом.

< Galatians 5 >